
Artikel in Referierten Journalen

  • D. Dolinina, G. Huyet, D. Turaev, A.G. Vladimirov, Desynchronization of temporal solitons in Kerr cavities with pulsed injection, Optics Letters, 49 (2024), pp. 4050--4053, DOI 10.1364/OL.529083 .
    A numerical and analytical study was conducted to investigate the bifurcation mechanisms that cause desynchronization between the soliton repetition frequency and the frequency of external pulsed injection in a Kerr cavity described by the Lugiato--Lefever equation. The results suggest that desynchronization typically occurs through an Andronov--Hopf bifurcation. Additionally, a sim- ple and intuitive criterion for this bifurcation to occur is proposed.

  • E. Kuhn, Simulation of the mode dynamics in broad-ridge laser diodes, IEEE Photonics Journal, 16 (2024), pp. 0601008/1--0601008/8, DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2024.3374448 .
    In this publication a method to simulate the mode dynamics in broad-ridge laser diode is presented. These devices exhibit rich lateral mode dynamics in addition to longitudinal mode dynamics observed in narrow-ridge laser diodes. The mode dynamics are strongly influenced by higher order effects, which are described by effective interaction terms and can derived from the band structure and the carrier scattering in the quantum well. The spatial dependency of pump current densities plays a crucial role in lateral mode dynamics, and thus, a Drift-Diffusion model is employed to calculate the current densities with an additional capturing term.

  • L. Mertenskötter, M. Kantner, Frequency noise characterization of narrow-linewidth lasers: A Bayesian approach, IEEE Photonics Journal, 16 (2024), pp. 0601407/1--0601407/7, DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2024.3385184 .
    We describe a Bayesian estimation approach to infer on the frequency noise characteristics of narrow-linewidth semiconductor lasers from delayed self-heterodyne beat note measurements. Our technique is grounded in a statistical model of the measurement process that accounts for both the impact of the interferometer and the detector noise. The approach yields accurate results, even in scenarios where the intrinsic linewidth plateau is obscured by detector noise. The analysis is carried out using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo method in the frequency domain and exploits prior knowledge about the statistical distribution of the data. The method is validated using simulated time series data from a stochastic laser rate equation model incorporating 1/f -type non-Markovian noise.

  • J. Yan, M. Majumdar, S. Ruffo, Y. Sato, Ch. Beck, R. Klages, Transition to anomalous dynamics in a simple random map, Chaos. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34 (2024), pp. 023128/1--023128/18, DOI 10.1063/5.0176310 .

  • J. Yan, R. Moessner, H. Zhao, Prethermalization in aperiodically kicked many-body dynamics, Phys. Rev. B., 109 (2024), pp. 064305/1--064305/14, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.064305 .

  • M. Radziunas, E. Kuhn, H. Wenzel, B. King, P. Crump, Optical mode calculation in large-area photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers, IEEE Photonics Journal, 16 (2024), pp. 1--9, DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2024.3380532 .
    We discuss algorithms and numerical challenges in constructing and resolving spectral prob- lems for photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs) with photonic crystal layers and large (up to several tens of mm2) emission areas. We show that finite difference schemes created using coarse numerical meshes provide sufficient accuracy for several major (lowest-threshold) modes of particular device designs. Our technique is applied to the example of large-area all- semiconductor PCSELs, showing how it can be used to optimize device performance.

  • M. Radziunas, E. Kuhn, H. Wenzel, Solving a spectral problem for large-area photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. Matematinis Modeliavimis ir Analize. The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations, 29 (2024), pp. 575--599, DOI 10.3846/mma.2024.20496 .
    We present algorithms for constructing and resolving spectral problems for novel photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers with large emission areas, given by first-order PDEs with two spatial dimensions. These algorithms include methods to overcome computer-arithmetic-related challenges when dealing with huge and small numbers. We show that the finite difference schemes, constructed using relatively coarse numerical meshes enable accurate estimation of several major, optical modes, which are essential in practical applications.

  • M. Radziunas, V. Raab, Modeling and simulation of the cascaded polarization-coupled system of broad-area semiconductor lasers, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, (2024), pp. 1--8, DOI 10.1109/JSTQE.2024.3442429 .
    We consider a brightness- and power-scalable rectified polarization beam combining scheme for high-power, broad-area edge-emitting semiconductor laser diodes. The coupling of 2m emitters is achieved through Lyot-filtered optical reinjection from a specially designed multi-stage external cavity, which forces individual diodes to lase on interleaved frequency combs with overlapping envelopes. Simulations of up to sixteen coupled emitters and analysis of the calculated beams suggest that, under ideal conditions, a beam coupling efficiency of approximately 90% can be expected. Reducing optical losses within the external cavity is crucial for improving this efficiency in experimental systems.

  • A.G. Vladimirov, D. Dolinina, Neutral delay differential equation model of an optically injected Kerr cavity, Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 109 (2024), pp. 024206/1--024206/10, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.109.024206 .
    A neutral delay differential equation (NDDE) model of a Kerr cavity with external coherent injection is developed that can be considered as a generalization of the Ikeda map with second- and higher-order dispersion being taken into account. It is shown that this model has solutions in the form of dissipative solitons both in the low dissipation limit, where the model can be reduced to the Lugiato-Lefever equation (LLE), and beyond this limit, where the soliton is eventually destroyed by the Cherenkov radiation. Unlike the standard LLE, the NDDE model is able to describe the overlap of multiple resonances associated with different cavity modes.

  • E. Kuhn, A. Tränhardt, Influence of scattering effects on the interaction between longitudinal modes in laser diodes, Phys. Rev. B., 108 (2023), pp. 115304/1--115304/15, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.115304 .
    A predictive model of scattering processes in semiconductor lasers is derived, enabling us to model relaxation processes starting from well-known parameters such as the dielectric constant. The resulting effective mode interaction terms are explicitly calculated for an (InGa)N quantum well using Coulomb scattering. In contrast to the method used so far to model mode competi- tion phenomena in Fabry--Pérot type laser diodes, the model correctly includes e.g. accelerated scattering at higher densities or temperatures and eliminates the scattering rate as an unknown parameter. The effective mode interaction term derived in this work can be used for the simulation of the mode dynamics in various laser diode types, for example broad area laser diodes, where multiple transversal and longitudinal modes are active. Thus, our model offers an increased pre- dictability and improved modelling of switch-on behavior.

  • A. Roche, S. Slepneva, A. Kovalev, A. Pimenov, A.G. Vladimirov, M. Giudici, M. Marconi, G. Huyet, Decoherence and turbulence sources in a long laser, Physical Review Letters, 131 (2023), pp. 053801/1--053801/7, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.053801 .
    We investigate the turn-on process in a laser cavity where the roundtrip time is several orders of magnitude greater than the active medium timescales. In this long delay limit the electromagnetic field build-up can be mapped experimentally roundtrip after roundtrip. We show how coherence settles down starting from a stochastic initial condition. In the early stages of the turn-on, we show that power drop-outs emerge, persist for several round-trips and seed dark solitons. These latter structures exhibit a chaotic dynamics and emit radiation that can lead to an overall turbulent dynamics depending on the cavity dispersion.

  • O. Burylko, M. Wolfrum, S. Yanchuk, J. Kurths, Time-reversible dynamics in a system of two coupled active rotators, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 479 (2023), pp. 20230401/1--20230401/23, DOI 10.1098/rspa.2023.0401 .
    We study two coupled active rotators with Kuramoto-type coupling and focus our attention to specific transitional regimes where the coupling is neither attractive nor repulsive. We show that certain such situations at the edge of synchronization can be characterized by the existence of a time-reversal symmetry of the system. We identify two different cases with such a time-reversal symmetry. The first case is characterized by a non-reciprocal attractive/repulsive coupling. The second case is a reciprocal coupling exactly at the edge between attraction and repulsion. We give a detailed description of possible different types of dynamics and bifurcations for both cases. In particular, we show how the time-reversible coupling can induce both oscillation death and oscillation birth to the active rotators. Moreover, we analyse the coexistence of conservative and dissipative regions in phase space, which is a typical feature of systems with a time-reversal symmetry. We show also, how perturbations breaking the time-reversal symmetry and destroying the conservative regions can lead to complicated types of dissipative dynamics such as the emergence of long-period cycles showing a bursting-like behavior.

  • A. Grin, K.R. Schneider, Location of the limit cycle for a class of Lienard systems by means of Dulac--Cherkas functions, Georgian Academy of Sciences. A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 90 (2023), pp. 15--25.

  • A. Grin, K.R. Schneider, Global algebraic Poincaré--Bendixson annulus for van der Pol systems, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, (2023), pp. 35/1--35/12, DOI 10.14232/ejqtde.2023.1.35 .
    By means of planar polynomial systems topologically equivalent to the van der Pol system we demonstrate an approach to construct algebraic transversal ovals forming a parameter depending Poincaré-Bendixson annulus which contains a unique limit cycle for the full parameter domain. The inner boundary consists of the zero-level set of a special Dulac-Cherkas function which implies the uniqueness of the limit cycle. For the construction of the outer boundary we present a corresponding procedure

  • N.N. Nefedov, A.O. Orlov, L. Recke, K.R. Schneider, Nonsmooth regular perturbations of singularly perturbed problems, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 375 (2023), pp. 206--236, DOI 10.1016/j.jde.2023.08.006 .

  • T. Witke, E. Kuhn, F. Teichert, Ch. Gossler, U.Th. Schwarz, A. Thränhardt, Angle-dependent light scattering in tissue phantoms for the case of thin bone layers with predominant forward scattering, Journal of Biophotonics, published online on 29.11.2023, DOI 10.1002/jbio.202300358 .

  • F. Severing, U. Bandelow, S. Amiranashvili, Spurious four-wave mixing processes in generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 41 (2023), pp. 5359--5365, DOI 10.1109/JLT.2023.3261804 .
    Numerical solutions of a nonlinear Schödinger equation, e.g., for pulses in optical fibers, may suffer from the spurious four-wave mixing processes. We study how these nonphysical resonances appear in solutions of a much more stiff generalized nonlinear Schödinger equation with an arbitrary dispersion operator and determine the necessary restrictions on temporal and spatial resolution of a numerical scheme. The restrictions are especially important to meet when an envelope equation is applied in a wide spectral window, e.g., to describe supercontinuum generation, in which case the appearance of the numerical instabilities can occur unnoticed.

  • M. Stöhr, E.R. Koch, J. Javaloyes, S.V. Gurevich, M. Wolfrum, Square waves and Bykov T-points in a delay algebraic model for the Kerr--Gires--Tournois interferometer, Chaos. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33 (2023), pp. 113105/1--113105/11, DOI 10.1063/5.0173320 .
    We study theoretically the mechanisms of square wave formation of a vertically emitting micro-cavity operated in the Gires-Tournois regime that contains a Kerr medium and that is subjected to strong time-delayed optical feedback and detuned optical injection. We show that in the limit of large delay, square wave solutions of the time-delayed system can be treated as relative homoclinic solutions of an equation with an advanced argument. Based on this, we use concepts of classical homoclinic bifurcation theory to study different types of square wave solutions. In particular, we unveil the mechanisms behind the collapsed snaking scenario of square waves and explain the formation of complex-shaped multistable square wave solutions through a Bykov T-point. Finally we relate the position of the T-point to the position of the Maxwell point in the original time-delayed system

  • M. Stöhr, M. Wolfrum, Temporal dissipative solitons in the Morris--Lecar model with time-delayed feedback, Chaos. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33 (2023), pp. 023117/1--023117/9, DOI 10.1063/5.0134815 .
    We study the dynamics and bifurcations of temporal dissipative solitons in an excitable system under time-delayed feedback. As a prototypical model displaying different types of excitability we use the Morris--Lecar model. In the limit of large delay soliton like solutions of delay-differential equations can be treated as homoclinic solutions of an equation with an advanced argument. Based on this, we use concepts of classical homoclinic bifurcation theory to study different types of pulse solutions and to explain their dependence on the system parameters. In particular, we show, how a homoclinic orbit flip of a single pulse soliton leads to the destabilization of equidistant multi-pulse solutions and to the emergence of stable pulse packages. It turns out that this transition is induced by a heteroclinic orbit flip in the system without feedback, which is related to the excitability properties of the Morris--Lecar model

  • M. Kantner, L. Mertenskötter, Accurate evaluation of self-heterodyne laser linewidth measurements using Wiener filters, Optics Express, 31 (2023), pp. 15994--16009, DOI 10.1364/OE.485866 .
    Self-heterodyne beat note measurements are widely used for the experimental characterization of the frequency noise power spectral density (FN-PSD) and the spectral linewidth of lasers. The measured data, however, must be corrected for the transfer function of the experimental setup in a post-processing routine. The standard approach disregards the detector noise and thereby induces reconstruction artifacts, i.e., spurious spikes, in the reconstructed FN-PSD. We introduce an improved post-processing routine based on a parametric Wiener filter that is free from reconstruction artifacts, provided a good estimate of the signal-to-noise ratio is supplied. Building on this potentially exact reconstruction, we develop a new method for intrinsic laser linewidth estimation that is aimed at deliberate suppression of unphysical reconstruction artifacts. Our method yields excellent results even in the presence of strong detector noise, where the intrinsic linewidth plateau is not even visible using the standard method. The approach is demonstrated for simulated time series from a stochastic laser model including 1 / f-type noise.

  • A.G. Vladimirov, Temporal cavity soliton interaction in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers, Optics, 4 (2023), pp. 433--446, DOI 10.3390/opt4030031 .
    Weak interaction due to gain saturation and recovery of temporal cavity solitons in a delay differential model of a long cavity semiconductor laser is studied numerically and analytically using an asymptotic approach. It is shown that apart from usual soliton repulsion leading to a harmonic mode-locking regime a soliton attraction is also possible in a laser with nonzero linewidth enhancement factor. It is shown numerically that the attraction can lead either to a soliton merging or to a pulse bound state formation.

Beiträge zu Sammelwerken

  • L. Mertenskötter, M. Kantner, Bayesian estimation of laser linewidth from delayed self-heterodyne measurements, Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis (CSNDD 2023), Marrakesh, Morocco, May 15 - 17, 2024, M. Belhaq, ed., 301 of Springer Proceedings in Physics, Springer, Singapur, 2024, pp. 269--279, DOI 10.1007/978-981-99-7958-5_21 .
    We present a statistical inference approach to estimate the frequency noise characteristics of ultra-narrow linewidth lasers from delayed self-heterodyne beat note measurements using Bayesian inference. Particular emphasis is on estimation of the intrinsic (Lorentzian) laser linewidth. The approach is based on a statistical model of the measurement process, taking into account the effects of the interferometer as well as the detector noise. Our method therefore yields accurate results even when the intrinsic linewidth plateau is obscured by detector noise. The regression is performed on periodogram data in the frequency domain using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo method. By using explicit knowledge about the statistical distribution of the observed data, the method yields good results already from a single time series and does not rely on averaging over many realizations, since the information in the available data is evaluated very thoroughly. The approach is demonstrated for simulated time series data from a stochastic laser rate equation model with 1 / f-type non-Markovian noise.

  • L. Ermoneit, B. Schmidt, J. Fuhrmann, Th. Koprucki, L.R. Schreiber, M. Kantner, Simulation of single-electron shuttling for spin-qubit transport in a SiGe quantum bus, in: Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology 2023 (IWCN 2023), X. Orios Plaedvall, G. Abadal Berini, X. Cartoixà Soler, A. Cummings, C.F. Destefani, D. Jiménez Jiménez, J. Mart'in Mart'inez, R. Rodr'iguez Mart'inez, A. Benali, eds., pp. 88-89.

  • M. Kantner, L. Mertenskötter, Estimation of frequency noise characteristics and data-driven modeling of narrow-linewidth semiconductor lasers, in: 23nd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2023), P. Bardella, A. Tibaldi, eds., IEEE, 2023, pp. 55--56, DOI 10.1109/NUSOD59562.2023.10273522 .
    The design of narrow-linewidth lasers requires stochastic laser models providing a realistic description of the noise in the device. We present a statistical inference approach to extract the frequency noise characteristics and model parameters of narrow-linewidth lasers from delayed self-heterodyne beat note experiments. By exploiting prior knowledge about the statistical distribution of the measurement data, accurate estimates of the parameters of the free running laser can be achieved even in the presence of considerable detector noise. The approach is demonstrated for simulated time series data using a stochastic laser rate equation model including 1/ftype noise.

  • M. Kantner, L. Mertenskötter, Wiener-filter enhanced estimation of the intrinsic laser linewidth from delayed self-heterodyne beat note measurements, in: 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), IEEE, 2023, pp. 88--89, DOI 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC57999.2023.10232191 .
    Narrow-linewidth lasers exhibiting low phase noise are core elements of coherent optical communication systems, gravitational wave interferometers and emerging quantum technologies (e.g., optical atomic clocks, matter-wave interferometers, ion-trap quantum-computers etc.). For many of these applications, the performance depends critically on the laser's intrinsic (Lorentzian) linewidth [1], which is typically obscured by additional 1/f-like technical noise. Because of this so-called flicker noise, the laser linewidth alone is not a well-defined quantity and needs to be specified for a given measurement time. For a detailed characterization of the frequency noise exhibited by the laser, the measurement of the frequency noise power spectral density (FN-PSD) is required.

  • M. Radziunas, E. Kuhn, H. Wenzel, B. King, P. Crump, Calculation of optical modes in large emission area photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers, in: 23nd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2023), P. Bardella, A. Tibaldi, eds., IEEE, 2023, pp. 89--90, DOI 10.1109/NUSOD59562.2023.10273475 .
    We discuss numerical challenges in constructing and resolving spectral problems for photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers with large (up to several mm 2 ) emission area. We show that finite difference schemes with moderate and large domain discretization steps provide sufficient accuracy of several major (lowest-threshold) modes of particular device designs.

Preprints, Reports, Technical Reports

  • M. Radziunas, D.M. Kane, Traveling wave mode analysis of coherence collapse regime semiconductor laser with optical feedback, Preprint no. 3117, WIAS, Berlin, 2024, DOI 10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.3117 .
    Abstract, PDF (11 MByte)
    A highly developed traveling wave model for a semiconductor laser system supports sophisticated mode analysis of the coherence collapse regime in semiconductor lasers with delayed optical feedback. The concept of instantaneous optical modes is used. Time-frequency representations of chaotic trajectories are constructed and interpreted from synthesizing the calculated optical modes with their corresponding steady states, analysis of the mode driving and coupling sources, and field expansion into modal components. The results support detailed physical interpretation of the optical and radiofrequency spectra in the coherence collapse regime.

  • K. Panajotov, A.G. Vladimirov, M. Tlidi, Polarized frequency combs in a mode-locked VECSEL, Preprint no. 3109, WIAS, Berlin, 2024, DOI 10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.3109 .
    Abstract, PDF (2487 kByte)
    In this paper, we present a detailed and rigorous derivation of the delay differential equations of the spin-flip model for vertical external cavity lasers with a semiconductor saturable absorption mirror. This model describe mode-locked semiconductor lasers in the ring-resonator geometry with unidirectional lasing. This contribution completes a previous communication [Vladimirov et al. Opt. Lett., 45, 252 (2020)], and we further complete the analytical derivation by taking into account phase and amplitude anisotropies and the resulting different delay times for orthogonal linear polarizations. We show evidence of the coexistence of two linearly polarized frequency combs generation with slightly different repetition rates due to the birefringence-induced time-of-flight difference.

  • L. Ermoneit, B. Schmidt, Th. Koprucki, J. Fuhrmann, T. Breiten, A. Sala, N. Ciroth, R. Xue, L.R. Schreiber, M. Kantner, Optimal control of conveyor-mode spin-qubit shuttling in a Si/SiGe quantum bus in the presence of charged defects, Preprint no. 3082, WIAS, Berlin, 2023, DOI 10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.3082 .
    PDF (9473 kByte)

  • S. Amiranashvili, R. Čiegis, Stability of the higher-order splitting methods for the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Preprint no. 3070, WIAS, Berlin, 2023, DOI 10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.3070 .
    Abstract, PDF (372 kByte)
    The numerical solution of the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation by explicit splitting methods can be disturbed by so-called spurious instabilities. They are manifested by the appearance of extraneous spectral peaks which change their position in the frequency domain and disappear with decreasing integration step. The spurious instabilities can coexist with the true physical ones, like modulation instability, in which case they are particularly difficult to detect. We consider an arbitrary multiplicative splitting method and discuss conditions necessary for the absence of spurious instabilities.

Vorträge, Poster

  • L. Ermoneit, M. Kantner, Th. Koprucki, J. Fuhrmann, B. Schmidt, Optimal control of a Si/SiGe quantum bus for scalable quantum computing architectures, QUANTUM OPTIMAL CONTROL From Mathematical Foundations to Quantum Technologies, Berlin, May 21, 2024.

  • L. Ermoneit, Optimal control of a SiGe-Quantum bus for coherent electron shuttling in the presence of material defects, APS March Meeting, March 3 - 8, 2024, Minneapolis, USA, March 7, 2024.

  • L. Ermoneit, Simulation and optimal control of single-electron shuttling in a SiGe quantum bus, Applied Mathematics and Simulation for Semiconductor Devices (AMaSiS 2024), September 10 - 13, 2024.

  • L. Mertenskötter, M. Kantner, Narrow--linewidth lasers, CLEO Conference, North Carolina, USA, May 5 - 10, 2024.

  • M. O'Donovan, Multi-scale simulation of electronic and transport properties in (Al,Ga)N quantum well systems for UV-C emission, Applied Mathematics and Simulation for Semiconductor Devices (AMaSiS 2024), September 10 - 13, 2024, WIAS Berlin, September 11, 2024.

  • A. Thayil, Optimization of valley splitting in Si/SiGe spin qubits, Applied Mathematics and Simulation for Semiconductor Devices (AMaSiS 2024), September 10 - 13, 2024, WIAS Berlin, September 12, 2024.

  • D. Dolinina, Desynchronization of temporal solitons in Kerr cavities with pulsed injection, XLIV Dynamics Days Europe, Bremen, July 29 - August 2, 2024.

  • D. Dolinina, Desynchronization of temporal solitons in Kerr cavities with pulsed injection, XLIV Dynamics Days Europe, Bremen, July 29 - August 2, 2024.

  • A. Glitzky, Electrothermal models for organic semiconductor devices, Applied Mathematics and Simulation for Semiconductor Devices (AMaSiS 2024), Berlin, September 10 - 13, 2024.

  • S. Amiranashvili, Role of modulation instability in numerical analysis, 6th International Conference on Application of Optics and Photonics, July 16 - 19, 2024, University of Aveiro, Portugal.

  • U. Bandelow, Applied mathematical research in nonlinear photonics at WIAS Berlin, Workshops on ``Nonlinear Photonics and Metasurfaces'', February 8, 2024, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, February 8, 2024.

  • U. Bandelow, Applied mathematical research in photonics at WIAS Berlin, Workshops on ``Optics'', February 5, 2024, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, February 5, 2024.

  • U. Bandelow, Hierarchies of integrable NLS-type equations and selected solutions, Workshop 2411b ``Nonlinear Optics: Physics, Analysis, and Numerics'', March 10 - 15, 2024, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, March 11, 2024.

  • U. Bandelow, Modeling and simulation of semiconductor devices at WIAS: From lasers to quantum technologies, Workshops on ``Quantum Technology'', February 6, 2024, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, February 6, 2024.

  • U. Bandelow, Modeling of pulse propagation in nonlinear dispersive media at WIAS Berlin, Workshops on ``Integrability for Higher-Order Optical Pulse Propagation'' associated with the meeting of the Australian and New Zeeland Association of Mathematical Physics (ANZAMP), February 6 - 9, 2024, Katoomba, Australia, February 9, 2024.

  • M. Radziunas, Mode analysis in dynamical semiconductor laser models, 25th congress of the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP), Conference``Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD) 2024'', December 2 - 6, 2024, Melbourne, Australia.

  • M. Radziunas, Modeling, simulation, and analysis of all-semiconductor photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers, International Symposium on Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology (ISSON), December 8 - 11, 2024, Canberra, Australia.

  • A. Thayil, Towards optimization of valley splitting in Si/SiGe quantum wells, Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop 2024, Davos, Switzerland, September 4 - 6, 2024.

  • M. Wolfrum, Localized structures in delay-differential equations with large delay, XLIV Dynamics Days Europe, Minisymposium ``Current topics in delay equations", July 29 - August 2, 2024, Constructor University, Bremen.

  • M. Wolfrum, Synchronization patterns induced by short range attraction and long range repulsion, XLIV Dynamics Days Europe, Minisymposium ``Patterns of synchrony in complex networks", July 29 - August 2, 2024, Constructor University, Bremen.

  • L. Ermoneit, B. Schmidt, J. Fuhrmann, Th. Koprucki, M. Kantner, Coherent spin-qubit shuttling in a SiGe quantum bus: Device-scale modeling, simulation and optimal control, Leibniz MMS Days 2023, Potsdam, April 17 - 19, 2023.

  • L. Ermoneit, M. Kantner, Th. Koprucki, B. Schmidt, Coherent spin-qubit shuttling for scalable quantum processors: Modeling, simulation and optimal control, MATH+ Day, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, October 20, 2023.

  • L. Ermoneit, Simulation of single-electron shuttling for spin-qubit transport in a SiGe quantum bus, International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology, June 12 - 16, 2023, Barcelona, Spain, June 12, 2023.

  • E. Kuhn, Simulation of the mode dynamics in broad ridge laser diodes, 23nd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2023), September 18 - 22, 2023, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, September 19, 2023.

  • L. Mertenskötter, Kalman filtering of stochastic laser dynamics: Parameter and state space estimation from time-delayed measurements, International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis, May 15 - 17, 2023, Marrakech, Morocco, May 17, 2023.

  • M. Stöhr, Bifurcations and instabilities of temporal dissipative solitons in DDE-systems with large delay (online talk), Workshop Complex Dynamical Systems -- 2023 (Hybrid Event), October 2 - 4, 2023, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, October 4, 2023.

  • M. Stöhr, Square waves and Bykov T-points in DDEs with large delay, 12th Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, June 19 - 23, 2023, Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Hungary, June 22, 2023.

  • S. Amiranashvili, Numerical aspects of modulation instability, 26th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, May 30 - June 2, 2023, University of Latvia, Jurmala, Latvia, June 1, 2023.

  • S. Amiranashvili, Numerical aspects of modulation instability, Extreme Waves 2023, August 28 - September 1, 2023, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, August 28, 2023.

  • U. Bandelow, Laserdynamik -- mathematische Modellierung, MBI-Technikerschulung 2023, October 16, 2023, Max-Born-Institut, Wandlitz.

  • U. Bandelow, Modeling and simulation of semiconductor devices: From high-power lasers to quantum technologies, Winter School on III-Sb Applications: Non-Volatile Memories -- A Modelling Perspective, February 27 - March 3, 2023, Technische Universität Berlin, February 27, 2023.

  • U. Bandelow, Ultrashort solitons in the regime of event horizons in nonlinear optical media, Extreme Waves 2023, August 28 - September 1, 2023, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, August 29, 2023.

  • U. Bandelow, Unusual scenarios in the context of the modulation instability, Dissipative Solitons, Turbulence and Extreme Events in Nonlinear Photonics, September 6 - 8, 2023, International Solvay Institutes, Brussels, Belgium, September 7, 2023.

  • U. Bandelow, Unusual wave-mixing processes in the context of the modulation instability, XIX International Workshop on Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures -- INES 2023, December 4 - 8, 2023, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile, December 7, 2023.

  • M. Kantner, L. Ermoneit, B. Schmidt, J. Fuhrmann, A. Sala, L.R. Schreiber, Th. Koprucki, Optimal control of a SiGe-quantum bus for coherent electron shuttling in scalable quantum computing architectures, Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop 2023, Kyoto, Japan, October 31 - November 2, 2023.

  • M. Kantner, Modeling of semiconductor devices for quantum technologies: From single-photon sources to spin-qubit shuttles, CASA Colloquium (Centre for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications), Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, April 5, 2023.

  • M. Kantner, Wiener filter enhanced estimation of the intrinsic laser linewidth from delayed self-heterodyne beat note measurements, 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe-European Quantum Electronics Virtual Conferences, Munich, June 26 - 30, 2023.

  • M. Radziunas, Calculation of optical modes in large emission area photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers, 23nd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2023), September 18 - 22, 2023, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, September 19, 2023.

  • M. Radziunas, Modeling of photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers, 26th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, May 30 - June 2, 2023, University of Latvia, Jurmala, Latvia, May 30, 2023.

  • M. Radziunas, Modeling, simulation, and analysis of dynamics in semiconductor lasers: A brief overview of the WIAS-FBH collaboration, Leibniz MMS Days 2023, April 17 - 19, 2023, Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie (ATB), Potsdam, April 18, 2023.

  • A.G. Vladimirov, Neutral delay differential equation Kerr cavity model, Dissipative Solitons, Turbulence and Extreme Events in Nonlinear Photonics, September 6 - 8, 2023, International Solvay Institutes, Brussels, Belgium, September 8, 2023.

  • M. Wolfrum, Bumps, chimera states, and Turing patterns in systems of coupled active rotators, Mini-Workshop: Developing a Mathematical Theory for Co-evolutionary Dynamical Networks, Centre for Mathematical Science at Lund University, Lund, Sweden, May 30, 2023.

  • M. Wolfrum, Bumps, chimera states, and Turing patterns in systems of coupled active rotators (online talk), Workshop Complex Dynamical Systems -- 2023 (Hybrid Event), October 2 - 4, 2023, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, October 4, 2023.

  • M. Wolfrum, Dynamics of localized structures in DDEs with large delay, 12th Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, June 19 - 23, 2023, Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Hungary, June 21, 2023.

  • M. Wolfrum, Phase sensitive excitability of a limit cycle, Conference on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Modeling: Advances, Appilcations, Perspective, Potsdam, March 15 - 17, 2023.

Preprints im Fremdverlag

  • H. Wenzel, E. Kuhn, P. Crump, M. Radziunas, Theory of the linewidth-power product of photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers, Preprint no. 11246, Cornell University, 2024, DOI 10.48550/arXiv.2402.11246 .
    A general theory for the intrinsic (Lorentzian) linewidth of photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs) is presented. The effect of spontaneous emission is modeled by a classical Langevin force entering the equation for the slowly varying waves. The solution of the coupled-wave equations, describing the propagation of four basic waves within the plane of the photonic crystal, is expanded in terms of the solutions of the associated spectral problem, i.e. the laser modes. Expressions are given for photon number, rate of spontaneous emission into the laser mode, Petermann factor and effective Henry factor entering the general formula for the linewidth. The theoretical framework is applied to the calculation of the linewidth-power product of air-hole and all-semiconductor PCSELs. For output powers in the Watt range, intrinsic linewidths of a few tens of Hertz are predicted if stable single mode operation is ensured.

  • D.M. Kane, M. Radziunas, Chaos spectrum -- Semiconductor laser with delayed optical feedback, Preprint no. arXiv.2312.14353, Cornell University, 2023, DOI 10.48550/arXiv.2312.14353 .
    Maximizing the rf bandwidth associated with the chaotic output from tailored operation of nonlinear semiconductor laser systems is an ongoing research effort. The early pioneering research was done in semiconductor laser with delayed optical feedback systems, which continue to be researched. We report numerical simulations of this system, using a travelling wave model. The results provide new insights into the impact of key device parameters affecting the chaos bandwidth and spectrum. Linewidth enhancement factor and the nonlinear gain saturation parameter are found to be the most important parameters when seeking to optimize the chaotic output. We reassess a standard definition being used to report chaos bandwidth. We propose that more spectral information should be reported if numerical and experimental research results are to be of most value into the future. A database from previous experimental study is also analyzed to connect with the predictions of the numerical simulations. This elucidates the links between the chaos bandwidth achieved in real systems and the semiconductor laser parameters. The results inform recommendations for semiconductor laser parameters that will better support broadband chaos generation in whatever semiconductor-gain-medium-based nonlinear system approach is being used. They elucidate the physics of both the envelope and the fine structure of the rf spectrum of coherence collapse.

  • M. Kantner, L. Mertenskötter, Accurate evaluation of self-heterodyne laser linewidth measurements using Wiener filters, Preprint no. arXiv:2301.10645, Cornell University, 2023, DOI 10.48550/arXiv.2301.10645 .
    Self-heterodyne beat note measurements are widely used for the experimental characterization of the frequency noise power spectral density (FN-PSD) and the spectral linewidth of lasers. The measured data, however, must be corrected for the transfer function of the experimental setup in a post-processing routine. The standard approach disregards the detector noise and thereby induces reconstruction artifacts, i.e., spurious spikes, in the reconstructed FN-PSD. We introduce an improved post-processing routine based on a parametric Wiener filter that is free from reconstruction artifacts, provided a good estimate of the signal-to-noise ratio is supplied. Building on this potentially exact reconstruction, we develop a new method for intrinsic laser linewidth estimation that is aimed at deliberate suppression of unphysical reconstruction artifacts. Our method yields excellent results even in the presence of strong detector noise, where the intrinsic linewidth plateau is not even visible using the standard method. The approach is demonstrated for simulated time series from a stochastic laser model including 1 / f-type noise.