Berliner Oberseminar
Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen
Priv.-Doz. Dr. A. Glitzky (WIAS)
Priv.-Doz. Dr. M. Liero (WIAS)
Prof. Dr. A. Mielke (WIAS, HUB)
Prof. Dr. M. Thomas (WIAS, FUB)
Prof. Dr. B. Zwicknagl (HUB)
Time and location
Wednesday, 3:15 pm, WIAS, Lecture rooms 405/406
Timetable winter term 2024/25
18.9.2024 | Dr. Dimitri Loutchko (University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Japan) | Information geometrical entropy production decompositions in chemical reaction networks (abstract) |
16.10.2024 | Dr. Janusz Ginster (WIAS) | Formation of microstructure for singularly perturbed problems related to helimagnets and shape-memory alloys (abstract) |
30.10.2024 | Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček (Charles University Prague and Inst. of Thermomechanics, Czech Acad. Sci.) | Time discretization in visco-elastodynamics at large displacements and strains in the Eulerian frame (abstract) |
13.11.2024 | Lukas Abel (HUB) | A scaling law for a model of epitaxial growth with dislocations (abstract) |
27.11.2024 | kein Seminar | Workshop FG 5 |
4.12.2024 | Dr. Georg Heinze (WIAS) | Discrete-to-continuum limit for reaction-diffusion systems via variational convergence of gradient systems (abstract) |
11.12.2024 | Dr. Sebastian Bechtel (Université Paris-Saclay, France) | What we know about square roots of elliptic systems -- and a bit more! (abstract) |
8.1.2025 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Estimates for operator functions (abstract) |
15.1.2025 | Dr. Patrik Knopf (Universität Regensburg) | The Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions and its application to two-phase flows (abstract) |
22.1.2025, 2:00 pm | Prof. Dr. Jan-Frederik Pietschmann (Universität Augsburg) | Gradient flows on metric graphs with reservoirs (abstract) |
22.1.2025, 3:30 pm | Prof. Dr. Anja Schlömerkemper (Universität Würzburg) | A variational model for the evolution of magnetoelastic materials (abstract) |
29.1.2025 | kein Seminar | Workshop SPP 2265 |
5.2.2025 | Ass. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schwarzacher (Uppsala University, Sweden & Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Time-periodic solutions for fluid-solid interactions (abstract) |
12.2.2025 HVP 5-7, R. 411 | Prof. Dr. André Schlichting (Universität Ulm) | Breakdown of the mean-field description of interacting systems: Phase transitions, metastability and coarsening (abstract) |
20.2.2025, 10:15 am seminar of RG 4 | Prof. Dr. Giulio Schimperna (University of Pavia, Italy) | Some results on a modified Cahn-Hilliard model with chemotaxis (abstract) |
ContactA. Glitzky (WIAS) e-mail:
Last changes: 23.1.2025, A. Glitzky