zum Berliner OberseminarNichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen
2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
2025 top
20.2.2025, 10:15 am seminar of RG 4 | Prof. Dr. Giulio Schimperna (University of Pavia, Italy) | Some results on a modified Cahn-Hilliard model with chemotaxis (abstract) |
12.2.2025 HVP 5-7, R. 411 | Prof. Dr. André Schlichting (Universität Ulm) | Breakdown of the mean-field description of interacting systems: Phase transitions, metastability and coarsening (abstract) |
5.2.2025 | Ass. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schwarzacher (Uppsala University, Sweden & Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Time-periodic solutions for fluid-solid interactions (abstract) |
22.1.2025, 3:30 pm | Prof. Dr. Anja Schlömerkemper (Universität Würzburg) | A variational model for the evolution of magnetoelastic materials (abstract) |
22.1.2025, 2:00 pm | Prof. Dr. Jan-Frederik Pietschmann (Universität Augsburg) | Gradient flows on metric graphs with reservoirs (abstract) |
15.1.2025 | Dr. Patrik Knopf (Universität Regensburg) | The Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions and its application to two-phase flows (abstract) |
8.1.2025 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Estimates for operator functions (abstract) |
2024 top
11.12.2024 | Dr. Sebastian Bechtel (Université Paris-Saclay, France) | What we know about square roots of elliptic systems -- and a bit more! (abstract) |
4.12.2024 | Dr. Georg Heinze (WIAS) | Discrete-to-continuum limit for reaction-diffusion systems via variational convergence of gradient systems (abstract) |
13.11.2024 | Lukas Abel (HUB) | A scaling law for a model of epitaxial growth with dislocations (abstract) |
30.10.2024 | Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček (Charles University Prague and Inst. of Thermomechanics, Czech Acad. Sci.) | Time discretization in visco-elastodynamics at large displacements and strains in the Eulerian frame (abstract) |
16.10.2024 | Dr. Janusz Ginster (WIAS) | Formation of microstructure for singularly perturbed problems related to helimagnets and shape-memory alloys (abstract) |
18.9.2024 | Dr. Dimitri Loutchko (University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Japan) | Information geometrical entropy production decompositions in chemical reaction networks (abstract) |
24.7.2024 | Prof. Dr. Emil Wiedemann (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Measure-valued solutions in fluid dynamics (abstract) |
17.7.2024 | Prof. Dr. Daniel Matthes (TU München) | Covariance modulated optimal transport: geometry and gradient flows (abstract) |
10.7.2024 | Prof. Dr. Caroline Lasser (Fakultät für Mathematik, TU München) | Variational Gaussian approximation for quantum dynamics (abstract) |
3.7.2024 | Dr. Andreas Vikelis (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria) | Measure-valued solutions for non-associative finite plasticity (abstract) |
22.5.2024 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sprekels (WIAS) | Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions in the sparse optimal control of singular Allen--Cahn systems with dynamic boundary conditions |
15.5.2024 | Dr. Erica Ipocoana (FU Berlin) | Non-isothermal phase-field models for tumor growth (abstract) |
8.5.2024 | Prof. Dr. Markus Schmidtchen (Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, TU Dresden) | Gradient flow solutions for porous medium equations with nonlocal Lévy-type pressure (abstract) |
24.4.2024 | Prof. Dr. Ruming Zhang (TU Berlin) | Direct and inverse problems in periodic waveguides (abstract) |
17.4.2024 | Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Colli (Università Pavia, Italy) | Curvature effects in pattern formation: analysis and control of a sixth-order Cahn--Hilliard equation (abstract) |
10.4.2024 | Tim Böhnlein (TU Darmstadt) | Bounded functional calculus and dynamical boundary conditions (abstract) |
4.3.2024, Monday, 10 a.m. | Prof. Dr. Tom ter Elst (Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand) | The Dirichlet problem for elliptic equations without the maximum principle (abstract) |
14.2.2024 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kateryna Buryachenko (HUB, Donetsk University, Ukraine) | Regularity problems for anisotropic models (abstract) |
7.2.2024 | Dr. Antonio Tribuzio (Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn) | Scaling laws for multi-well nucleation problems (abstract) |
24.1.2024 | Anastasija Pešić (HUB) | Variational models for pattern formation in biomembranes (abstract) |
17.1.2024 | Dr. Michael O'Donovan (WIAS) | Localization landscape theory: An overview and outlook (abstract) |
10.1.2024 | PD Dr. Isabelle Schneider (FUB) | Symmetry groupoids of dynamical systems (abstract) |
2023 top
20.12.2023 | Georg Heinze (WIAS) | Graph-based nonlocal gradient flows and their local limits (abstract) |
15.11.2023 | PD Dr. Lutz Recke (HUB) | A common approach to singular perturbation and homogenization (abstract) |
8.11.2023 |
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček
(Charles University Prague and Inst. of Thermomechanics, Czech Acad. Sci.) | Some gradient theories in linear visco-elastodynamics towards dispersion and attenuation of waves in relation to large-strain models (abstract) |
10.00 a.m. | Prof. Dr. Hannes Meinlschmidt (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Renormalized solutions for optimal control of the drift in Fokker-Planck equations |
3.15 p.m. | Prof. Dr. Fredi Tröltzsch (TU Berlin) |
Honorary Langenbach Seminar on the occasion of Jürgen Sprekels's 75th birthday
(flyer) :
Optimal control of partial differential equations - selected results and recent trends (abstract) |
3.15 p.m. | PD Dr. Reinhard Scholz (Leibniz-Institut für Polymer-Forschung Dresden) | Simulation amphiphiler Polymernetzwerke (abstract) |
2.00 p.m. | Prof. Dr. Dorothee Knees (U Kassel) | Regularity results for a static relaxed micromorphic model (abstract) |
19.7.2023 | Dr. Katharina Hopf (WIAS) | Structure, dynamics, and approximation of cross-diffusive mixtures with incomplete diffusion (abstract) |
12.7.2023 | Dr. David Padilla-Garza (TU Dresden) | Mathematical challenges and developments in the nonlinear bending theory for plates (abstract) |
7.7.2023 10:00 Uhr | Prof. Dr. Edriss S. Titi (University of Cambridge, Texas A&M University and Weizmann Institute of Science) | The inviscid primitive equations and the effect of fast rotation (abstract) |
28.6.2023 15:15 Uhr | Dr. Peter Lewintan (University of Duisburg-Essen) | Optimal Korn-Maxwell-Sobolev inequalities (abstract) |
28.6.2023 14:00 Uhr | Dr. Peter Gladbach (Institute for Applied Mathematics, University Bonn) | Homogenization and mean-field limits of transport costs (abstract) |
14.6.2023 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Leonor Silvestre (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) | Optimal boundary control for the steady Navier-Stokes equations with directional do-nothing boundary conditions (abstract) |
24.5.2023 15:15 Uhr | Prof. Dr. Pavel Krejči (Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering) | Degenerate hysteresis in partially saturated porous media (abstract) |
24.5.2023 14:00 Uhr | Dr. Abramo Agosti (Università Pavia, Italy) | A Cahn--Hilliard phase field model coupled to viscoelasticity at large strains (abstract) |
17.5.2023 | Willem van Oosterhout (WIAS) | Analysis of poro-visco-elastic solids at finite strains (abstract) |
3.5.2023 | PD Dr. Matthias Liero (WIAS) | Geodesic convexity in the Hellinger-Kantorovich space |
26.4.2023 | Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Colli (Università Pavia, Italy) | The Cahn--Hilliard--Oono system with control in the mass term (abstract) |
19.4.2023 15:15 Uhr | Leon Schütz (WIAS) | An existence theory for solitary waves on a ferrofluid jet (abstract) |
19.4.2023 14:00 Uhr | Dr. Daniel Hauer (University of Sydney, Australia) | The fundamental gap conjecture (abstract) |
22.2.2023 | Prof. Dr. Tom ter Elst (Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand) | Kato's inequality and degenerate elliptic operators (abstract) |
15.2.2023 | Prof. Dr. Claude Le Bris (École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC) & INRIA, Paris, France) (Math+ Distinguished visiting Scholar) | Defects in homogenization theory and related computational issues (abstract) |
8.2.2023 | Jun. Prof. Dr. Patrick Tolksdorf (Gutenberg Universität Mainz) | Lp-extrapolation of the generalized Stokes operator (abstract) |
1.2.2023 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tamara Fastovska (Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, HUB) | Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to transmission problems for elastic beams (abstract) |
18.1.2023 | Dr. Florian Oschmann (Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) | Stratified fluids: On pancakes and non-local temperatures (abstract) |
11.1.2023 | Ass. Prof. Dr. Oliver Tse (TU Eindhoven) | Scharfetter-Gummel for aggregation-diffusion equations: Gradient structures and their limits (abstract) |
2022 top
30.11.2022 |
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček
(Charles University Prague and Inst. of Thermomechanics, Czech Acad. Sci.) | Magnetism in the planet Earth and its mathematical modelling (abstract) |
23.11.2022 | Dr. Richard Schubert (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, U. Bonn) | A variational approach to data-driven problems in fluid mechanics (abstract) |
17.11.2022 Donnerstag 9:30 Uhr!!! | Tim Böhnlein (TU Darmstadt) | On necessary and sufficient conditions for Gaussian estimates of elliptic operators subject to mixed boundary conditions (abstract) |
16.11.2022 | Prof. Dr. Moritz Egert (TU Darmstadt) | Four critical numbers for elliptic systems with block structure (abstract) |
9.11.2022 | kein Seminar | Annual Meeting of MaRDI |
2.11.2022 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HUB) | On time-splitting methods for gradient flows with two dissipation mechanisms (abstract) |
26.10.2022 | Dr. Kerrek Stinson (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, U. Bonn) | A gradient flow perspective for weak solutions of the Mullins--Sekerka flow and an application to lithium-ion batteries (abstract) |
11.10.2022 Dienstag !!! | Prof. Dr. Anja Schlömerkemper (Universität Würzburg) | A discussion of two models extending the Cahn-Hilliard equation to a temperature-dependent setting (abstract) |
(hybrid) | Dr. Nikita Simonov (LaMMe-Universitè d'Évry Val d'Essone, France) | Fast diffusion equations, tails and convergence rates (abstract) |
(hybrid) | Stefanie Schindler (WIAS) | Entropy method for a coupled reaction-diffusion system on the real line (abstract) |
(hybrid) | Dr. Robert Lasarzik (WIAS) | Energy-variational solutions and their approximation (abstract) |
(hybrid) | Melanie Koser (HU Berlin) | Pattern formation in certain frustrated spin systems |
(hybrid) | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | On non-autonomous and quasilinear parabolic systems |
(online) | PD Dr. Maria Neuss-Radu (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Effective models for nonlinear drift-diffusion of multiple species in porous media (abstract) |
(online) | Dr. Oğul Esen (Gebze Technical University, Turkey) | On geometry of Vlasov plasma (abstract) |
(hybrid) | Dr. Michael Kniely (WIAS) | From energy- to electro-energy-reaction-diffusion systems (abstract) |
16.2.2022 | Dr. Petr Pelech (WIAS) | Penrose-Fife model with activated phase transformation - Existence and effective model for slow-loading regimes |
2.2.2022 | Dr. Upanshu Sharma (FU Berlin) | Variational structures beyond gradient flows (abstract) |
26.1.2022 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HUB) | On two coupled degenerate parabolic equations motivated by thermodynamics |
12.1.2022 | Ass. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schwarzacher (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | A variational approach to fluid-structure interactions (abstract) |
2021 top
15.12.2021 | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lara Trussardi (Universität Konstanz) | Two structure-preserving time discretizations for gradient flow. An application to GENERIC systems (abstract) |
8.12.2021 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Some new insights in second order divergence operators |
1.12.2021 | Lukas Wessels (TU Berlin) | Pontryagin's maximum principle for SPDEs and its relation to dynamic programming (abstract) |
24.11.2021 |
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček
(Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Visco-plastic elastodynamics at large deformations by Eulerian approaches (abstract) |
17.11.2021 | Prof. Dr. André Schlichting (WWU Münster) | Dynamic behavior of growth processes: Phase separation, self-similarity, and oscillations (abstract) |
10.11.2021 | Dr. Petr Vágner (WIAS) | GENERIC, geometry and continuum electro-thermodynamics |
27.10.2021 | Dr. Matthias Liero (WIAS) | Electrothermal drift-diffusion models for organic semiconductor devices |
20.10.2021 | Willem van Oosterhout (WIAS) | Longtime dynamics of a non-autonomous Chafee-Infante equation (abstract) |
14.7.2021 | Dr. Xin Liu (WIAS) online | Well-posedness of Hibler's dynamical sea-ice model (abstract) |
7.7.2021 | Dr. Klaas Hendrik Poelstra (TU Dortmund) online | Dimension reduction for elastoplastic rods and homogenization of elastoplastic lattices (abstract) |
30.6.2021 | Stefanie Schindler (WIAS) online | Self-similar diffusive equilibration for a coupled reaction-diffusion system with mass-action kinetics (abstract) |
23.6.2021 | Prof. Dr. Martin Brokate (TU München, WIAS) online | A variational inequality for the derivative of the play operator |
9.6.2021 | Ass. Prof. Dr. Julian Fischer (IST Austria Klosterneuburg) online | Uniqueness and stability properties of multiphase mean curvature flow: An approach based on the variational (gradient flow) structure of the problem (abstract) |
26.5.2021 | Ass. Prof. Dr. Riccarda Rossi (University of Brescia, Italy) online | Jump processes as generalized gradient systems (abstract) |
19.5.2021 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HUB) online | Towards a justification of GENERIC: coarse-graining of an infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian system |
12.5.2021 | Dr. Thomas Eiter (WIAS) online | Leray--Hopf solutions to a viscoelastic fluid model with nonsmooth stress-strain relation (abstract) |
28.4.2021 | Dr. Katharina Hopf (WIAS) online | Weak-strong uniqueness in energy-reaction-diffusion systems (abstract) |
21.4.2021 | Dr. Nikolas Nüsken (Universität Potsdam) online | The Stein geometry in machine learning: gradient flows, large deviations and convergence properties (abstract) |
14.4.2021 | Dr. Flaviana Iurlano (Sorbonne Université Paris, France) online | Shape optimization of light structures (abstract) |
17.2.2021 | Prof. Dr. Giovanni P. Galdi (University of Pittsburgh, US) online | On the self-propelled motion of a rigid body in a viscous liquid by time-periodic boundary data (abstract) |
3.2.2021 | Dr. Petr Pelech (WIAS) online | Separately global solutions to rate-independent systems - Applications to large-strain deformations of damageable solids (abstract) |
27.1.2021 | Dr. Sebastian Throm (Universität Münster) online | Universal long-time asymptotics for coagulation equations (abstract) |
13.1.2021 | Anieza Maltsi (WIAS) online | On the Darwin-Howie-Whelan equations for the scattering of fast electrons described by the Schrödinger equation (abstract) |
2020 top
9.12.2020 | Dr. Grigor Nika (WIAS) online | Effective bulk-surface thermistor models for OLEDs (abstract) |
25.11.2020 | Dr. Annika Bach (TU München) online | Geometrically frustrated spin systems: The antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice (abstract) |
18.11.2020 | Dr. Janusz Ginster (HU Berlin) online | On the motion of curved dislocations in three dimensions: Simplified linearized elasticity (abstract) |
11.11.2020 |
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček
(Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) online | The old Stefan problem in a new mechanical context (abstract) |
24.6.2020 | Thomas Eiter (WIAS) online | Spatially asymptotic structure of time-periodic Navier-Stokes flows |
27.5.2020 | Dr. Martin Heida (WIAS) online | Stochastic homogenization on randomly perforated domains (abstract) |
6.5.2020 | Prof. Dr. Boris Zaltzman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) online | Equilibrium electro-convective instability in electrodeposition with Butler--Volmer kinetics (abstract) |
29.4.2020 | Prof. Dr. Boris Zaltzman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) online | Orientation effects in hydrodynamic instability in concentration polarization (abstract) |
22.4.2020 | Prof. Dr. Boris Zaltzman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) online | Artifact of ''Breakthrough'' osmosis or what may be wrong with local Spiegler--Kedem--Katchalsky equations with constant coefficients (abstract) |
12.2.2020 | Prof. Dr. Fredi Tröltzsch (TU Berlin) | Optimal and feedback control of some reaction-diffusion equations (abstract) |
5.2.2020 | Dr. Riccardo Cristoferi (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh) | Epitaxial crystal growth with adatoms (abstract) |
22.1.2020 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | The numerical range of Dirichlet forms |
8.1.2020 | Dr. Michiel Renger (WIAS) | Fast reaction limits via Γ-convergence of the flux rate functional (abstract) |
2019 top
18.12.2019 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sprekels (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Optimal control of a Cahn--Hilliard--Darcy system with mass source modeling tumor growth |
11.12.2019 | Laura Lauerbach (Universität Würzburg) | Fracture and stochastic homogenization in the passage from discrete to continuous systems (abstract) |
27.11.2019 |
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček
(Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Fully convective models of some processes in the Earth (abstract) |
14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Johannes Zimmer (University of Bath, UK) | Regularisation and analysis of Dean-Kawasaki-type equations (abstract) |
20.11.2019 | Prof. Dr. Tom ter Elst (Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand) | The Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator on C1+κ domains (abstract) |
13.11.2019 |
Dr. Michael Kniely (IST, Austria) | On the large-time behavior of a class of semiconductor equations (abstract) |
30.10.2019 | Dr. Katharina Hopf (WIAS) | On the singularity formation and relaxation to equilibrium in 1D Fokker-Planck model with superlinear drift |
14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel (TU Wien) | Cross-diffusion systems: from spin semiconductors to biological populations with stochastic forcing (abstract) |
16.10.2019 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Explicit and uniform estimates for second order divergence operators on Lp spaces |
10.7.2019 | Artur Stephan (WIAS) | On EDP-convergence for linear reaction-diffusion systems with different time scales |
3.7.2019 | Dr. Pierre-Étienne Druet (WIAS) | Weak solution analysis for incompressible multicomponent flow models |
24.6.2019 Montag R. 3.13 |
Associate Prof. Dr. Jens Gravesen (DTU Copenhagen, Denmark) |
Differential geometry and dimension reduction for nano structures (abstract) |
19.6.2019 | Dr. Janusz Ginster (TU Berlin) | Plasticity as the Γ-limit of models for straight, parallel dislocations (abstract) |
12.6.2019 | Francesco Della Porta (MPI Leipzig) | The nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system with regular and singular potential (abstract) |
5.6.2019 | Dr. Patrick Tolksdorf (Université Paris-Est, France) | On the Lp-theory for second-order elliptic operators in divergence form with complex coefficients, Part 2 |
29.5.2019 | Dr. Patrick Tolksdorf (Université Paris-Est, France) | On the Lp-theory for second-order elliptic operators in divergence form with complex coefficients, Part 1 |
22.5.2019 | Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Colli (Università di Pavia, Italy) | Well-posedness, regularity and asymptotic analysis for a fractional phase field system |
15.5.2019 | Prof. Dr. Robert Eisenberg (Rush University Chicago, USA) | Ionic selectivity in channels: complex biology created by the balance of simple physical forces (abstract) |
8.5.2019 | Dr. Amal Alphonse (WIAS) | Well-posedness for a coupled bulk-surface system on a moving domain modelling ligand-receptor dynamics (abstract) |
24.4.2019 | Dr. Dirk Peschka (WIAS) | Modeling, simulation, and experiments for flows of concentrated suspensions |
17.4.2019 | Dr. Grigor Nika (WIAS) | Multiscale modelling of magnetorheological suspensions | 13.2.2019 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HUB) | On similarity solutions for Kolmogorov's two-equation model for turbulence |
6.2.2019 | Dr. Serhiy Yanchuk (TU Berlin) | Temporal dissipative solitons in delay feedback systems |
30.1.2019 | Prof. Dr. Barbara Zwicknagl (TU Berlin) | On variational models for (almost) stress-free martensitic inclusions |
16.1.2019 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | An extrapolation of the Lax--Milgram isomorphism for second order divergence operators |
9.1.2019 | Prof. Dr. Peter Friz (TU Berlin, WIAS) | On differential equations with singular forcing (abstract) |
2018 top
12.12.2018 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | L∞ bounds for the Neumann problem |
28.11.2018 | Dr. Pierre-Étienne Druet (WIAS) | Analysis of mass transfer, Navier-Stokes equations for multicomponent fluids subject to a volume constraint |
14.11.2018 | Dr. Hannes Meinlschmidt (RICAM Linz, Austria) | Maximal regularity in optimal control for quasilinear parabolic evolution equations |
7.11.2018 | Thomas Frenzel (WIAS) | Membrane limit for porous medium equation in weighted Wasserstein space |
24.10.2018 | Prof. Dr. Dan Tiba (Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania) | Implicit parametrizations and applications in optimization and control |
24.10.2018 | Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Colli (Università Pavia, Italy) | Shape memory alloys, phase-field models, Cahn--Hilliard systems |
17.10.2018 | Artur Stephan (WIAS) | On reaction systems with different time scales |
11.7.2018 | Dr. Martin Heida (WIAS) | Dynamic and hysteretic boundary conditions for the Mullins--Sekerka equation |
4.7.2018 | Dr. Jan Mankau (TU Dresden) | A descent step algorithm based on generalized gradients on sets (abstract) |
27.6.2018 | Prof. Dr. Leonid Berlyand (Penn State University, USA) | Free boundary PDE models of active gels (abstract) |
13.6.2018 | Markus Mittnenzweig (WIAS) | Hydrodynamic limit and large deviations for reaction--diffusion master equations |
Montag |
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Knees (University of Kassel) | Rate-independent processes with time-discontinuous data (abstract) |
16 Uhr |
Dr. Seungchan Ko (University of Oxford, UK) | Analysis and approximation of incompressible chemically reacting non-Newtonian fluids (abstract) |
30.5.2018 | Prof. Dr. José Francisco Rodrigues (University of Lisbon, Portugal) | Evolutionary quasi-variational and variational inequalities with constraints on the derivatives (abstract) |
23.5.2018 | Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Colli (Università Pavia, Italy) | A Cahn--Hilliard system with convection and dynamic boundary conditions: well-posedness and optimal velocity control |
16.5.2018 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HUB) | Finding limiting dissipative potentials via EDP convergence (abstract) |
9.5.2018 | Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel (TU Wien) | Cross-diffusion systems with entropy structure (abstract) |
18.4.2018 | Mario Varga (TU Dresden) | Stochastic unfolding and homogenization |
28.2.2018 |
Dr. Moritz Egert
(Laboratoire de Mathématiques,
Université de Paris-Sud) |
How half-order time derivatives help us to better understand parabolic equations (abstract) |
28.2.2018 14 Uhr |
Sebastian Bechtel (TU Darmstadt) | Quantitative estimates for parabolic operators in Lq(]0,T[;X) |
21.2.2018 | Dr. Marco Morandotti (TU München) | Dimension reduction in the context of structured deformations (abstract) |
14.2.2018 | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dreyer (WIAS) | Modeling of non-Newtonian fluids without material frame indifference (abstract) |
31.1.2018 | Dr. Alexander Linke (WIAS) | On the role of the Helmholtz-Leray projector for a novel pressure-robust discretization theory for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (abstract) |
24.1.2018 | Dr. Hagen Neidhardt (WIAS) | On the spectral shift function: recent results | 17.1.2018 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sprekels (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Cahn--Hilliard systems with general fractional-order operators |
2017 top
13.12.2017 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | On maximal parabolic regularity for non-autonomous parabolic operators, Part 2 |
6.12.2017 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | On maximal parabolic regularity for non-autonomous parabolic operators, Part 1 |
29.11.2017 | PD Dr. Pavel Gurevich (FU Berlin) | Rattling in hysteretic reaction-diffusion systems |
8.11.2017 | Dr. Robert Lasarzik (TU Berlin) |
Generalised solutions to the Ericksen--Leslie model describing liquid crystal flow
(abstract) |
1.11.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček
(Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) |
Seismic waves and earthquakes in a global monolithic model
(abstract) |
25.10.2017 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Explicit and uniform resolvent estimates for second order divergence operators on Lp spaces |
9.8.2017 |
Prof. Dr. Dongho Chae (Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea) | On the blow-up problem for the incompressible Euler equations (abstract) |
12.7.2017 | Prof. Dr. Rodica Toader (University of Udine, Italy) | Existence for dynamic Griffith fracture with a weak maximal dissipation condition (abstract) |
21.6.2017 | Prof. Dr. Jan Prüß (Universität Halle-Wittenberg) | Critical spaces for quasilinear evolution equations and applications |
7.6.2017 Raum 406 | Thomas Frenzel (WIAS) | EDP-convergence for a wiggly energy model |
24.5.2017 | Dr. Michiel Renger (WIAS) | Functions of bounded variation with Banach codomains |
17.5.2017 | Dr. Riccarda Rossi (University of Brescia, Italy) | In Between Energetic and Balanced Viscosity solutions of rate-independent systems: the Visco-Energetic concept, with some applications to solid mechanics (abstract) |
10.5.2017 | Dr. Marion Dziwnik (WIAS) | The role of degenerate mobilities in Cahn-Hilliard models |
3.5.2017 | Dr. Martin Heida (WIAS) | Convergence of the square-root approximation scheme to the Fokker-Planck equation |
26.4.2017 | Dr. Dirk Peschka (WIAS) | Motion of thin droplets over surfaces - numerical and modeling techniques for moving contact lines |
19.4.2017 | Prof. Dr. Christian Kuehn (TU München) | Regularity structures and fractional diffusion |
29.3.2017 | Prof. Dr. Michael Demuth (TU Clausthal) | On eigenvalues of non-selfadjoint operators: A comparison of two approaches |
1.3.2017, Raum 406 | Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Colli (Università Pavia, Italy) | About a non-smooth regularization of a forward-backward parabolic equation (abstract) |
15.2.2017 | Dr. Rüdiger Müller (WIAS) | Numerical analysis of coupled bulk-surface equations (abstract) |
8.2.2017 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sprekels (WIAS, HU Berlin) | A new identification problem: optimizing the fractional order in a nonlocal evolution equation |
1.2.2017 | Dr. André Hänel (Leibniz Universität Hannover) | Spectral asymptotics for mixed problems and for crack problems on infinite cylinders (abstract) |
25.1.2017 | PD Dr. Olaf Klein (WIAS) | Uncertainty quantification for hysteresis operators and for a model for magneto-mechanical components |
18.1.2017 | Dr. Hanne Hardering (TU Dresden) | Gradient flows in Riemannian manifolds space discretization by geodesic finite elements (abstract) |
11.1.2017 | PD Dr. Lutz Recke (HU Berlin) | Corrector estimates for singularly perturbed boundary value problems with nonsmooth data |
2016 top
14.12.2016 | Dr. Georgy Kitavtsev (University of Bristol, UK) | Liquid crystal defects in the Landau-de Gennes theory in 2D-beyond the one-constant approximation (abstract) |
7.12.2016 | Dr. Vaios Laschos (WIAS) | From differential equations to gradient flows on metric spaces and back |
30.11.2016 | Dr. Sina Reichelt (WIAS) | Corrector estimates for coupled reaction-diffusion equations |
23.11.2016 | Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Thermodynamics of magneto- and poro-elastic materials at large strains (abstract) |
2.11.2016 | Markus Mittnenzweig (WIAS) | An entropic gradient structure for noncommutative Lindblad equations |
26.10.2016 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Global entropy entropy-production estimates for energy-reaction-diffusion systems |
19.10.2016 | Dr. Karoline Disser (WIAS) | Global existence and uniqueness for some dissipative systems with bulk-interface interaction |
14.9.2016, Raum 406 | Prof. Dr. Jin Feng (University of Kansas, USA) | Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs in the space of probability measures, the metric nature explored (abstract) |
13.7.2016 | Hannes Meinlschmidt (TU Darmstadt) | The Keller-Segel model is well-posed |
6.7.2016 | Prof. Dr. Leonid Pestov (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Königsberg/Kaliningrad) | On determining an absorption coefficient and a speed of sound in the wave equation by the boundary control method (abstract) |
29.6.2016 | Dr. Pierre-Etienne Druet (WIAS) | Existence of weak solutions for improved Nernst--Planck--Poisson models of compressible reacting electrolytes |
22.6.2016 | Prof. Dr. Leonid Kunyansky (University of Arizona, USA) | Inversion of the spherical means transform by reduction to the classical Radon transform (abstract) |
8.6.2016 | Dr. Sergiy Nesenenko (TU Berlin) | A Fintzpatrick function approach in the homogenization of elasto-viscoplastic models with isotropic hardening effects |
1.6.2016 | Dr. Martin Heida (WIAS) | Stochastic homogenization of rate-independent systems |
18.5.2016 | Artur Stephan (HU Berlin) | On operator-norm estimates for approximations of solutions of evolution equations using the Trotter product formula |
4.5.2016 | Dr. Joaquim Serra (WIAS) | Nonlocal obstacle problems: regularity of the solutions and the free boundaries (abstract) |
27.4.2016 | Prof. Dr. Carlo Sinestrari (University of Rome ''Tor Vergata'') | Evolution of convex hypersurfaces by curvature flows (abstract) |
27.4.2016 14:00 Uhr |
Dr. Blaz Mramor (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) | Minimisers of the Allen-Cahn equation on hyperbolic graphs (abstract) |
13.4.2016 | Prof. Dr. Pavel Krejči (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) | Contact of elasto-plastic bodies (abstract) |
6.4.2016 | Prof. Dr. Mark M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) | Scattering matrix and Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps (abstract) |
10.2.2016 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Extrapolation of maximal parabolic regularity for non-autonomous parabolic equations |
3.2.2016 | Dr. Eleonora Cinti (WIAS) | The isoperimetric problem in ℝn with density (abstract) |
20.1.2016 | Dr. Christian Seis (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Universität Bonn) | A quantitative theory for transport equations (abstract) |
13.1.2016 | Hannes Meinlschmidt (TU Darmstadt) | Hölder estimates for non-autonomous parabolic problems with rough data and applications to quasilinear problems (abstract) |
6.1.2016 | Dr. Serena Dipierro (Universität Magdeburg) | Chaotic orbits for systems of nonlocal equations (abstract) |
2015 top
Raum 406 |
Prof. Dr. Antonius Frederik Maria ter Elst (University of Auckland, New Zealand) | The Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator on rough domains (abstract) |
25.11.2015 | Prof. Dr. Xavier Cabré (ICREA and UPC, Barcelona, Spain) | The influence of fractional diffusion in Allen-Cahn and KPP type equations (abstract) |
18.11.2015 | Upanshu Sharma (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) | Quantification of coarse-graining error in overdamped/non-overdamped Langevin dynamics (abstract) |
Freitag, 14 Uhr (Einladung) |
Prof. Dr. Anton Arnold (TU Wien, Österreich) | Entropy method for hypocoercive & non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equations with linear drift (invitation/abstract) |
Dienstag, 15:15 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Elisabetta Rocca (WIAS) | Existence of weak solutions and asymptotics for some diffuse interface models of tumor growth |
Raum 406 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Eller (HU Berlin) | Unique continuation and Carleman estimates for linear PDE (abstract) |
23.9.2015 | Dr. Carolin Kreisbeck (Universität Regensburg) | Homogenization of layered materials with rigid components in single-slip finite plasticity (abstract) |
16.9.2015 | Dr. Emanuele Spadaro (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig) | Lower semicontinuous functionals defined on spaces of multiple-valued maps (abstract) |
2.9.2015 | Prof. Dr. Jussi Behrndt (Institute of Computational Mathematics, TU Graz, Austria) | Selfadjoint realizations of the Laplacian on bounded Lipschitz domains (abstract) |
Dienstag, 14:30 Uhr, Raum 406 |
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Knees (Universität Kassel) | Global spatial regularity for elasticity models with nonsmooth constraints (abstract) |
Dienstag, 13:30 Uhr, Raum 406 |
Prof. Dr. Chiara Zanini (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) | Viscous and rate-independent damage models in non-smooth domains (abstract) |
15.7.2015 | Dr. Thanh Nam Nguyen (Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université de Paris-Sud, France) | Large time behavior for a nonlocal ordinary differential equation - Generation of interface for the mass conserved Allen-Cahn equation |
8.7.2015 | Dr. Martin Heida (WIAS) | Stochastic homogenization of Prandtl-Reuss plasticity (abstract) |
24.6.2015 | Dr. Carlos Rautenberg (HU Berlin) | Analysis and approximation of evolutionary quasi-variational inequalities (abstract) |
17.6.2015 | Prof. Dr. Valentin A. Zagrebnov (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille & Département de Mathématiques Université d'Aix-Marseille - Luminy, France) | Dynamical semigroups for unbounded repeated harmonic perturbation (abstract) |
Raum 406 |
Dr. Brian Seguin (Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, UK) | Plant cell wall biomechanics: model and multiscale analysis (abstract) |
3.6.2015 | Dr. Stefania Patrizi (WIAS) | Dislocations dynamics: from microscopic models to macroscopic crystal plasticity (abstract) |
27.5.2015 | Prof. Dr. François Hamel (Université d'Aix-Marseille, Institut de Mathématiques, France) | Transition fronts for monostable reaction-diffusion equations (abstract) |
13.5.2015 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | On optimal elliptic Sobolev regularity |
6.5.2015 | Dr. Riccardo Scala (WIAS) | A weak formulation for a dynamic process in delamination with unilateral constraints (abstract) |
29.4.2015 | Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Damage with plasticity at small strains - an overview of various models (abstract) |
22.4.2015 | Prof. Dr. Mark M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) | Spectral shift functions for pairs of non-selfadjointness operators (abstract) |
15.4.2015 | Dr. Serhiy Yanchuk (WIAS) | Amplitude equations for chains of coupled oscillators |
4.3.2015 | Prof. Dr. Maria Specovius-Neugebauer (Universität Kassel) | How do cracks propagate? Some ideas related to the energy criterion (abstract) |
11.2.2015 | Moritz Egert (TU Darmstadt) | On Kato's square root problem |
4.2.2015 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sprekels (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Optimal boundary control problems for Cahn--Hilliard systems with singular potentials and dynamic boundary conditions |
21.1.2015 | Dr. Jens Griepentrog | On the positivity and the long-time behavior of solutions to discrete-time evolution systems of nonlocally interacting particles |
14.1.2015 | Dr. Nella Rotundo (WIAS) | Diffusive limit of a MEP hydrodynamical model obtained from the Bloch-Boltzmann-Peierls equations for semiconductors |
Donnerstag 14:15 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Serfaty (Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, France) | Crystallization questions for large systems with Coulomb and Riesz interactions (abstract) |
2014 top
10.12.2014 | Prof. Dr. Joachim Naumann (HU Berlin) | On the existence of weak solutions to Prandtl's (1945) one-equation model of turbulence (abstract) |
3.12.2014 | Dr. Matthias Liero (WIAS) | On the geometry of reaction-diffusion -- The Hellinger-Kantorovich distance |
19.11.2014 | Dr. Pham Chi Vinh (Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam, IMU Berlin Einstein Foundation Program) | Homogenization of very rough interfaces |
12.11.2014 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | On the microscopic origin of generalized gradient structures |
5.11.2014 | Dr. Julian Fischer (MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig) | Global existence of renormalized solutions to entropy-dissipating reaction-diffusion systems (abstract) |
15.10.2014 | Prof. Dr. Valentin A. Zagrebnov (Département de Mathématiques, Université Aix-Marseille II, France) | How the spectral theory explains two critical points of Bose condensation (abstract) |
8.10.2014 | Prof. Dr. Ulisse Stefanelli (Universität Wien) | Carbon geometries as optimal configurations (abstract) |
24.9.2014 | Jonathan Zinsl (TU München) | Transport distances and geodesic convexity for systems of degenerate diffusion equations (abstract) |
16.7.2014 |
Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Matano (Department of Mathematics, University of Tokyo, Japan) | Propagating terrace for semilinear diffusion equations (abstract) |
Festkolloquium 14.7.2014 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Dirk Horstmann (Universität Köln) | Anmerkungen zu einer Klasse von Reaktions-Diffusionsmodellen mit Kreuzdiffusion und ihren Lyapunov-Funktionalen |
9.7.2014 | Dr. Patrick Dondl (Durham University, UK) | Energy estimates, relaxation, and existence for strain gradient plasticity with cross hardening (abstract) |
2.7.2014 | Dr. Karoline Disser (WIAS) | Asymptotic behaviour of a rigid body with a cavity filled by a viscous liquid |
25.6.2014 15:15 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Michael Demuth (TU Clausthal) |
On the distribution of eigenvalues for non-selfadjoint operators (abstract) |
25.6.2014 14:00 Uhr |
Dr. Jan Haskovec (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST, Saudi Arabia) | Mathematical analysis of a system for biological network formation (abstract) |
11.6.2014 | Dr. Kersten Schmidt (TU Berlin) | Symmetric local absorbing boundary conditions for the Helmholtz equation (abstract) |
28.5.2014 | Dr. Carolin Kreisbeck (WIAS) | Thin-film limits of functionals on A-free vector fields (abstract) |
30.4.2014 | Prof. Dr. Max von Renesse (Mathematisches Institut der Universität Leipzig) | A Brownian motion on the Wasserstein space (abstract) |
23.4.2014 | Prof. Dr. Joachim Naumann (HU Berlin) | On the existence of weak solutions to Kolmogorov's two-equation model of turbulence |
16.4.2014 | Prof. Dr. Mark M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) | One-dimensional Schrödinger operators with δ'-interactions on Cantor-type sets (abstract) |
26.3.2014 | Dr. Riccarda Rossi (University of Brescia, Italy) | Singular perturbations of infinite-dimensional gradient flows (abstract) |
12.2.2014 | Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Global versus local minimization in rate-independent evolution systems (abstract) |
5.2.2014 | Prof. Dr. Etienne Emmrich (TU Berlin) | Nonlinear evolution equations of second order with damping: existence and discretization (abstract) |
22.1.2014 | PD Dr. Martin Väth (FU Berlin) | Instability for a reaction-diffusion system with obstacles (abstract) |
15.1.2014 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Sobolev extension, Interpolation and Hardy's inequality |
8.1.2014 | PD Dr. Lutz Recke (HU Berlin) | Solution regularity and smooth dependence for abstract equations and applications to PDEs |
2013 top
4.12.2013 | Stefania Patrizi (WIAS) | Homogenization of the Peierls-Nabarro model for dislocation dynamics (abstract) |
27.11.2013 | Prof. Dr. Hao Wu (Fudan University, Shanghai) | Well-posedness and stability of the Ericksen-Leslie system for incompressible nematic liquid crystal flow (abstract) |
20.11.2013 | Prof. Dr. Mark Peletier (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands) | Upscaling dislocations in two dimensions |
16.10.2013 | Prof. Dr. Danielle Hilhorst (Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université de Paris-Sud) | A fast precipitation and dissolution limit for a reaction-diffusion system arising in porous medium (abstract) |
25.9.2013 | Dr. Doan Duy Hai (WIAS) | Additive methods for semi-discretized biological models (abstract) |
14.8.2013 | Prof. Dr. Tom ter Elst (Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand) | Diffusion determines the manifold (abstract) |
10.7.2013 | Prof. Dr. Jin Feng (Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, USA) | A Hamilton-Jacobi equation in space of probability measures, in connection with the Onsager-Joyce-Montegomery theory (abstract) |
8.7.2013 Montag |
Dr. Riccarda Rossi (University of Brescia, Italy) | A vanishing viscosity approach to a rate-independent model for damage |
3.7.2013 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Deriving the Ginzburg-Landau equation as amplitude equation via evolutionary Gamma convergence |
26.6.2013 | Prof. Dr. Alessio Figalli (University of Texas, Austin, USA) |
Stability results for sum of sets in Rn
(abstract) |
19.6.2013 | Dr. Stefan Neukamm (WIAS) | Quantitative results in stochastic homogenization |
5.6.2013 | Prof. Dr. Thierry Gallay (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France) | Distribution of energy and convergence to equilibria in extended dissipative systems (abstract) |
29.5.2013 | Prof. Dr. Jussi Behrndt (Institute of Computational Mathematics, TU Graz, Austria) | Titchmarsh-Weyl theory for elliptic differential operators on unbounded domains (abstract) |
29.5.2013 14:00 Uhr |
Dr. Jan Maas (Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn) | Optimal transport in discrete and non-commutative analysis |
24.4.2013 | Prof. Dr. Mark M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) |
On the spectral theory of Dirac operators with point
(abstract) |
24.4.2013 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Colli (Università Pavia, Italy) | A phase-field model for the Willmore flow with constraints |
17.4.2013 | Dr. Markus Schmuck (Imperial College London, UK) | Homogenized phase-field equations for interfacial dynamics in strongly heterogeneous materials (abstract) |
17.4.2013 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Ulisse Stefanelli (IMATI-CNR, Pavia, Italy) |
Regular tilings via crystallization
(abstract) |
20.3.2013 | Dr. Martin Meyries (Institut für Mathematik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) | Weighted function spaces, Hardy's inequality and a free boundary problem |
13.3.2013 | Hari Shankar Mahato (Zentrum für Technomathematik, Universität Bremen) |
Homogenization in W1,p
for a highly nonlinear coupled system of reaction-diffusion equations
(abstract) |
Dienstag 5.3.2013 |
Prof. Dr. Tom Bridges (University of Surrey, UK) | Reappraisal of 2+ myths in the
theory of nonlinear waves
(abstract) |
27.2.2013 | Dr. Kohei Soga (Waseda University Tokyo, Japan) | Numerical analysis of hyperbolic and parabolic PDEs based on the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem |
13.2.2013 15:15 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Roubíček (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | Thermomechanics of hydrogen
storage in metallic hydrides:
modeling and analysis
(abstract) |
13.2.2013 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Enrico Valdinoci (Università Milano, Italy) |
A fractional framework for perimeters and phase transitions
(abstract) |
30.1.2013 15:15 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sprekels (WIAS, HU Berlin) | A vanishing diffusion limit in a nonstandard viscous Cahn-Hilliard system |
30.1.2013 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Živorad Tomovski (Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Institute of Mathematics, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) | Generalized Cauchy type problems for linear and nonlinear
fractional differential equations with composite fractional
derivative operator
(abstract) |
23.1.2013 | Dr. Johannes Zimmer (University of Bath, Department of Mathematical Sciences) | Limit passages from particle models to entropic gradient flows
(abstract) |
16.1.2013 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | Hardy's inequality for spaces with mixed boundary conditions |
9.1.2013 | Dr. Pierre-Étienne Druet (WIAS) | The heat equation coupled to a geometric, mean curvature type equation |
2012 top
5.12.2012 | PD Dr. Lutz Recke (HU Berlin) | Hopf bifurcation for dissipative hyperbolic PDEs |
14.11.2012 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Global exponential convergence in reaction-diffusion systems |
7.11.2012 | Dr. Marita Thomas (WIAS) | Analytical aspects of rate-independent brittle damage and delamination processes |
31.10.2012 | Dr. Joachim Rehberg (WIAS) | On the transient 3D thermistor problem |
26.10.2012 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hieber (TU Darmstadt) | Nonlinear Parabolic - Hyperbolic Systems
(abstract) |
17.10.2012 | Dr. Martin Kruík (Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences, Prague) | Variational problems depending on the inverted gradient and applications to nonlinear hyperelasticity |
27.6.2012 | Prof. Dr. T. Ichinose (Kanazawa University, Japan) | On improved Sobolev embedding theorems
for vector-valued functions
(abstract) |
20.6.2012 | Prof. V. A. Zagrebnov (Centre de Physique Théorique, Université Aix-Marseille II, France) | Non-equilibrium states of
a leaky photon cavity
(abstract) |
6.6.2012 | Dr. J. Maas (Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn) | Approximating rough stochastic PDEs
(abstract) |
30.5.2012 | Matthias Liero (WIAS) | Gradient structures and geodesic convexity for reaction-diffusion systems |
23.5.2012 | Prof. Dr. P. Colli (Università Pavia, Italy) | Existence of solutions for a hydrogen storage model |
16.5.2012 | Dr. F. Theil (Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick) | Γ-limit for transition paths of maximal probability |
18.4.2012 | Prof. Dr. U. Stefanelli (IMATI-CNR, Pavia, Italy) | The De Giorgi conjecture on elliptic regularization |
15.2.2012 | Prof. Dr. T. Roubíček (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) | A model of rupturing lithospheric
faults with re-occurring earthquakes
(abstract) |
1.2.2012 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Hölder continuity for solutions to mixed boundary value problems |
18.1.2012 | Lukas Wilhelm (WIAS) | A model for a quantum dot LED based on the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian |
11.1.2012 | PD Dr. L. Recke (HU Berlin) | Maximal regularity and smooth dependence for elliptic and hyperbolic PDEs |
2011 top
14.12.2011 | Dr. R. Haller-Dintelmann (TU Darmstadt) | Hardy's inequality for mixed boundary conditions |
7.12.2011 | Dr. M. Meyries (Institut für Analysis, Universität Karlsruhe) | Optimal Sobolev embeddings and
interpolation with boundary conditions for a
class of weighted function spaces
(abstract) |
30.11.2011 | Dr. S. Heinz (WIAS) | Micro-to-macro transition
in elasticity via the quasiconvex hull
(abstract) |
16.11.2011 | Prof. Dr. J. Naumann (HU Berlin) | On Prandtl's turbulence model: existence of weak solutions to the equations of turbulent pipe-flow |
2.11.2011 | Prof. Dr. P. Krejči (Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) | Remarks on uniqueness in quasilinear parabolic systems |
26.10.2011 | Dr. K. Götze (WIAS) | Strong solutions for the interaction of rigid bodies
and viscoelastic fluids
(abstract) |
19.10.2011 | Prof. Dr. A. Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Geodesic convexity in Markov chains and
Fokker-Planck equations
(abstract) |
28.9.2011 | Prof. Dr. K. Fellner (University of Graz, Austria) | Organic Photovoltaic Devices, Drift-Diffusion Systems
and Entropy Methods
(abstract) |
7.9.2011 | Prof. Dr. M. Hirokawa (Okayama University, Japan) | Some mathematical problems on modeling in circuit quantum electrodynamics |
13.7.2011 | Prof. Dr. X. Claeys (ISAE Toulouse, France) | Integral formulation of the second kind for multi-subdomain scattering (abstract) |
29.6.2011 | Prof. Dr. P. A. Markowich (DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, United Kingdom) |
Matheon lecture 4: On PDE models for socio-economic problems: Price formation, opinion formation and crowd modeling |
22.6.2011 | Prof. Dr. P. A. Markowich (DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, United Kingdom) |
Matheon lecture 1: On Wigner and Bohmian measures I (Fortsetzung 24.6.2011, 28.6.2011) |
15.6.2011 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Parabolic equations with source terms on hypersurfaces |
8.6.2011 | Dr. D. Knees (WIAS) | A vanishing viscosity approach in damage mechanics |
1.6.2011 | Dr. K. Schmidt (Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin) | High order transmission conditions for conductive thin sheets |
25.5.2011 | Dr. R. Rossi (University of Brescia, Italy) |
A model for adhesive contact with friction
(abstract) |
18.5.2011 | Dr. M. Meyries (Institut für Analysis, Universität Karlsruhe) | Parabolische Probleme mit nichtlinearen Randbedingungen |
4.5.2011 | Prof. Dr. U. Stefanelli (IMATI-CNR, Pavia, Italy) |
An invitation to shape flows
(abstract) |
27.4.2011 | Prof. Dr. A. Mielke (WIAS) | Global existence for a Fokker-Planck equation driven by a time-dependent constraint |
13.4.2011 14:00 Uhr |
Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | On function spaces which reflect mixed boundary conditions |
23.3.2011 | Dr. M. G. Rasmussen (Aarhus University, Denmark) | Scattering theory for the translation invariant Nelson and polaron models: Asymptotic completeness below the two-boson threshold |
23.2.2011 | Dr. D. Peschka (WIAS) | Self-similar solutions related to thin film rupture |
16.2.2011 | Prof. Dr. J. Naumann (HU Berlin) | On the existence of weak solutions to Prandtl's (1945) turbulence model |
9.2.2011 15.30 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. G. Gilardi (Università Pavia) | Solutions to models of phase segregation - Part 2 |
9.2.2011 14.00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. P. Colli (Università Pavia) | Solutions to models of phase segregation - Part 1 |
2.2.2011 | Dr. G. Kitavtsev (MPI MIS Leipzig) |
Weak solutions to lubrication equations in the presence of strong slippage
(abstract) |
26.1.2011 | Prof. E. S. Titi (University of California, Irvine, USA and Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) |
On the loss of regularity for the three-dimensional Euler
(abstract) |
19.1.2011 | Dr. M. Korzec (WIAS) | On semilinear sixth order equations describing the faceting of growing surfaces |
12.1.2011 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Sturm-Liouville boundary problems in the half plane |
2010 top
8.12.2010 | Dr. P. Winkert (TU Berlin) | Multiple solutions for nonlinear elliptic Neumann problems |
10.11.2010 | Dr. A. Faraj (TU Braunschweig) | Reduced model and simulations for the adiabatic evolution of quantum observables driven by 1D shape resonances |
27.10.2010 16.00 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. F. Nier (Université de Rennes 1, France) | Adiabatic evolution of resonances in far from equilibrium systems |
27.10.2010 14.30 Uhr |
Prof. Dr. P. Krejči (Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) | What happens when water freezes in an elastoplastic container? |
27.10.2010 13.00 Uhr |
Dr. E. Rocca (University of Milan, Italy) | A diffuse interface model for two phase compressible fluids |
29.9.2010 | Dr. R. Haller-Dintelmann (TU Darmstadt) | The square root of divergence form operators with mixed boundary conditions |
14.7.2010 | Prof. Y. Latushkin (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA) | Birman-Schwinger operators, Evans function and stability of wave solutions |
7.7.2010 15:30 Uhr |
Prof. V. A. Zagrebnov (Centre de Physique Théorique, Université Aix-Marseille II) |
A partition-free approach to transient and steady-state charge currents
(abstract) |
7.7.2010 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. G. Savaré (Università di Pavia, Italy) | The one-dimensional sticky particle system: an approach via optimal transport |
23.6.2010 | Dr. D. Matthes (TU Wien) |
A gradient flow approach to Cahn-Hilliard and Lubrication equations
(abstract) |
9.6.2010 | Prof. A. Manolescu (Reykjavik University, Island) |
Time dependent transport, generalized master equation,
and Coulomb interaction in quantum nanosystems
(abstract) |
2.6.2010 | Prof. Y. Yamaura (Nihon University, Japan) | A scheme of construction of minimizing movement associated to the singular functional |
19.5.2010 | Prof. M. Monteiro Marques (University of Lisbon, Portugal) | On sweeping processes and applications to dynamical and quasistatic problems |
5.5.2010 | Dr. R. Rossi (Università di Brescia, Italy) | Analysis of adhesive contact with thermal effects |
21.4.2010 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS Berlin) | Parabolic equations with discontinuous in time Neumann conditions |
14.4.2010 | G. Wachsmuth (TU Chemnitz) |
Regularity of displacement and stresses in linear and nonlinear
elasticity with mixed boundary conditions
(abstract) |
17.2.2010 | Prof. J. Naumann (HU Berlin) | On weak solutions to model problems for turbulent flows |
10.2.2010 | Prof. T. Roubíček (Charles University Prague, Czech Republic) |
Quasistatic plasticity with vanishing hardening
(abstract) |
3.2.2010 | M. Liero (HU Berlin) | The Allen-Cahn equation with dynamic boundary condition |
20.1.2010 | Prof. L. Paoli (Université de Saint-Etienne, France) |
A time-stepping scheme
for multibody dynamics with unilateral constraints
(abstract) |
6.1.2010 | Prof. E. Lieb (Princeton University, USA) | Second thoughts on the second law of thermodynamics |
2009 top
21.12.2009 | Prof. M. M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) | 1-D Schrödinger operators with local interactions on a discrete set |
16.12.2009 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Optimal elliptic W1,p regularity near 3-dimensional, heterogeneous Neumann vertices, Part 2: The regularity result |
9.12.2009 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Optimal elliptic W1,p regularity near 3-dimensional, heterogeneous Neumann vertices, Part 1: Local piecewise linear flattening of the boundary |
25.11.2009 | Dr. S.-J. Kimmerle (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Homogenization of sharp-interface models for precipitation in crystalline GaAs including mechanical stresses |
18.11.2009 | Prof. A. Aldea (National Institute of Materials Physics Bucharest, Romania) |
Quantum transport in mesoscopic systems: interference
and correlation effects in quantum dots
(abstract) |
11.11.2009 | Prof. R. Eymard (Université de Marne-la-Vallée, France) |
Application of discrete functional analysis to
the convergence study of a finite volume scheme for
nonlinear elliptic/parabolic problems
(abstract) |
4.11.2009 | Doc. Dr. Ing. E. Rohan (University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic) | On homogenization of a fluid saturated medium with dual porosity (application to the bone modeling) |
28.10.2009 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Coercivity for elliptic operators on Lipschitz domains |
16.10.2009 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. M. Peletier (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands) | Unification of diffusion and reaction as a Wasserstein gradient flow |
15.7.2009 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. G. Savaré (Università di Pavia, Italy) | A variational approach to gradient flows in metric-measure spaces (abstract) |
8.7.2009 | Prof. A. Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Semiconductor models with recombination as entropy-driven gradient flow |
1.7.2009 | Dr. C. Zheng (Tsinghua University Beijing, China) | Gaussian beam method for the boundary value problem of Helmholtz equation in the high frequency regime |
24.6.2009 | Dr. P. Dondl (Hausdorff-Zentrum für Mathematik, Universität Bonn) |
Pinning and depinning of nearly flat martensitic interfaces
in a heterogeneous environment
(abstract) |
17.6.2009 | Dr. A. Glitzky (WIAS) | Discrete Sobolev-Poincaré inequalities for Voronoi finite volume approximations |
3.6.2009 | Dr. P. E. Druet (WIAS) | An integro-differential problem arising in the modeling of heat radiation |
27.5.2009 15:45 Uhr |
Prof. V. Gudmundsson (University of Iceland, Reykjavik) |
Time-dependent transport in quantum wires
(abstract) |
27.5.2009 14:15 Uhr |
Prof. E. Salje (University of Cambridge, UK) | Microstructures in ferroelastics |
20.5.2009 | Workshop FG 2 | Nonlinear optics in guided geometries |
29.4.2009 | Prof. D. Bothe (TU Darmstadt) | Nonlinear evolution equations with applications to reaction-diffusion systems (abstract) |
22.4.2009 | Dr. R. Rossi (Università di Brescia, Italy) | Interplay of viscosity and dry friction in rate-independent evolutions with nonconvex energies (abstract) |
15.4.2009 | Prof. F. Nier (Université de Rennes 1, France) | Return to the equilibrium and pseudospectral estimates: A toy model (abstract) |
8.4.2009 | Prof. C. Besse (Université de Lille 1, France) | Open boundary conditions and computational schemes for Schrödinger equations with general potentials and nonlinearities (abstract) |
28.1.2009 | PD Dr. D. Ševčovič (Comenius University Bratislava, Slovak Republic) |
Higher order estimates for the curvature and nonlinear stability
of stationary solutions for curvature flow with triple junction
(abstract) |
21.1.2009 | Prof. L. Paoli (Université de Saint-Etienne, France) |
A velocity-based time-stepping scheme
for vibro-impact problems
(abstract) |
14.1.2009 | Prof. F. Schuricht (TU Dresden) | The eigenvalue problem for the 1-Laplace operator |
7.1.2009 14:00 Uhr |
Prof. B. Kawohl (Universität Köln) | Overdetermined boundary value problems for the p-Laplacian |
2008 top
18.12.2008 10:30 Uhr |
Dr. V. Moldoveanu (National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest, Romania) | Generalized master equation approach to mesoscopic transport |
17.12.2008 | Prof. M. M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) | Elliptic, coercive and weakly coercive operators |
10.12.2008 17:00 Uhr |
Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Die Abhängigkeit des quantenmechanischen Teilchendichte-Operators vom Schrödinger-Potential ist analytisch. |
3.12.2008 | Doc. Dr. Ing. E. Rohan (University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic) | Homogenization of acoustic transmission through a periodically perforated layer |
26.11.2008 | PD Dr. L. Recke (HU Berlin) | Smoothness of solutions and smoothness of the data-to-solution-map for 2D Signorini problems |
5.11.2008 | Dr. S. Heinz (WIAS) | Polynomial approximation of quasiconvex functions |
29.10.2008 | Dr. H. Wu (WIAS, Fudan University Shanghai, China) | Convergence to equilibrium for nonlinear evolution equations |
15.10.2008 | Prof. A. Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Thermoplasticity in the form of Öttinger's GENERIC (General Equation for Non-Equilibrium Reversible Irreversible Coupling) |
1.10.2008 | Prof. G. Nenciu (Romanian Academy, Institute of Mathematics, Bucharest) | Decay laws in perturbation theory of embedded and near threshold eigenvalues |
9.7.2008 | Prof. K. Trivisa (University of Maryland, USA) |
From the dynamics of gaseous stars to the incompressible Euler
(abstract) |
2.7.2008 | Dr. Ch. Sparber (University of Cambridge, UK) |
On the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for trapped dipolar quantum gases
(abstract) |
18.6.2008 | Dr. G. Katriel (TU Clausthal) | The explicit spectral theory of discrete one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with finitely supported potentials |
11.6.2008 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | On elliptic regularity on structures including multi-materials |
4.6.2008 | Dr. C. Zanini (Università Udine) |
Periodic solutions and complex dynamics for a differential equation
arising in the study of a nerve fiber model
(abstract) |
28.5.2008 | Prof. P. Colli (Università Pavia) |
Long time convergence for a class of phase field models
(abstract) |
14.5.2008 | Prof. K. Hackl (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) | Shape-memory alloys, energy-based models for single and polycrystals |
7.5.2008 | Prof. A. Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Global existence for rate-independent gradient plasticity at finite strain |
23.4.2008 | Dr. J. Brasche (TU Clausthal) |
Approximation of Schrödinger operators by modified point
interaction operators
(abstract) |
16.4.2008, 14:00 Uhr Ehrenkolloquium Prof. A. Langenbach | Prof. V. A. Solonnikov (Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg) | On some evolution free boundary problems for the Navier-Stokes equations |
27.2.2008 | Dr. R. Haller-Dintelmann (TU Darmstadt) | Maximal parabolic regularity for systems with VMO-coefficients |
13.2.2008 | Dr. J. Fuhrmann (WIAS) | Convergence of a finite volume scheme to the eigenvalues of a Schrödinger operator |
6.2.2008 | Dr. T. Roubíček (Charles University Prague) | Mathematical techniques for rate-independent processes in viscous solids |
30.1.2008 | Prof. L. Paoli (Université de Saint-Etienne, France) | Existence and approximation for a 3D model of thermally induced phase transformations in shape-memory alloys |
23.1.2008 | Prof. J. Naumann (HU Berlin) | Über die Gleichungen der stationären Bewegung ideal-plastischer Flüssigkeiten |
9.1.2008 | Prof. A.-M. Sändig (Universität Stuttgart) |
Griffith's fracture criterion in piezoelectric ceramics
(abstract) |
2007 top
19.12.2007 | M. Wilke (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) | Maximal Lp regularity for the Cahn-Hilliard-Gurtin equations and long-time behavior |
12.12.2007 | Prof. M. M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) | Elliptic boundary value problems |
5.12.2007 | Prof. E. S. Titi (University of California, Irvine, USA) |
Global Regularity for Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes
Equations and Other Relevant Geophysical Models
(abstract) |
28.11.2007 | Dr. R. Haller-Dintelmann (TU Darmstadt) | Maximale Regularität für Divergenzform-Operatoren auf Sobolev-Räumen |
21.11.2007 | Prof. E. Feireisl (Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) | On a diffuse interface model for a two-phase flow of compressible viscous fluids |
7.11.2007 | Dr. J. A. Griepentrog (WIAS) | On the uniform positivity of solutions to instationary drift-diffusion equations |
24.10.2007 | Dr. A. Glitzky (WIAS) | On energy estimates for continuous and discretized electro-reaction-diffusion systems |
17.10.2007 | Prof. A. Miranville (Université de Poitiers, France) |
The Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions
(abstract) |
19.9.2007 | Prof. I. Rubinstein (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) |
Bulk electroconvective instability
(abstract) |
12.9.2007 | Dr. T. Roubíček (Charles University Prague) | Rate-independent processes in viscous solids and their thermodynamics |
5.9.2007 | Dr. P. Neff (TU Darmstadt) |
Notes on strain gradient plasticity: Finite strain covariant
modelling and global existence in the infinitesimal rate-independent case
(abstract) |
22.8.2007 | Dr. J. Giannoulis (Zentrum Mathematik TU München) | Reduced Hamiltonian structures for interacting pulses in nonlinear lattices |
25.7.2007 | Dr. E. Dintelmann (TU Darmstadt) | Lp theory for fluids around moving obstacles |
18.7.2007 |
Prof. F. Nier (Université de Rennes 1) |
Accurate WKB approximation for a 1D problem with low regularity |
11.7.2007 | Prof. B. Fiedler (FU Berlin) | Design of planar global attractors of Sturm type (abstract) |
6.7.2007 Freitag, 14:00 Uhr | Prof. F. Otto (Universität Bonn) | Coarsening and energy landscapes |
4.7.2007 | PD Dr. M. Ehrhardt (TU Berlin) |
A Review of Transparent and Artificial Boundary Conditions Techniques
for Linear and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations
(abstract) |
13.6.2007 | Prof. L. Paoli (Université de Saint-Etienne, France) |
Asymptotics for some vibro-impact problems with a linear dissipation term
(abstract) |
23.5.2007 | Prof. A. Mielke (WIAS, HUB) | A model for complete damage |
16.5.2007 | PD Dr. L. Recke (HU Berlin) | A new implicit function theorem and applications to singularly perturbed boundary value problems |
2.5.2007 14:00 Uhr | Dr. A. Schlömerkemper (MPI MIS Leipzig) |
A multi-scale analysis of magnetic forces between rigid bodies
(abstract) |
25.4.2007 | Dr. M. Peter (ZeTeM Universität Bremen) |
Homogenisation of coupled reaction-diffusion systems in porous media with
evolving microstructure
(abstract) |
18.4.2007 | Dr. R. Haller-Dintelmann (WIAS) | Irreducibility and mixed boundary conditions |
21.3.2007 15:30 Uhr | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Maximale parabolische Regularität auf Sobolevräumen |
21.3.2007 14:00 Uhr | Dr. R. Haller-Dintelmann (WIAS) | Square roots of divergence form operators |
21.2.2007 | Prof. P. Exner (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) | Geometrically induced spectral properties of quantum layers |
14.2.2007 15:30 Uhr | Prof. M. Falcone (University of Rome, Italy) | Image processing |
14.2.2007 14:00 Uhr | Prof. M. Falcone (University of Rome, Italy) | Control problems |
7.2.2007 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum 15:30 Uhr | Prof. M. Falcone (University of Rome, Italy) | Approximation schemes for viscosity solutions |
7.2.2007 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum 14:00 Uhr | Prof. M. Falcone (University of Rome, Italy) | An introduction to viscosity solutions |
31.1.2007 | S. Meier (ZeTeM Universität Bremen) | A two-scale reaction-diffusion system with evolving microstructure |
24.1.2007 | Prof. M. Hieber (TU Darmstadt) | Die Navier-Stokes Gleichungen und rotierende Fluide |
17.1.2007 | Prof. R. Farwig (TU Darmstadt) | Strömungen um rotierende Hindernisse: Grundlegende Fragestellungen und überraschende Ergebnisse |
2006 top
13.12.2006 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Optimal W1,q regularity for elliptic problems with mixed boundary conditions |
29.11.2006 Raum 406 | Prof. H. Cornean (Aalborg University, Denmark) | On the zero frequence limit of the Faraday rotation |
22.11.2006 | Prof. S. Nečasova (Math. Institute, Czech Acad. Sci., Prague) | An Lq approach of viscous fluid flow past a rotating obstacle |
15.11.2006 | Prof. K. Gröger (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Monotone Operatoren und Riemannsche Geometrie |
8.11.2006 | Sen. Sci Dan Tiba (Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest) | The Control Variational Method |
1.11.2006 |
Prof. F. Nier (Université de Rennes 1) |
Resonant tunneling diodes: modelling, results and mathematical issues |
25.10.2006 | Dr. E. Rocca (University of Milano, Italy) | A dual formulation for a class of phase-field systems: existence and long-time behaviour of solutions |
25.10.2006 14 Uhr | Prof. E. Y. Khruslov (Institute for Low Temperature Physics Kharkov, Ukraine) | Homogenization problems on Riemannian manifolds with complicated microstructure |
19.7.2006 | Prof. A. Shishkov (Institute of Appl. Math. and Mech. of NAS of Ukraine, Donetsk) | Evolution of support in multidimensional thin-film flow with nonlinear diffusion, convection and absorption |
12.7.2006 | Dr. A. Lorent (MPI MIS Leipzig) |
An Lp Two-Well Liouville Theorem and Applications
(abstract) |
5.7.2006 | Prof. J. Rossmann (Universität Rostock) | Regularitätsaussagen für Lösungen elliptischer Randwertaufgaben in Polyedergebieten |
7.6.2006 | Dr. J. Kristensen (University of Oxford) |
On the regularity of minimizers of multiple integrals
(abstract) |
31.5.2006 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Über K. Grögers reguläre Mengen |
17.5.2006 | Dr. D. Blömker (RWTH Aachen) |
Stochastic Dynamics near a Bifurcation - Amplitude Equations
(abstract ) |
10.5.2006 |
Prof. F. Méhats (IRMAR, Université de Rennes 1) |
Quantum hydrodynamics models based on the maximum entropy principle |
3.5.2006 | Dr. S. Zelik (WIAS) |
Spatially nondecaying solutions of 2D Navier-Stokes equations in a
(abstract ) |
26.4.2006 | Dr. M. Eleuteri (University of Trento, Italy) |
Asymptotic behavior of a Neumann parabolic problem with hysteresis
(abstract) |
19.4.2006 | Prof. G. R. Mingione (Parma University, Italy) |
Calderòn-Zygmund estimates for degenerate parabolic systems
(abstract) |
8.2.2006 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Linear evolution equations in perturbation theory |
11.1.2006 | Dr. D. Knees (WIAS) | Energy release rate for a class of functionals from nonlinear elasticity |
11.1.2006 14.00 Uhr | Prof. D. Polisevski (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest) | Asymptotic thermal flow around a highly conductive suspension |
2005 top
14.12.2005 | Dr. H. Stephan (WIAS) | Funktionalanalytische Eigenschaften mikroskopischer Modelle |
14.12.2005 14.00 Uhr | Prof. M. M. Malamud (Donetsk National University, Ukraine) | A generalization of the Aronszajn-Donoghue theory |
7.12.2005 | Prof. A. Mielke (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Matrix groups for finite-strain formulations in elasticity and plasticity |
23.11.2005 | Prof. H. Kozono (Tohoku University Sendai, Japan) | Some variational inequality of vector fields and its application to the Helmholtz-Weyl decomposition in Lr |
23.11.2005 14.00 Uhr | Prof. P. Exner (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) | Resonance effects in transport through leaky graphs |
16.11.2005 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Optimale Regularität für das innere Transmissionsproblem mit C1-Grenzfläche |
9.11.2005 15.45 Uhr | Dr. B. Heinemann (IHP Frankfurt (Oder)) | Technologiebausteine für Kommunikationssysteme integriert auf einem Chip |
9.11.2005 14.00 Uhr | Dr. L. Recke (HU Berlin) | Über semilineare hyperbolische Randanfangswertprobleme mit unstetigen Koeffizienten |
26.10.2005 | Prof. E. Feireisl (Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) | On some singular limits for the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system |
19.10.2005 | Dr. J. A. Griepentrog (WIAS) | Maximale Regularität für Drift-Diffusionsprobleme in Sobolev-Morrey-Räumen |
19.10.2005 13.30 Uhr | Prof. B. Plamenevski (St. Petersburg State University) | Scattering and electron transport in quantum wires |
12.10.2005 | Dr. Ch. Sparber (Wolfgang Pauli Institut, Universität Wien) | Asymptotic regimes for nonlinear Schrödinger equations in periodic potentials |
15.09.2005 14.00 Uhr | Prof. V. A. Zagrebnov (Centre de Physique Théorique, Université Aix-Marseille II) | Superradiant Bose-Einstein condensation |
6.7.2005 | Dr. D. Knees (WIAS) | Regularität schwacher Lösungen quasilinearer elliptischer Transmissionsprobleme |
29.6.2005 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Offene Quantensysteme, Randbedingungen und Streuung |
22.6.2005 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Existenz, Einzigkeit und Regularität für quasilineare parabolische Systeme |
15.6.2005 | Prof. R. Pego (Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh) | Divorcing pressure from viscosity in incompressible Navier-Stokes dynamics |
8.6.2005 | Dr. T. Roubícek (Charles University Prague) | Ionized incompressible fluid mixtures |
27.4.2005 15.15 Uhr | Prof. Ph. Laurençot (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) | Mass conserving self-similar solutions to the Smoluchowski coagulation equation |
27.4.2005 14.00 Uhr | Prof. P. Colli (Università Pavia) | Existence and large time behaviour for an entropy balance and linear thermal memory model for phase transitions (abstract) |
20.4.2005 | Dr. U. Wulf (BTU Cottbus) | Resonanter Transport in Halbleiterquantenstrukturen |
13.4.2005 | Dr. Elena Roxana Racec (BTU Cottbus) | Transport properties of a single electron transistor |
16.2.2005 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Eindeutigkeit der Lösung dissipativer Schrödinger-Poisson-Systeme |
9.2.2005 | Dr. J. Wolf (HU Berlin) | Energie-Gleichung für blow-up Lösungen der Euler-Gleichungen |
19.1.2005 | Dr. Said El Manouni (University of Fez, Marocco) | Existence and regularity of solutions for some nonlinear elliptic equations involving the p-Laplacian |
12.1.2005 | Dr. P. Racec (IHP/BTU JointLab Cottbus) | Application of R-matrix formalism in modeling of semiconductor nanostructures |
2004 top
22.12.2004 | Claudia Negulescu (Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse) | The WKB approximation for the modelling of quantum ballistic transport in nanoscale MOSFETs |
15.12.2004 15.15 Uhr | Prof. K. Gröger (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Maximale Monotonie und konvexe Funktionale |
15.12.2004 14.00 Uhr | Prof. S. Schwabik (Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) | Recent possibilities of integrating Banach space-valued functions |
8.12.2004 | Dr. J. A. Griepentrog (WIAS) | On the long-time behaviour of solutions to nonlocal phase separation problems |
1.12.2004 15.15 Uhr | Dr. U. Thiele (MPI Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden) | Thin liquid films on a slightly inclined heated plate: From Cahn-Hilliard to Kuramoto-Sivashinsky behaviour (abstract ) |
1.12.2004 14.00 Uhr | Prof. N. Ben Abdallah (Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse) | Strong confinement limit for the three dimensional Schrödinger equation |
24.11.2004 14.00 Uhr | Dr. E. Rocca (University of Milano) | Existence of a global attractor for some singular phase transitions systems |
24.11.2004 15.15 Uhr | Prof. I. V. Skrypnik (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk, Ukraine) | Behavior and existence of positive solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations in exterior domains |
17.11.2004 | Prof. H. Amann (Universität Zürich) | Über das Perona-Malik Paradoxon |
10.11.2004 | Prof. K. Ecker (FU Berlin) | Local monotone quantities for some nonlinear diffusion equations |
27.10.2004 | Dr. M. Roeger (TU Eindhoven) | Mathematical analysis of a model describing tissue degradation by bacteria (abstract) |
20.10.2004 | Dr. L. Recke (HU Berlin) | Über lokale Existenz, Eindeutigkeit und Regularität bei quasilinearen parabolischen Randanfangswertaufgaben mit nichtglatten Daten |
7.07.2004 | Prof. T.P. Witelski (Duke University) | Dynamics for a critical-case unstable generalized thin film equation (abstract) |
30.06.2004 | Dr. A. Stevens (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences Leipzig) | Kinetic models for chemosensitive movement and their macroscopic limits |
23.06.2004 14.00 Uhr | Prof. Songmu Zheng (Fudan University Shanghai) | On the Cahn-Hilliard equations with dynamic boundary conditions |
23.06.2004 15.15 Uhr | Prof. X. Ren (Utah State University) | On the mathematical aspects of the Ohta-Kawasaki diblock copolymer theory |
16.06.2004 | Dr. J. Elschner (WIAS) | Regularität elliptischer Transmissionsprobleme in Polyedergebieten |
9.06.2004 | Prof. H. Gajewski (WIAS) | Existenz- und Einzigkeitsresultate für den dreidimensionalen Ladungstransport in Halbleitern |
12.05.2004 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Eigenschaften elliptischer Operatoren mit unglatten Daten |
5.05.2004 | Dr. R. Blossey (IRI, Modelling and Simulation of Biological Nanosystems, Lille) | On the integro-differential equations of nonlocal electrostatics |
28.04.2004 | Dr. S. Völlinger (Universität Freiburg) | Geometrie der Schrödingergleichung und stochastischer Massentransport |
21.04.2004 | Dr. A. Rendall (MPI für Gravitationsphysik Golm) | Das Einstein-Vlasov System |
14.04.2004 | Prof. N. F. Morozov (St. Petersburg State Universtity) | The solid mechanics method in nanotechnology |
7.04.2004 | Prof. V. V. Pukhnachov (Novosibirsk State Universtity) | Hierarchy of models in the convection theory |
24.03.2004 | Prof. K. Gröger (WIAS): | Nichtlineare Evolutionsgleichungen, deren rechte Seiten zeitliche Maße enthalten |
17.03.2004 | Dr. H. Stephan (WIAS) | Lyapunov-Funktionen für positive lineare Evolutionsprobleme in C* |
10.03.2004 | Prof. V. M. Adamyan (I.I. Mechnicov Odessa National University) | Modelling of Electronic Structure of Nanowires |
3.03.2004 | Prof. H. Gajewski (WIAS) | Ein Abstiegsverfahren für nichtkonvexe Energiefunktionale |
25.02.2004 | Prof. M. Bestehorn (BTU Cottbus) | 3D Large scale convection in thin liquid films (abstract) |
11.02.2004 | Prof. A. Miranville (Université de Poitiers) | Hyperbolic perturbations of phase field systems with logarithmic potentials |
4.02.2004 | Prof. A. Vladimirov (Institute of Information Transmission, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) | Hysteresis methods in queuing theory |
28.01.2004 | Prof. J. J. L. Velazquez (Universidad Complutense Madrid) | Singular solutions of the Keller-Segel model |
14.01.2004 | Dr. A. Glitzky (WIAS) | Ein stationäres Energiemodell mit mehreren Spezies |
7.01.2004 | Dr. W. Dreyer, Dr. A. Münch, Dr. B. Wagner (WIAS) | Über die Grinfeld-Instabilität |
2003 top
17.12.2003 | Dr. S. Wieland (Universität Bonn) | Modellierung und mathematische Analyse kontaminierter dünner Flüssigkeitsfilme |
3.12.2003 | Dr. Jihene Kefi (Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse) | Mathematical analysis of the two-band Schrödinger model |
26.11.2003 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Kopplung von Drift-Diffusionsmodell und Schrödinger-Poisson-System |
19.11.2003 | M. Baro (WIAS) | Gekoppelte Schrödinger-Drift-Diffusionsmodelle |
12.11.2003 | Dr. J. A. Griepentrog (WIAS) | Nichtlokale Phasenseparationsmodelle für mehrkomponentige Systeme |
5.11.2003 | Prof. P. Krejci (WIAS) | Evolutionsgleichungen mit nichtinvertierbaren Operatoren |
15.10.2003 | J. Behrndt (TU Berlin) | Eine Klasse von Randwertproblemen, in denen die Randbedingungen vom Eigenwertparameter abhängen |
20.08.2003 | Prof. M. Delfour (University of Montreal) | Modelling of thin and asymptotic shells |
16.07.2003 | Prof. I. V. Skrypnik (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk, Ukraine) | Removable singularities of nonlinear elliptic equations |
4.06.2003 | Prof. E. Ya. Khruslov (Institute for low temperature physics, Kharkov, Ukraine) | Homogenized models of complex fluids |
19.02.2003 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Konvexität von Spurklassenfunktionalen und Anwendungen |
12.02.2003 | Prof. Dr. K. Gröger (WIAS) | Evolutionsgleichungen mit Konvektionsterm |
29.01.200 | M. Baro (WIAS) | Quantum transmitting Schrödinger-Poisson systems |
22.01.2003 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Das zweidimensionale van-Roosbroeck-System hat in Lp klassische Lösungen. Teil 2 |
15.01.2003 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Das zweidimensionale van-Roosbroeck-System hat in Lp klassische Lösungen. Teil 1 |
2002 top
4.12.2002 | M. Lichtner (HU Berlin) | Lineare elliptische Randwertprobleme mit nichtglatten Daten und unbeschränkten Koeffizienten |
27.11.2002 | Dr. W. Dreyer (WIAS) | Zur Modellierung thermochemischer Prozesse in semiisolierendem Galliumarsenid |
10.07.2002 | Prof. I. V. Skrypnik (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk, Ukraine) | On degree theory for S+-perturbations of maximal monotone operators and applications |
3.07.2002 | Prof. Dr. J. Robinson (University of Warwick) | A pitchfork bifurcation in a reaction-diffusion equation |
26.06.2002 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Lösungen für quasilineare parabolische Systeme mit gemischten Randbedingungen |
5.06.2002 | Prof. Dr. H.-D. Alber (TU Darmstadt) | Wie sollte man Probleme der Metallplastizität formulieren? Was kann man zur Analysis sagen? |
22.05.2002 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Stromkopplung des Drift-Diffusion- und Schrödinger-Poisson-Systems |
15.05.2002 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Das dissipative Schrödinger-Poisson-System ist lösbar |
8.05.2002 | M. Baro (WIAS) | Dissipative Schrödingeroperatoren zur Modellierung von Generations- und Rekombinationseffekten |
24.04.2002 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Operator-Funktionen erben Monotonie-Eigenschaften |
17.04.2002 | Dr. L. Recke (HU Berlin) | Anwendungen des Satzes über implizite Funktionen auf Variationsungleichungen |
2001 top
12.12.2001 | M. Baro (WIAS) | Über das stetige Spektrum verallgemeinerter Schrödinger Operatoren |
5.12.2001 | Prof. P. Degond (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) | Quantum-classical coupling in the time-dependent case |
15.08.2001 | Prof. T. Shaposhnikova (University of Linköping) | Pointwise interpolation inequalities for derivatives and their applications in analysis |
25.07.2001 | Prof. I. V. Skrypnik (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk, Ukraine) | On a topological approach to nonlinear equations with strong growth of coefficients |
18.07.2001 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Über das eindimensionale dissipative Schrödinger-Poisson-System: Vom Spektralparameter abhängige Randbedingungen |
11.07.2001 | Prof. W. Litvinov (Universität Augsburg) | Problems on the flow of electro-rheological fluids |
4.07.2001 | Dr. H. Neidhardt (WIAS) | Über das eindimensionale dissipative Schrödinger-Poisson-System: Vom Spektralparameter unabhängige Randbedingungen |
30.05.2001 | Dr. H. Stephan (WIAS) | Lyapunov-Funktionen für eine Klasse von Fokker-Planck-Gleichungen |
23.05.2001 | Dr. A. Glitzky (WIAS) | Neue Ergebnisse zur Analysis von Elektro-Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen. Teil 2 |
16.05.2001 | Dr. A. Glitzky (WIAS) | Neue Ergebnisse zur Analysis von Elektro-Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen. Teil 1 |
9.05.2001 | Dr. O. Klein (WIAS) | Modellierung von Unterkühlung mit Phasenfeldsystemen und Stefanproblemen |
2.05.2001 | Dr. G. Albinus (WIAS) | Bemerkungen zur Boxmethode bei gemischten Randwertproblemen für elliptische Gleichungen 2. Ordnung mit unstetigen Koeffizienten |
25.04.2001 | Th. Koprucki (WIAS) | Exact ground states for one-dimensional quantum many-body systems |
18.04.2001 | Dr. R. Guckel (WIAS) | Über ein freies Randwertproblem in der Elektrostatik |
11.04.2001 | Prof. Dr. H. Gajewski (WIAS) | Über ein nichtlokales Phasenseparationsmodell |
28.03.2001 | Prof. A. Skubachevskij (Institut für Luftfahrt, Moskau) | Nonlocal elliptic problems |
21.02.2001 | Prof. T. Shaposhnikova (University of Linköping) | Sobolev multipliers and ther applications to nonsmooth elliptic theory |
14.02.2001 | Dr. M. Hintermüller (Universität Graz) | Level Set Methoden für zustandsbeschränkte Optimalsteuerungsprobleme |
7.02.2001 | M. Petzoldt (WIAS) | Regularität für Laplace-Interface Probleme in 2D und 3D |
31.01.2001 | Prof. Dr. Atsushi Kadoya (Hiroshima Shudo University) | Numerical results for the behavior of solutions of a parabolic variational inequality associated with the total variation functional |
2000 top
13.12.2000 | Dr. G. Schimperna (Università Pavia) | Some results on phase separation models with thermoelastic effects |
18.10.2000 | Prof. J.-M. Roquejoffre (Université de Toulouse) | A nonlinear oblique derivative problem for the heat equation: analogy with the porous medium equation |
19.07.2000 | Prof. I. V. Skrypnik (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk, Ukraine) | Asymptotical behaviour of solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems in perforated domains |
12.07.2000 | Prof. N. Kenmochi (Chiba University, Japan) | Mathematical treatment of phase separation and order-disorder transition in binary mixtures |
28.06.2000 | Prof. K. Gröger (WIAS, HU Berlin) | Gemischte Randwertprobleme und Kapazitäten |
21.06.2000 | Prof. A. Pankov (z. Zt. Universität Gießen) | Multiplicity for stationary nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a steep potential well |
31.05.2000 | Prof. O. John (Charles University Prague) | Regularity - some elliptic and parabolic counterexamples |
26.04.2000 | Prof. P. Fabrie (Université de Bordeaux) | Some recent results in micromagnetism |
19.04.2000 | Dr. S. V. Zelik (University Moscow) | Damped nonlinear hyperbolic equations in unbounded domains and their attractors |
8.03.2000 | Prof. A. Pankov (z. Zt. Universität Gießen) | Mathematics of photonic crystal |
1.o3.2000 | Prof. A. Demidov (University Moscow) | Inverse problems in plasma equilibrium |
23.02.2000 | Dr. S. Volkwein (Universität Graz) | Über das Lagrange-Newton-SQP Verfahren für die Optimalsteuerung der Burgers Gleichung |
16.02.2000 | Prof. A. Khludnev (Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk) | On an equilibrium problem for a cracked body with electrothermoconductivit |
9.02.2000 | Prof. R. Duduchava (z. Zt. Universität Potsdam) | Boundary value problems in domains with peaks |
26.01.2000 | M. Petzoldt (WIAS) | Regularität und Fehlerschätzer für elliptische Gleichungen mit unstetigen Diffusionskoeffizienten |
19.01.2000 | Dr. G. Albinus (WIAS) | Energiemodelle mit allgemeinen Dispersionsrelationen |
12.01.2000 | Prof. L. Simon (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest) | On stability of solutions to nonlinear functional-differential equations |
5.01.2000 | Dr. J. Rehberg (WIAS) | Interpolation durch Würfel-Drehen |