Karl Weierstrass - Curriculum Vitae
The Berlin mathematician Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) made fundamental contributions to Complex Analysis, Algebra as well as Variational Methods. He is considered as one of the founders of the concept of "rigorous mathematical proof" in Analysis.
- 31.10.1815 Born in Ostenfelde (Westfalia)
- 1829-1834 Gymnasium Theodorianum in Paderborn
- 1838 Studies in Münster
- 1841 Trial year in Münster
- 1842 Teacher in Deutsch-Krone (West Prussia) and Braunsberg (East Prussia)
- 1854 Honorary doctorate of the University of Königsberg
- 1856 Teacher at the Berlin Gewerbeinstitut (Inst. of Trade)
- 10/1856 Extraordinary professor at the Berlin University
- 11/1856 Full member of the Berlin Academy
- 1864 Full professor at the Berlin University
- 10/1873-10/1874 Rector of the Berlin University
- 1894 First volume of Weierstrass's Works published
- 19.02.1897 Died in Berlin