Forschungsgruppe "Laserdynamik"
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D20: Pulse shaping in photonic crystal-fibers |
Head of project
Dr. Ayhan Demircan | (WIAS, Research group Laser Dynamics). |
Project Researcher
Dr. Monika Pietrzyk |
May 2007 - December 2008Project status
Project description
- A. Bhattacherjee, and M. Pietrzyk. Transport behaviour of a Bose-Einstein
condensate in a bichromatic optical lattice.
Cent. Eur. J. Math., 6 (2008), pp. 26-32. - A. Demircan, M. Pietrzyk, and U. Bandelow. Effects of higher-order
dipersion on pulse splitting in the normal dispersion regime.
Opt. Quantum Electron., 40 (2008), pp. 455-460. - A. Demircan, M. Kroh, B. Hüttl, and U. Bandelow. Generation of new
frequencies by pulse splitting.
In Proc. of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2007. - M. Pietrzyk, I. Kanattšikow, and A. Demircan.
On the compression of ultrashort optical pulses beyond the slowly varying
envelope approximation.
In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD'08) 2008. - T. Ziems, K.N. Adarsh, M. Böhm, A. Demircan, and F.M. Mitschke.
Self-organized supercontinuum generation from a nonlinear fiber resonator.
In Nonlinear Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2007), paper JWBPDP72007. - M. Pietrzyk, I. Kanattsikov, and U. Bandelow. On the propagation of vector ultra-short pulses.
WIAS-Preprint No. 1134, 2006. - A. Demircan, M. Kroh, and U. Bandelow. Non-Raman redshift by pulse splitting
in the normal dispersion regime.
WIAS-Preprint No. 1218, 2007. - A. Demircan, M. Pietrzyk, and U. Bandelow. Effect of higher-order dispersion on modulation instability, soliton propagation and pulse splitting.
WIAS-Preprint No. 1249, 2007. - M. Pietrzyk, and I. Kanattšikow. Multisymplectic analysis of the short pulse equation.
WIAS-Preprint No. 1278, 2007. - A. Demircan, and U. Bandelow. Interplay between soliton fission and modulation instability.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics & Lasers Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), Munich, June 17-22, 2007. - M. Pietrzyk. The short pulse equation: Few-cycle optical pulses beyond
the slowly varying envelope approximation.
University of Tartu, Institute of Physics, Estonia, October 8, 2008. - M. Pietrzyk. On the compression of ultrashort optical pulses beyond the
slowly varying envelope approximation.
8th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD'08), Nottingham, UK, September 2, 2008. - M. Pietrzyk. Carrier-wave shock formation and other properties of the
short pulse equation.
PHOTON08: Conference in Optics and Photonics, Edinburgh, UK, August 29, 2008. - M. Pietrzyk. Short pulse equations and its properties.
Gdańsk University of Technology, Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Information, Poland, July 1, 2008. - M. Pietrzyk. On the multisymplectic integrator for the generalized short
pulse equation.
40th Symposium on Mathematical Physics "Geometry & Quanta", Toruń, Poland, June 28, 2008. - M. Pietrzyk. Multisymplectic analysis of the short pulse equation.
10th International Conference on Differential Geometry and Its Application, Olomouc, Czech Republic, August 28, 2007. - M. Pietrzyk. How to describe ultrashort pulses when the NSE does not apply?.
University of Vigo, Optics Lab, Spain, July 2, 2007. -
Workshop "Nonlinear Optics in Guided Geometries"
WIAS, Berlin, May 18-20, 2009.
Optical pulses that are directly obtainable from typical semiconductor laser based pulse sources are limited with respect to their frequencies, pulse shapes and widths. The external propagation in an optical fiber makes it possible to control the pulse properties to a large extent. Pulses can be compressed down to the femtosecond regime and energy can be transferred to longer wavelengths. Such pulses have found numerous applications in such diverse fields as optical coherence tomography, spectroscopy, and the design of tunable ultrafast femtosecond laser sources. The advent of a new class of optical wave guides in the form of photonic crystal fiber (PCF), has led to a revolution in the generation of arbitrary pulse shapes and widths. The design freedom opens now new possibilities for optimization of the compression scheme, or the generation of pulse shapes with specific spectral characteristics.
But the interplay between the different physical effects in a PCF leads to a variety of possible pulse and spectrum characteristics, which can also lead to a strong limitation of the applicability of this new light source. The experimental observations show that the range of pulse duration that has been used in successful PCF-based metrology is restricted to ultrashort pulses with extreme high peak powers. Because of the significance of PCF-shaped pulses and spectra a complete understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms is of prime importance. Simulation of a pulse propagating in the PCF will help to identify the relative contribution of the various underlying physical mechanisms. The focus is the development of techniques for optimal pulse compression in a PCF for the generation of high-repetition-rate optical pulse trains for ultrahigh-speed optical time-divison multiplexed communication systems.
Publications and Activities Related to the Project
Refereed PublicationsConference Proceedings
Last update: July 15, 2009