ddfermi - drift diffusion simulation tool

ddfermi is a software prototype which simulates drift diffusion processes in classical and organic semiconductors. It uses a finite volume discretization of the basic semiconductor equations as well as thermodynamically consistent, state-of-the-art flux approximations.
ParMooN - Mathematics and object-oriented Numerics

ParMooN solves equations from Computational Fluid Mechanics, as convection-diffusion equations, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and systems consisting of these types of equations, on the basis of finite element discretizations and implicit time stepping schemes.
pdelib - a FVM and FEM toolbox for PDEs

The toolbox pdelib has been developed for solving partial differential equations in one, two and three dimensions. It includes a grid generator, iterative and direct solvers for systems of equations, an online graphics package and interfaces to packages of other institutes and companies.
TetGen - a Delaunay Tetrahedral Mesh Generator

TetGen is a program for generating tetrahedral meshes from three-dimensional domains. One of its main applications is to generate suitable meshes for numerically solving PDEs by finite element and finite volume methods. TetGen uses Delaunay-based algorithms which have theoretical guarantees on mesh quality and mesh size.

Research Groups
- Partial Differential Equations
- Laser Dynamics
- Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- Nonlinear Optimization and Inverse Problems
- Interacting Random Systems
- Stochastic Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics
- Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions
- Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations