Artikel in referierten Journalen 2015
- N. Ahmed, V. John, Adaptive time step control for higher order variational time discretizations applied to convection-diffusion equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 285 (2015), pp. 83--101.
- N. Ahmed, G. Matthies, Higher order continuous Galerkin--Petrov time stepping schemes for transient convection-diffusion-reaction equations, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 49 (2015), pp. 1429--1450.
- CH. Bayer, H.A. Hoel, A. Kadir, P. Plechac, M. Sandberg, A. Szepessy, Computational error estimates for Born--Oppenheimer molecular dynamics with nearly crossing potential surfaces, Applied Mathematics Research Express, 2015 (2015), pp. 329--417.
- I. Bremer, R. Henrion, A. Möller, Probabilistic constraints via SQP solver: Application to a renewable energy management problem, Computational Management Science, 12 (2015), pp. 435--459.
- M. Hofmann, J. Hyyti, S. Birkholz, M. Bock, S.K. Das, R. Grunwald, M. Hoffmann, T. Nagy, A. Demircan, M. Jupé, D. Ristau, U. Morgner, C. Brée, M. Wörner, Th. Elsaesser, G. Steinmeyer, Non-instantaneous polarization dynamics in dielectric media, Optica, 2 (2015), pp. 151--157.
- M. Hofmann, C. Brée, Femtosecond filamentation by intensity clamping at a Freeman resonance, Physical Review A, 92 (2015), pp. 013813/1--013813/7.
- S. Birkholz, C. Brée, A. Demircan, G. Steinmeyer, Predictability of rogue events, Physical Review Letters, 114 (2015), pp. 213901/1--213901/5.
- C. Brée, M. Kretschmar, T. Nagy, H.G. Kurz, U. Morgner, M. Kovačev, Impact of spatial inhomogeneities on on-axis pulse reconstruction in femtosecond filaments, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48 (2015), pp. 094002/1--094002/6.
- A. Caiazzo, R. Guibert, Y. Boudjemline, I.E. Vignon-Clementel, Efficient blood flow simulations for the design of stented valve reducer in enlarged ventricular outflow tracts, Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 6 (2015), pp. 485--500.
- A. Caiazzo, G. Montecinos, L.O. Müller, E.M. Haacke, E.F. Toro, Computational haemodynamics in stenotic internal jugular veins, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 70 (2015), pp. 745--772.
- A. Caiazzo, I. Ramis-Conde, Multiscale modeling of palisade formation in glioblastoma multiforme, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 383 (2015), pp. 145--156.
- A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani, R.S. Hazra, A note on the extremal process of the supercritical Gaussian free field, Electronic Communications in Probability, 20 (2015), pp. 74/1--74/10.
- A. Cipriani, D. Zeindler, The limit shape of random permutations with polynomially growing cycle weights, ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 12 (2015), pp. 971--999.
- K. Schildknecht, S. Olek, Th. Dickhaus, Simultaneous statistical inference for epigenetic data, PLOS ONE, 10 (2015), pp. e0125587/1--e0125587/15.
- T. Bodnar, Th. Dickhaus, On the Simes inequality in elliptical models, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, (published online on Sept. 4, 2015), pp. 1--16, DOI 10.1007/s10463-015-0539-4 .
- TH. Dickhaus, Th. Royen, On multivariate chi-square distributions and their applications in testing multiple hypotheses, Statistics. A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, (2015), pp. 427--454.
- W. Dreyer, R. Huth, A. Mielke, J. Rehberg, M. Winkler, Global existence for a nonlocal and nonlinear Fokker--Planck equation, ZAMP Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics. Journal de Mathematiques et de Physique Appliquees, 66 (2015), pp. 293--315.
- W. Dreyer, C. Guhlke, R. Müller, Modeling of electrochemical double layers in thermodynamic non-equilibrium, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015), pp. 27176--27194, DOI 10.1039/C5CP03836G .
- D. Bothe, W. Dreyer, Continuum thermodynamics of chemically reacting fluid mixtures, Acta Mechanica, 226 (2015), pp. 1757--1805.
- A. Gasnikov, P. Dvurechensky, D. Kamzolov, Y. Nesterov, V. Spokoiny, P. Stetsyuk, A. Suvorikova, A. Chernov, Searching for equilibriums in multistage transport models (in Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 7 (2015), pp. 143--155.
- P. Dvurechensky, Y. Nesterov, V. Spokoiny, Primal-dual methods for solving infinite-dimensional games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 166 (2015), pp. 23--51.
- A. Gasnikov, E. Gasnikova, P. Dvurechensky, E. Ershov, A. Lagunovskaia, Searching for the stochastic equilibria in the transport models of equilibrium flow distribution (in Russian), Proceedings of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 7 (2015), pp. 114--128.
- TH. Koprucki, N. Rotundo, P. Farrell, D.H. Doan, J. Fuhrmann, On thermodynamic consistency of a Scharfetter--Gummel scheme based on a modified thermal voltage for drift-diffusion equations with diffusion enhancement, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47 (2015), pp. 1327--1332.
- P. Farrell, J. Pestana, Block preconditioners for linear systems arising from multiscale collocation with compactly supported RBFs, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22 (2015), pp. 731--747.
- M.H. Farshbaf Shaker, Ch. Heinemann, A phase field approach for optimal boundary control of damage processes in two-dimensional viscoelastic media, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 25 (2015), pp. 2749--2793.
- P. Colli, M.H. Farshbaf Shaker, J. Sprekels, A deep quench approach to the optimal control of an Allen--Cahn equation with dynamic boundary conditions and double obstacles, Applied Mathematics and Optimization. An International Journal with Applications to Stochastics, 71 (2015), pp. 1--24.
- P. Colli, M.H. Farshbaf Shaker, G. Gilardi, J. Sprekels, Second-order analysis of a boundary control problem for the viscous Cahn--Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Mathematics and its Applications., 7 (2015), pp. 41--66.
- P. Colli, M.H. Farshbaf Shaker, G. Gilardi, J. Sprekels, Optimal boundary control of a viscous Cahn--Hilliard system with dynamic boundary condition and double obstacle potentials, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53 (2015), pp. 2696--2721.
- M.H. Farshbaf Shaker, A relaxation approach to vector-valued Allen--Cahn MPEC problems, Applied Mathematics and Optimization. An International Journal with Applications to Stochastics, 72 (2015), pp. 325--351.
- P. Friz, P. Gassiat, T. Lyons, Physical Brownian motion in a magnetic field as a rough path, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 367 (2015), pp. 7939--7955.
- J. Fuhrmann, Comparison and numerical treatment of generalized Nernst--Planck models, Computer Physics Communications. An International Journal and Program Library for Computational Physics and Physical Chemistry, 196 (2015), pp. 166--178.
- S. Giere, T. Iliescu, V. John, D. Wells, SUPG reduced order models for convection-dominated convection-diffusion-reaction equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 289 (2015), pp. 454--474.
- M. Liero, Th. Koprucki, A. Fischer, R. Scholz, A. Glitzky, p-Laplace thermistor modeling of electrothermal feedback in organic semiconductors, ZAMP Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics. Journal de Mathematiques et de Physique Appliquees, 66 (2015), pp. 2957--2977.
- D. Zhang, Y. Guo, Fourier method for solving the multi-frequency inverse source problem for the Helmholtz equation, Inverse Problems. An International Journal on the Theory and Practice of Inverse Problems, Inverse Methods and Computerized Inversion of Data, 31 (2015), pp. 035007/1--035007/30.
- O. Gün, W. König, O. Sekulović, Moment asymptotics for multitype branching random walks in random environment, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 28 (2015), pp. 1726--1742.
- H. Hanke, D. Knees, Homogenization of elliptic systems with non-periodic, state dependent coefficients, Asymptotic Analysis, 92 (2015), pp. 203--234.
- E. Bonetti, Ch. Heinemann, Ch. Kraus, A. Segatti, Modeling and analysis of a phase field system for damage and phase separation processes in solids, Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 258 (2015), pp. 3928--3959.
- CH. Heinemann, Ch. Kraus, Complete damage in linear elastic materials -- Modeling, weak formulation and existence results, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 54 (2015), pp. 217--250.
- CH. Heinemann, Ch. Kraus, A degenerating Cahn--Hilliard system coupled with complete damage processes, Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications. An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 22 (2015), pp. 388--403.
- CH. Heinemann, Ch. Kraus, Existence of weak solutions for a hyperbolic-parabolic phase field system with mixed boundary conditions on non-smooth domains, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 47 (2015), pp. 2044--2073.
- CH. Heinemann, Ch. Kraus, Existence of weak solutions for a PDE system describing phase separation and damage processes including inertial effects, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), pp. 2565--2590.
- CH. Heinemann, E. Rocca, Damage processes in thermoviscoelastic materials with damage-dependent thermal expansion coefficients, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38 (2015), pp. 4587--4612.
- G. Colombo, R. Henrion, N.D. Hoang, B.S. Mordukhovich, Discrete approximations of a controlled sweeping process, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. Theory and Applications. Springer, Dordrecht. English., 23 (2015), pp. 69--86.
- D. Hömberg, Th. Petzold, E. Rocca, Analysis and simulations of multifrequency induction hardening, Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications. An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 22 (2015), pp. 84--97.
- TH. Petzold, D. Hömberg, D. Nadolski, A. Schulz, H. Stiele, Adaptive Finite-Elemente-Simulation des Mehrfrequenz-Induktionshärtens, HTM Journal for Heat Treatment and Materials, 70 (2015), pp. 33--39.
- R. Huth, S. Jachalski, G. Kitavtsev, D. Peschka, Gradient flow perspective on thin-film bilayer flows, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 94 (2015), pp. 43--61.
- F. Anker, S. Ganesan, V. John, E. Schmeyer, A comparative study of a direct discretization and an operator-splitting solver for population balance systems, Comput. Chem. Engng., 75 (2015), pp. 95--104.
- G.R. Barrenechea, V. John, P. Knobloch, Some analytical results for an algebraic flux correction scheme for a steady convection-diffusion equation in one dimension, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 34 (2015), pp. 1729--1756.
- V. John, J. Novo, Analysis of the pressure stabilized Petrov--Galerkin (PSPG) method stabilization for the evolutionary Stokes equations avoiding time-step restrictions, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 53 (2015), pp. 1005--1031.
- K. Disser, H.-Chr. Kaiser, J. Rehberg, Optimal Sobolev regularity for linear second-order divergence elliptic operators occurring in real-world problems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 47 (2015), pp. 1719--1746.
- W. Huang, L. Kamenski, R.D. Russell, A comparative numerical study of meshing functionals for variational mesh adaptation, Journal of Mathematical Study, 48 (2015), pp. 168--186.
- W. Huang, L. Kamenski, A geometric discretization and a simple implementation for variational mesh generation and adaptation, Journal of Computational Physics, 301 (2015), pp. 322--337.
- O. Klein, On the representation of hysteresis operators acting on vector-valued, left-continuous and piecewise monotaffine and continuous functions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), pp. 2591--2614.
- S. Jansen, W. König, B. Metzger, Large deviations for cluster size distributions in a continuous classical many-body system, The Annals of Applied Probability, 25 (2015), pp. 930--973.
- W. König, T. Wolff, Large deviations for the local times of a random walk among random conductances in a growing box, Special issue for Pastur's 75th birthday, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 21 (2015), pp. 591--638.
- CH. Brennecke, A. Linke, Ch. Merdon, J. Schöberl, Optimal and pressure-independent $L^2$ velocity error estimates for a modified Crouzeix--Raviart Stokes element with BDM reconstructions, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 33 (2015), pp. 191--208.
- A. Linke, Ch. Merdon, Guaranteed energy error estimators for a modified robust Crouzeix--Raviart Stokes element, Journal of Scientific Computing, 64 (2015), pp. 541--558.
- K. Lin, S. Lu, P. Mathé, Oracle-type posterior contraction rates in Bayesian inverse problems, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 9 (2015), pp. 895--915.
- P. Mathé, Adaptive discretization for signal detection in statistical inverse problems, Applicable Analysis. An International Journal, 94 (2015), pp. 494--505.
- A. Mielke, J. Haskovec, P.A. Markowich, On uniform decay of the entropy for reaction-diffusion systems, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 27 (2015), pp. 897--928.
- A. Mielke, J. Naumann, Global-in-time existence of weak solutions to Kolmogorov's two-equation model of turbulence, Comptes Rendus Mathematique. Academie des Sciences. Paris, 353 (2015), pp. 321--326.
- A. Mielke, Deriving amplitude equations via evolutionary Gamma convergence, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), pp. 2679--2700.
- M.M. Malamud, H. Neidhardt, Trace formulas for additive and non-additive perturbations, Advances in Mathematics, 274 (2015), pp. 736--832.
- M. Muminov, H. Neidhardt, T. Rasulov, On the spectrum of the lattice spin-boson Hamiltonian for any coupling: 1D case, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56 (2015), pp. 053507/1--053507/24.
- H. Neidhardt, L. Wilhelm, V. Zagrebnov, A new model for quantum dot light emitting-absorbing devices: Proofs and supplements, Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 6 (2015), pp. 6--45.
- O. Omel'chenko, L. Recke, Existence, local uniqueness and asymptotic approximation of spike solutions to singularly perturbed elliptic problems, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 45 (2015), pp. 35--89.
- K.F. Lee, R.I.A. Patterson, W. Wagner, M. Kraft, Stochastic weighted particle methods for population balance equations with coagulation, fragmentation and spatial inhomogeneity, Journal of Computational Physics, 303 (2015), pp. 1--18.
- K. Tabelow, S. Mohammadi, N. Weiskopf, J. Polzehl, POAS4SPM --- A toolbox for SPM to denoise diffusion MRI data, Neuroinformatics, 13 (2015), pp. 19--29.
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl, Local estimation of the noise level in MRI using structural adaptation, Medical Image Analysis, 20 (2015), pp. 76--86.
- S. Amiranashvili, R. Čiegis, M. Radziunas, Numerical methods for generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Kinetic and Related Models, 8 (2015), pp. 215--234.
- W. Ahmed, S. Kumar, R. Herrero, M. Botey, M. Radziunas, K. Staliunas, Stabilization of flat-mirror vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers by spatiotemporal modulation of the pump profile, Physical Review A, 92 (2015), pp. 043829/1--043829/8.
- M. Radziunas, R. Herrero, M. Botey, K. Staliunas, Far-field narrowing in spatially modulated broad-area edge-emitting semiconductor amplifiers, Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, 32 (2015), pp. 993--1000.
- M. Radziunas, V.Z. Tronciu, E. Luvsandamdin, Ch. Kürbis, A. Wicht, H. Wenzel, Study of micro-integrated external-cavity diode lasers: Simulations, analysis and experiments, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 51 (2015), pp. 2000408/1--2000408/8.
- V.Z. Tronciu, M. Radziunas, Ch. Kürbis, H. Wenzel, A. Wicht, Numerical and experimental investigations of micro-integrated external cavity diode lasers, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47 (2015), pp. 1459--1464.
- M. Radziunas, Longitudinal modes of multisection edge-emitting and ring semiconductor lasers, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47 (2015), pp. 1319--1325.
- H. Gross, S. Heidenreich, M.-A. Henn, M. Bär, A. Rathsfeld, Modeling aspects to improve the solution of the inverse problem in scatterometry, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- Series S, 8 (2015), pp. 497--519.
- G. Hu, A. Rathsfeld, Scattering of time-harmonic electromagnetic plane waves by perfectly conducting diffraction gratings, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 80 (2015), pp. 508--532.
- K. Disser, M. Meyries, J. Rehberg, A unified framework for parabolic equations with mixed boundary conditions and diffusion on interfaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 430 (2015), pp. 1102--1123.
- P. Auscher, N. Badr, R. Haller-Dintelmann, J. Rehberg, The square root problem for second order, divergence form operators with mixed boundary condition on $L^p$, Journal of Evolution Equations, 15 (2015), pp. 165--208.
- M. Egert, R. Haller-Dintelmann, J. Rehberg, Hardy's inequality for functions vanishing on a part of the boundary, Potential Analysis, 43 (2015), pp. 49--78.
- A.F.M. TER Elst, J. Rehberg, Hölder estimates for second-order operators with mixed boundary conditions, Advances in Differential Equations, 20 (2015), pp. 299--360.
- B. Bugert, G. Schmidt, Analytical investigation of an integral equation method for electromagnetic scattering by biperiodic structures, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- Series S, 8 (2015), pp. 435--473.
- F. Lanzara, G. Schmidt, On the computation of high-dimensional potentials of advection-diffusion operators, Mathematika. A Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 61 (2015), pp. 309--327.
- D. Belomestny, M. Ladkau, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, Simulation based policy iteration for American style derivatives -- A multilevel approach, SIAM ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification, 3 (2015), pp. 460--483.
- D. Belomestny, M. Joshi, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, Addendum to: Multilevel dual approach for pricing American style derivatives, Finance and Stochastics, 19 (2015), pp. 681--684.
- D. Belomestny, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, Statistical Skorohod embedding problem: Optimality and asymptotic normality, Statistics & Probability Letters, 104 (2015), pp. 169--180.
- CH. Bender, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, J. Zhang, Dual representations for general multiple stopping problems, Mathematical Finance. An International Journal of Mathematics, Statistics and Financial Economics, 25 (2015), pp. 339--370.
- Z. Grbac, A. Papapantoleon, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, D. Skovmand, Affine LIBOR models with multiple curves: Theory, examples and calibration, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, ISSN 1945-497X, 6 (2015), pp. 984--1025.
- G.N. Milstein, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, Uniform approximation of the Cox--Ingersoll--Ross process, Advances in Applied Probability, 47 (2015), pp. 1132--1156.
- F. Dassi, H. Si, S. Perotto, T. Streckenbach, Anisotropic finite element mesh adaptation via higher dimensional embedding, Procedia Engineering, 124 (2015), pp. 265--277.
- H. Si, TetGen, a Delaunay-based quality tetrahedral mesh generator, Association for Computing Machinery. Transactions on Mathematical Software, 41 (2015), pp. 11/1--11/36.
- V. Spokoiny, M. Zhilova, Bootstrap confidence sets under a model misspecification, The Annals of Statistics, 43 (2015), pp. 2653--2675.
- Y. Chen, V. Spokoiny, Modeling nonstationary and leptokurtic financial time series, Econometric Theory, (2015), pp. 703--728.
- A. Gasnikov, Y. Nesterov, V. Spokoiny, On the efficiency of a randomized mirror descent algorithm in online optimization problems, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 55 (2015), pp. 580--596.
- V.G. Gitis, A.B. Derendyaev, S.A. Pirogov, V. Spokoiny, E.F. Yurkov, Adaptive estimation of seismic parameter fields from earthquakes catalogs, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 60 (2015), pp. 1459--1465.
- M. Panov, V. Spokoiny, Finite sample Bernstein--von Mises theorem for semiparametric problems, Bayesian Analysis, 10 (2015), pp. 665--710.
- P. Colli, J. Sprekels, Optimal control of an Allen--Cahn equation with singular potentials and dynamic boundary condition, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53 (2015), pp. 213--234.
- H. Stephan, Zahlentheorie und Geometrie, Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, 35 (2015), pp. 18--44.
- H. Stephan, Multiplikative Dualität in der Dreiecksgeometrie, Die Wurzel, Zeitschrift für Mathematik, 49 (2015), pp. 105--110.
- H. Stephan, Reverse inequalities for slowly increasing sequences and functions, Octogon Mathematical Magazine, 22 (2015), pp. 621--633.
- S. Mohammadi, K. Tabelow, L. Ruthotto, Th. Feiweier, J. Polzehl, N. Weiskopf, High-resolution diffusion kurtosis imaging at 3T enabled by advanced post-processing, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8 (2015), pp. 427/1--427/14.
- J. Krämer, M. Deppe, K. Göbel, K. Tabelow, H. Wiendl, S.G. Meuth, Recovery of thalamic microstructural damage after Shiga toxin 2-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 356 (2015), pp. 175--183.
- D. Peschka, M. Thomas, A. Glitzky, R. Nürnberg, K. Gärtner, M. Virgilio, S. Guha, G. Capellini, Th. Koprucki, Th. Schröder, Modeling of edge-emitting lasers based on tensile strained germanium microstrips, IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (2015), pp. 1502115/1--1502115/15, DOI 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2427093 .
- R. Rossi, M. Thomas, From an adhesive to a brittle delamination model in thermo-visco-elasticity, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 21 (2015), pp. 1--59.
- T. Roubíček, M. Thomas, Ch. Panagiotopoulos, Stress-driven local-solution approach to quasistatic brittle delamination, Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications. An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 22 (2015), pp. 645--663.
- M. Thomas, Uniform Poincaré--Sobolev and relative isoperimetric inequalities for classes of domains, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), pp. 2741--2761.
- L. Jaurigue, A. Pimenov, D. Rachinskii, E. Schöll, K. Lüdge, A.G. Vladimirov, Timing jitter of passively-mode-locked semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback: A semi-analytic approach, Physical Review A, 92 (2015), pp. 053807/1--053807/11.
- G. Slavcheva, A.V. Gorbach, A. Pimenov, A.G. Vladimirov, D. Skryabin, Multi-stability and polariton formation in microcavity polaritonic waveguides, Optics Letters, 40 (2015), pp. 1787--1790.
- R.M. Arkhipov, A. Amann, A.G. Vladimirov, Pulse repetition-frequency multiplication in a passively mode-locked semiconductor laser coupled to an external passive cavity, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 118 (2015), pp. 539--548.
- M.G. Hennessy, V.M. Burlakov, A. Münch, B. Wagner, A. Goriely, Controlled topological transitions in thin-film phase separation, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 75 (2015), pp. 38--60.
- K.F. Lee, S. Mosbach, M. Kraft, W. Wagner, A multi-compartment population balance model for high shear granulation, Comput. Chem. Engng., 75 (2015), pp. 1--13.
- W. Wagner, A class of probabilistic models for the Schrödinger equation, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 21 (2015), pp. 121--137.
- S. Yanchuk, L. Lücken, M. Wolfrum, A. Mielke, Spectrum and amplitude equations for scalar delay-differential equations with large delay, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), pp. 537--553.
- M. Wolfrum, O. Omel'chenko, J. Sieber, Regular and irregular patterns of self-localized excitation in arrays of coupled phase oscillators, Chaos. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 25 (2015), pp. 053113/1--053113/7.
- S. Yanchuk, P. Perlikowski, M. Wolfrum, A. Stefański, T. Kapitaniak, Amplitude equations for collective spatio-temporal dynamics in arrays of coupled systems, Chaos. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 25 (2015), pp. 033113/1--033113/8.
- R. Allez, L. Dumaz, Random matrices in non-confining potentials, Journal of Statistical Physics, 160 (2015), pp. 681--714.
- K. Disser, M. Liero, On gradient structures for Markov chains and the passage to Wasserstein gradient flows, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 10 (2015), pp. 233-253.
- K. Disser, Well-posedness for coupled bulk-interface diffusion with mixed boundary conditions, Analysis. International Mathematical Journal of Analysis and its Applications, 35 (2015), pp. 309--317.
- P.-É. Druet, Some mathematical problems related to the second order optimal shape of a crystallization interface, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), pp. 2443--2463.
- P.-É. Druet, Higher $L^p$ regularity for vector fields that satisfy divergence and rotation constraints in dual Sobolev spaces, and application to some low-frequency Maxwell equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 8 (2015), pp. 479--496.
- W. Giese, M. Eigel, S. Westerheide, Ch. Engwer, E. Klipp, Influence of cell shape, inhomogeneities and diffusion barriers in cell polarization models, Physical Biology, 12 (2015), pp. 066014/1--066014/18.
- M. Eigel, C.J. Gittelson, Ch. Schwab, E. Zander, A convergent adaptive stochastic Galerkin finite element method with quasi-optimal spatial meshes, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 49 (2015), pp. 1367--1398.
- M. Eigel, D. Peterseim, Simulation of composite materials by a Network FEM with error control, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 15 (2015), pp. 21--37.
- S.P. Frigeri, M. Grasselli, E. Rocca, A diffuse interface model for two-phase incompressible flows with nonlocal interactions and nonconstant mobility, Nonlinearity, 28 (2015), pp. 1257--1293.
- S.P. Frigeri, M. Grasselli, E. Rocca, On a diffuse interface model of tumor growth, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 26 (2015), pp. 215--243.
- J. Blath, A. González Casanova Soberón, B. Eldon, N. Kurt, M. Wilke-Berenguer, Genetic variability under the seedbank coalescent, Genetics, 200 (2015), pp. 921--934.
- M. Heida, Existence of solutions for two types of generalized versions of the Cahn--Hilliard equation, Applications of Mathematics, 60 (2015), pp. 51--90.
- M. Heida, On systems of Cahn--Hilliard and Allen--Cahn equations considered as gradient flows in Hilbert spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 423 (2015), pp. 410--455.
- R. Hildebrand, M. Gevers, G. Solari, Closed-loop optimal experiment design: Solution via moment extension, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, NY (US). Control Systems Society., 60 (2015), pp. 1731--1744.
- R. Hildebrand, Centro-affine hypersurface immersions with parallel cubic form, Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 56 (2015), pp. 593--640.
- CH. Hirsch, G.W. Delaney, V. Schmidt, Stationary Apollonian packings, Journal of Statistical Physics, 161 (2015), pp. 35--72.
- CH. Hirsch, G. Gaiselmann, V. Schmidt, Asymptotic properties of collective-rearrangement algorithms, ESAIM. Probability and Statistics, 19 (2015), pp. 236--250.
- D. Neuhäuser, Ch. Hirsch, C. Gloaguen, V. Schmidt, Parametric modeling of sparse random trees using 3D copulas, Stochastic Models, 31 (2015), pp. 226--260.
- CH. Hirsch, D. Neuhäuser, C. Gloaguen, V. Schmidt, First passage percolation on random geometric graphs and an application to shortest-path trees, Advances in Applied Probability, 47 (2015), pp. 328--354.
- CH. Hirsch, D. Neuhäuser, C. Gloaguen, V. Schmidt, Asymptotic properties of Euclidean shortest-path trees in random geometric graphs, Statistics & Probability Letters, 107 (2015), pp. 122--130.
- D. Neuhäuser, Ch. Hirsch, C. Gloaguen, V. Schmidt, Joint distributions for total lengths of shortest-path trees in telecommunication networks, annals of telecommunications -- annales des télécommunications, 70 (2015), pp. 221--232.
- CH. Hirsch, A Harris--Kesten theorem for confetti percolation, Random Structures and Algorithms, 47 (2015), pp. 361--385.
- G. Hu, H. Liu, Nearly cloaking the elastic wave fields, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 104 (2015), pp. 1045--1074.
- G. Hu, M. Yamamoto, Hölder stability estimate of the Robin coefficient in corrosion detection problems with a single boundary measurement, Inverse Problems. An International Journal on the Theory and Practice of Inverse Problems, Inverse Methods and Computerized Inversion of Data, 31 (2015), pp. 115009/1--115009/20.
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