Monographien 2012
- C. Breé, Nonlinear Optics in the Filamentation Regime, Springer Theses Recognizing Outstanding Ph. D. Research, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 125 pages, (Monograph Published).
- K. Gärtner, H. Si, A. Rand, N. Walkington, Chapter 11: 3D Delaunay Mesh Generation, in: Combinatorial Scientific Computing, U. Naumann, O. Schenk, eds., Computational Science Series, CRC Computational Science/Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, 2012, pp. 299--319, (Chapter Published).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow, Chapter 4: Structural Adaptive Smoothing: Principles and Applications in Imaging, in: Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation, L. Florack, R. Duits, G. Jongbloed, M.-C. VAN Lieshout, L. Davies, eds., 41 of Computational Imaging and Vision, Springer, London et al., 2012, pp. 65--81, (Chapter Published).
- J.-D. Deuschel, B. Gentz, W. König, M. VON Renesse, M. Scheutzow, U. Schmock, eds., Probability in Complex Physical Systems, in Honour of Erwin Bolthausen and Jürgen Gärtner, 11 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 512 pages, (Collection Published).
- O. Kastner, W.H. Müller, S. Seelecke, H. Struchtrup, M. Torrilhon, W. Weiss, eds., Special Issue: Trends in Thermodynamics and Materials Theory, 24, issue 4--6, of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 470 pages, (Monograph Published).