Beiträge zu Sammelwerken 2008
- A. Bovier, G. Ben Arous, J. Černý, Ageing in spin glass models at intermediate time scales: Universality of the trap model, in: Stochastic Analysis, 5 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 56--59.
- C. Krüger, A. Demircan, G. Stibenz, N. Zhavoronkov, G. Steinmeyer, Asymptotic pulse shapes in filamentary propagation of femtosecond pulses and self-compression, in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 04--09, 2008, San Jose, CA, 1--9 of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Annual Meeting, IEEE, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 2501-2502.
- W. Dreyer, From the global entropy inequality to kinetic relations, in: Hyperbolic Aspects of Phase Transition Dynamics, Mini-workshop, February 24 -- March 1, 2008, 5 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 532-535.
- P.-É. Druet, Weak solutions to a model for global heat transfer arising in crystal growth from the melt with applied magnetic fields, in: Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE, Workshop, March 2--8, 2008, 5 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 597--599.
- M. Ehrhardt, J. Fuhrmann, A. Linke, E. Holzbecher, Mathematical modeling of channel-porous layer interfaces in PEM fuel cells, in: Proceedings of FDFC2008 --- Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cell Conference 2008, Nancy, France, December 10--12 (CD), 2008, pp. 8 pages.
- J. Elschner, G.C. Hsiao, A. Rathsfeld, Direct and inverse problems in fluid-solid interaction, in: Analysis of Boundary Element Methods, Workshop, April 14--18, 2008, M. Costabel, E.P. Stephan, eds., 5 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 1023--1025.
- H. Si, J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, Boundary conforming Delaunay mesh generation, in: Proceedings of the International Conference ``Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and High Performance Computing'', Moscow, 10--13 June 2008, V.A. Garanzha, Y.G. Evtushenko, B.K. Soni, N.P. Weatherill, eds., 2008, pp. 230--237.
- J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, H. Langmach, E. Holzbecher, Modeling and simulation of coupled species transport, porous electrode effects and catalytic reactions in a rectangular flow cell, in: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications V, R. Eymard, J.-M. Hérard, eds., ISTE Ltd, 2008, pp. 423--431.
- A. Bradji, J. Fuhrmann, Some error estimates in finite volume methods of parabolic problems, in: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications V, R. Eymard, J.-M. Hérard, eds., ISTE Ltd, 2008, pp. 233--241.
- D. Hömberg, D. Kern, The heat treatment of steel --- A mathematical control problem, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Distortion Engineering -- IDE 2008, 17--19 September 2008, Bremen, Germany, H.-W. Zoch, Th. Lübben, eds., IWT, Bremen, 2008, pp. 201--209.
- O. Rott, P. Rasper, D. Hömberg, E. Uhlmann, A milling model with thermal effects including the dynamics of machine and work piece, B. Denkena, ed., Proceedings, 1st International Conference on Process Machine Interactions, Hannover, September 3--4, 2008, PZH Produktionstechnisches Zentrum GmbH, Garbsen, 2008, pp. 369--378.
- M. Pietrzyk, I. Kanattšikow, A. Demircan, On the compression of ultrashort optical pulses beyond the slowly varying envelope approximation, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices NUSOD'08, J. Piprek, E. Larkins, eds., IEEE/LEOS, 2008, pp. 59--60.
- O. Klein, P.-É. Druet, J. Sprekels, Ch. Lechner, P. Philip, Ch. Frank-Rotsch, F.-M. Kiessling, W. Miller, U. Rehse, P. Rudolph, Numerical simulations of the influence of a traveling magnetic field, generated by an internal heater magnetic module, on Czochralski crystal growth, in: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing (MEP2008), Hannover, October 26--29, 2008, E. Braake, B. Nacke, eds., Leibniz University of Hannover, 2008, pp. 91-96.
- P. Rudolph, Ch. Frank-Rotsch, F.-M. Kiessling, W. Miller, U. Rehse, O. Klein, Ch. Lechner, J. Sprekels, B. Nacke, H. Kasjanov, P. Lange, M. Ziem, B. Lux, M. Czupalla, O. Root, V. Trautmann, G. Bethin, Crystal growth in heater-magnet modules --- From concept to use, in: Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing (MEP2008), Hannover, October 26--29, 2008, E. Braake, B. Nacke, eds., Leibniz University of Hannover, 2008, pp. 79-84.
- O. Klein, Outward pointing properties for vectorial hysteresis operators and some applications, in: International Workshop on Multi-Rate Processes and Hysteresis'', March 31 -- April 5, 2008, Cork, Ireland, M.P. Mortell, R.E. O'Malley, A. Pokrovskii, D. Rachinskii, V.A. Sobolev, eds., 138 of J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Inst. Phys., 2008, pp. 012009/1--012009/14.
- P. Krejčí, Hysteresis rarefaction in the Riemann problem, in: International Workshop on Multi-Rate Processes and Hysteresis, March 31 -- April 5, 2008, Cork, Ireland, M.P. Mortell, R.E. O'Malley, A. Pokrovskii, D. Rachinskii, V.A. Sobolev, eds., 138 of J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Inst. Phys., 2008, pp. 012010/1--012010/10.
- M. Lichtner, M. Radziunas, U. Bandelow, M. Spreemann, H. Wenzel, Dynamic simulation of high brightness semiconductor lasers, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD'08, J. Piprek, E. Larkins, eds., IEEE/LEOS, 2008, pp. 65--66.
- CH. Meyer, D. Hömberg, J. Rehberg, W. Ring, Optimal control of the thermistor problem, in: Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE, Workshop, March 2--8, 2008, 5 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 624-626.
- H. Gajewski, J.A. Griepentrog, A. Mielke, J. Beuthan, U. Zabarylo, O. Minet, Image segmentation for the investigation of scattered-light images when laser-optically diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis, in: Mathematics -- Key Technology for the Future, W. Jäger, H.-J. Krebs, eds., Springer, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 149--161.
- A. Mielke, Numerical approximation techniques for rate-independent inelasticity, in: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical, Computational and Modelling Aspects of Inelastic Media, B.D. Reddy, ed., 11 of IUTAM Bookseries, Springer, 2008, pp. 53--63.
- A. Mielke, Lie groups in plasticity at finite strains, in: Applied Dynamics and Geometric Mechanics, Workshop, July 21--25, 2008, 5 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 1890--1893.
- H.-J. Mucha, H.-G. Bartel, J. Dolata, Effects of data transformation on cluster analysis of archaeometric data, in: Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications, Ch. Preisnach, H. Burkhardt, L. Schmidt-Thieme, R. Decker, eds., Springer, Berlin, 2008, pp. 681--688.
- J. Behrndt, M. Malamud, H. Neidhardt, Trace formula for dissipative and coupled scattering systems, in: Spectral Theory in Inner Product Spaces and Applications, J. Behrndt, K.-H. Förster, H. Langer, C. Trunk, eds., 188 of Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2008, pp. 57--93.
- J. Franke, R. Dahlhaus, J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny, G. Steidl, J. Weickert, A. Berdychevski, S. Didas, S. Halim, P. Mrázek, S.S. Rao, J. Tadjuidje, Structural adaptive smoothing procedures, in: Mathematical Methods in Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing, R. Dahlhaus, J. Kurths, P. Maass, J. Timmer, eds., Understanding Complex Systems, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 183--229.
- J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny, Structural adaptive smoothing by propagation-separation methods, in: Handbook of Data Visualization, caps">Ch.-h. Chen, W. Härdle, A. Unwin, eds., Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 471--492.
- H. Gross, R. Model, A. Rathsfeld, F. Scholze, M. Wurm, B. Bodermann, M. Bär, Modellbildung, Bestimmung der Messunsicherheit und Validierung für diskrete inverse Probleme am Beispiel der Scatterometrie, in: Sensoren und Messsysteme, 14. Fachtagung Ludwigsburg, 11./12. März 2008, 2011 of VDI-Berichte, VDI, 2008, pp. 337--346.
- R. Model, A. Rathsfeld, H. Gross, M. Wurm, B. Bodermann, A scatterometry inverse problem in optical mask metrology, in: 6th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, 15--19 June 2008, Dourdan (Paris), France, 135 of J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Inst. Phys., 2008, pp. 012071/1--012071/8.
- H. Si, E. Verbree, Validation and storage of polyhedra through constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization, in: Geographic Information Science: 5th International Conference, GIScience 2008, Park City, UT, USA, September 23-26, 2008, Proceedings, Th.J. Cova, H.J. Miller, K. Beard, A.U. Frank, M.F. Goodchild, eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 354--369.
- M. Elagin, V. Spokoiny, Locally time homogeneous time series modelling, in: Applied Quantitative Finance (2nd edition), W. Härdle, N. Hautsch, L. Overbeck, eds., Springer, Berlin, 2008, pp. 345--362.
- C. Croitoru, Ch. Fries, W. Jäger, J. Kampen, D.-J. Nonnenmacher, On the dynamics of the forward interest rate curve and the evaluation of interest rate derivatives and their sensitivities, in: Mathematics --- Key Technology for the Future, W. Jäger, H.-J. Krebs, eds., Springer, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 343--357.
- J. Kampen, On optimal strategies of multivariate passport options, in: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006, L.L. Bonilla, M. Moscoso, G. Platero, J.M. Vega, eds., 12 of Mathematics in Industry, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 666--670.
- P. Philip, Optimal control of conduction-radiative temperature fields generated via electromagnetic heating, in: Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE, Workshop, March 2--8, 2008, 5 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 631--632.
- M. Radziunas, Travelling wave modeling of semiconductor ring lasers, in: Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics III, K.P. Panajotov, M. Sciamanna, A.A. Valle, R. Michalzik, eds., 6997 of Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, 2008, pp. 69971B/1--69971B/9.
- A. Steinbrecher, GEOMS: A new software package for the numerical simulation of multibody systems, in: Proceedings, UKSim Tenth International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM/UKSim 2008, Cambridge, UK, April 1--3, 2008, D. Al-Dabass , A. Orsoni, A. Brentnall, A. Abraham, R. Zobel, eds., IEEE, Piscataway, 2008, pp. 643--648.