Beiträge zu Sammelwerken 2004
- E. Bänsch, P. Morin, R.H. Nochetto, Finite element methods for surface diffusion, in: Free Boundary Problems. Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference, Trento, Italy, June 5--8, 2002, P. Colli, C. Verdi, A. Visintin, eds., 147 of Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., Birkhäuser, Basel [u.a.], 2004, pp. 53--63.
- W. Dreyer, F. Duderstadt, Towards the thermodynamic modeling of nucleation and growth of liquid droplets in single crystals, in: Free Boundary Problems. Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference, Trento, Italy, June 5--8, 2002, P. Colli, C. Verdi, A. Visintin, eds., 147 of Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., Birkhäuser, Basel [u.a.], 2004, pp. 113--130.
- W. Dreyer, F. Duderstadt, On phase diagrams and diffusional problems in the presence of surface tension and multiaxial stresses, in: Phasenübergänge, Workshop, June 20--26, 2004, 30 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2004, pp. 31--34.
- H. Si, K. Gärtner, An algorithm for three-dimensional constrained Delaunay tetrahedralizations, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, B.H.V. Toppings, C.A. Mota Soares, eds., Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, 2004, pp. 16.
- R. Henrion, Perturbation analysis of chance-constrained programs under variation of all constraint data, in: Dynamic Stochastic Optimization, K. Marti, ed., 532 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer, Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 257--274.
- D. Hömberg, S. Volkwein, W. Weiss, Optimal control strategies for the surface hardening of steel, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Thermal Process Modelling and Computer Simulation, S. Denis, P. Archambault, J.-M. Bergheau, R. Fortunier, eds., 120 of J. Physique IV, EDP Sciences, 2004, pp. 325--335.
- O. Klein, P. Krejčí, Asymptotic behaviour of evolution equations involving outwards pointing hysteresis operators, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling, Salamanca, Spain, 28--30 May 2003, L. Lopez-Dias, L. Torres, O. Alejos, eds., 343 of Physica B: Condensed Matter, Elsevier B.V., 2004, pp. 53-58.
- R. Krahl, M. Adamov, M. Lozano Avilés, E. Bänsch, A model for two phase flow with evaporation, in: Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation 2004, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa, Italy, 22--25 September, 2004, G.P. Celata, P. Di Marco, A. Mariani, R.K. Shah, eds., Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2004, pp. IV-2381-IV-2388.
- A. Mielke, Energy transport in periodic lattices, in: Thermodynamische Materialtheorien, Workshop, December 12--18, 2004, 1 (4) of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2004, pp. 3019-3022.
- H.-J. Mucha, H.-G. Bartel, B. Paz, M. Fiedler, C. Höpken, S. Pànczèl, Mathematisch-statistische Untersuchungen zur Provenienz römischer Gläser aus Dakien (Apulum, Porolissum), in: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege --- Kurzberichte 2004, U. Schüssler, E. Pernicka, eds., 2004, pp. 68-70.
- H.-J. Mucha, H.-G. Bartel, ClusCorr98 --- Adaptive clustering, multivariate visualization, and validation of results, in: Innovations in Classification, Data Science, and Information Systems, D. Baier, K.-D. Wernecke, eds., Springer, Berlin, 2004, pp. 46-53.
- B. Paz, C. Swart, H.-G. Bartel, H.-J. Mucha, M. Fiedler, C. Höpken, Analytische Untersuchung römischer Gläser aus Dakien mit der ICP, in: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege --- Kurzberichte 2004, U. Schüssler, E. Pernicka, eds., 2004, pp. 65-67.
- U. Simon, H.-J. Mucha, R. Brüggemann, Model-based cluster analysis applied to flow cytometry data, in: Innovations in Classification, Data Science, and Information Systems, D. Baier, K.-D. Wernecke, eds., Springer, Berlin, 2004, pp. 69-76.
- C. Swart, B. Paz, J. Dolata, G. Schneider, J. Simon, H.-G. Bartel, H.-J. Mucha, Analyse römischer Ziegel mit ICP-MS/-OES: Methodenvergleich zwischen RFA und ICP, in: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege --- Kurzberichte 2004, U. Schüssler, E. Pernicka, eds., 2004, pp. 25-27.
- H.-J. Mucha, Automatic validation of hierarchical clustering, in: COMPSTAT 2004 --- Proceedings in Computational Statistics,16th Symposium Held in Prague, Czech Republic, 2004, J. Antoch, ed., Physica, Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 1535--1542.
- J. Dolata, H.-J. Mucha, H.-G. Bartel, Eine Anwendung der hierarchischen Clusteranalyse: ``Unbekannt1'' als Provenienz einer bekannten obergermanischen Heeresziegelei?, in: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege --- Kurzberichte 2004, U. Schüssler, E. Pernicka, eds., 2004, pp. 28-30.
- G. Hebermehl, F.-K. Hübner, R. Schlundt, Th. Tischler, H. Zscheile, W. Heinrich, Eigen mode computation of microwave and laser structures including PML, in: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, W.H.A. Schilders, S.H.M.J. Houben, E.J.W. TER Maten, eds., Mathematics in Industry, Springer, 2004, pp. 196--205.
- S. Yanchuk, K.R. Schneider, L. Recke, Dynamics of two F2F coupled lasers: Instantaneous coupling limit, in: Proceeding of SPIE: Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics Conference ``Photonics Europe'', 5452, SPIE, Washington, USA, 2004, pp. 51--62.
- H. Haaf, O. Reiss, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, Numerically stable computation of Credit Risk+, in: CreditRisk+ in the Banking Industry, M. Gundlach, F. Lehrbass, eds., XII, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 67-76.
- D. Spivakovskaya, A.W. Heemink, J.G.M. Schoenmakers, G.N. Milstein, Stochastic modeling of transport in coastal waters using forward and reverse time diffusion, in: Computational Methods in Water Resources, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XV), June 13--17 2004, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder, eds., 55 of Developments in Water Science, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2004, pp. 1813--1824.
- J. Sprekels, P. Krejčí, E. Rocca, S. Zheng, On nonlocal phase-field models, in: Thermodynamische Materialtheorien, Workshop, December 12--18, 2004, 1 (4) of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2004, pp. 3002-3004.
- J. Sprekels, D. Tiba, An approximation method for curved rods, in: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and their Applications, N. Kenmochi, M. Otani, S. Zheng, eds., 20 of Gakuto Intern. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl., Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 2004, pp. 305-314.
- V. Tronciu, R.A. Abram, M. Yamada, Dynamics of blue InGaN laser. Self pulsation and excitability, The International Conference ``40 years of TUM'', Chisinau, Moldova, 2004, pp. 112--113.
- K. Wilmanski, Objective relative accelerations in theories of porous materials, in: Thermodynamische Materialtheorien, Workshop, December 12--18, 2004, 1 (4) of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2004, pp. 3004--3006.
- N. Korneyev, M. Radziunas, H.-J. Wünsche, F. Henneberger, Mutually injecting semiconductor lasers: Simulations for short and zero delay, in: Proceedings of SPIE: Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics Conference ``Photonics Europe'', 5452, SPIE, Washington, 2004, pp. 63--70.
- O. Reiss, Dependent sectors and an extension to incorporate market risk, in: CreditRisk+ in the Banking Industry, M. Gundlach, F. Lehrbass, eds., XII, Springer Finance, 2004, pp. 203-218.
- O. Reiss, Fourier inversion techniques for CreditRisk+, in: CreditRisk+ in the Banking Industry, M. Gundlach, F. Lehrbass, eds., XII, Springer Finance, 2004, pp. 107-124.