Beiträge zu Sammelwerken 2002
- B. Albers, Linear stability analysis of a 1D flow in a poroelastic material under disturbances with adsorption, in: Proceedings of the 11th Conference ``Waves and Stability in Continuous Media'', June 3--9, 2001, Porto Ercole, Italy, R. Monaco, M. Pandolfi Bianchi, S. Rionero, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, pp. 1--7.
- J. Borchardt, Newton-type decomposition methods in parallel process simulation of chemical plants, in: Selected Papers of the Fifth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, S. Pierucci, ed., 5 of AIDIC Conference Series, Editoriale Elsevier, Italy, 2002, pp. 57--64.
- J. Elschner, A. Rathsfeld, G. Schmidt, FEM and its generalization for the diffraction by polygonal profile gratings, in: Conference Proceedings MMET*02, 9th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET*02), Kiev, Ukraine, September 10--13, 2002, 2, IEEE, Piscataway, 2002, pp. 398--400.
- J. Elschner, Inverse scattering for periodic structures: Reconstruction of grating profiles, in: Proceedings of the European Symposium on Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics (JEE '02), Toulouse, France, March 6--8, 2002, B. Michielsen, F. Decavèle, eds., 2002, pp. 42--47.
- D.A. Dawson, K. Fleischmann, Catalytic and mutually catalytic super-Brownian motions, in: Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications III, Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, Switzerland, September 19--24, 1999, R.C. Dalang, M. Dozzi, F. Russo, eds., 52 of Progress in Probability, Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 2002, pp. 89-110.
- J. Fuhrmann, D. Hömberg, J. Sokołowski, Modeling, simulation and control of laser heat treatments, in: Optimal Control of Complex Structures, K.-H. Hoffmann, I. Lasiecka, G. Leugering, J. Sprekels, eds., 139 of Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., Birkhäuser, Basel, 2002, pp. 71--82.
- J. Fuhrmann, Multiphysics systems solution by time-implicit Voronoi box finite volumes, in: Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Porquerolles, France, June 2002, Hermes, Paris, 2002, pp. 551--559.
- I.V. Skrypnik, H. Gajewski, On the uniqueness of solutions to nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems (in Russian), in: Differ. Uravn. i Din. Sist., dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Academician Evgenii Frolovich Mishchenko, Suzdal, 2000, 236 of Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova, Moscow, Russia, 2002, pp. 318--327.
- G. Hebermehl, F.-K. Hübner, R. Schlundt, Th. Tischler, H. Zscheile, W. Heinrich, Eigen mode computation of microwave and laser structures including PML, in: SCEE-2002, Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, June 23--28, 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Book of Reviewed Abstracts, W.H.A. Schilders, S.H.M.J. Houben, E.J.W. TER Maten, eds., Eindhoven University of Technology, 2002, pp. 95--96.
- G. Hebermehl, F.-K. Hübner, R. Schlundt, Th. Tischler, H. Zscheile, W. Heinrich, Numerical techniques in the simulation of microwave and laser structures including PML, in: Proceedings of the 10th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, September 16--18, 2002, Graz, Austria, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2002, pp. 1--13.
- G. Hebermehl, On the computation of propagating modes for microwave and optoelectronic devices including PML, in: Annual Scientific Conference, Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik e. V. (GAMM), University of Augsburg, March 25--28, 2002, Book of Abstracts, Springer, Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 59--60.
- R. Henrion, Structure and stability of probabilistic storage level constraints, in: Stochastic Optimization Techniques, K. Marti, ed., 513 of Lecture Notes in Econom. and Math. Systems, Springer, Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 3--20.
- S. Jaschke, Y. Yiang, A. Lindner, Approximating value at risk in conditional Gaussian models, in: Applied Quantitative Finance, W. Härdle, T. Kleinow, G. Stahl, eds., Chap. 1, Springer, New York, 2002, pp. 3--33.
- O. Klein, P. Philip, Induction heating during SiC growth by PVT: Aspects of axisymmetric sinusoidal modeling, in: Proceedings of the 10th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria, September 16--18, 2002, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2002, pp. 271--276.
- H.-J. Mucha, H.-G. Bartel, J. Dolata, Exploring Roman brick and tile by cluster analysis with validation of results, in: Classification, Automation, and New Media, N. W. Gaul, N. G. Ritter, eds., Springer, Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 471-478.
- H.-J. Mucha, Core based clustering, in: Proceedings of the Conference CompStat 2002 --- Short Communications and Posters, Compstat 2002, Berlin, August 24--28, 2002, S. Klinke, P. Ahrend, L. Richter, eds., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2002.
- H.-J. Mucha, An intelligent clustering technique based on dual scaling, in: Measurement and Multivariate Analysis, S. Nishisato, Y. Baba, H. Bozdogan, K. Kanefuji, eds., Springer, Tokyo, 2002, pp. 37--46.
- H.-J. Mucha, Clustering techniques accompanied by matrix recording techniques, in: Order Theoretical Tools in Environmental Sciences. Order Theory (Hasse Diagram Technique) Meets Multivariate Statistics, K. Voigt, G. Welze, eds., Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2002, pp. 129-140.
- M. Radziunas, H.J. Wünsche, Dynamics of multisection DFB semiconductor laser: Traveling wave and mode approximation models, in: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices X, P. Blood, M. Osinski, Y. Arakawa, eds., 4646 of Proceedings of SPIE, Bellingham, USA, 2002, pp. 27--37.
- M. Radziunas, H.J. Wünsche, LDSL: A tool for simulation and analysis of longitudinal dynamics in multisection semiconductor lasers, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD-02, Zürich, Switzerland, September 25--27, 2002, A. Tarraf, J. Daleiden, F. Römer, C. Prott ET AL., eds., 2002, pp. 26--27.
- M. Radziunas, H.-J. Wünsche, O. Brox, F. Henneberger, Excitability of a DFB laser with short external cavity, in: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices X, P. Blood, M. Osinski, Y. Arakawa, eds., 4646 of Proceedings of SPIE, Bellingham, USA, 2002, pp. 420--428.
- K. Sabelfeld, I. Shalimova, Decentred random walk on spheres for static elasticity problems, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Mathematics (ICCM-2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 24--28, 2002, G.A. Mikhailov, V.P. Ilin, eds., Part 1, ICM & MG Publisher, Novosibirsk, 2002, pp. 270--275.
- K. Sabelfeld, Stochastic Lagrangian models for simulation of particle transport in porous media, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Mathematics (ICCM-2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 24--28, 2002, G.A. Mikhailov, V.P. Ilin, eds., Part 1, ICM & MG Publisher, Novosibirsk, 2002, pp. 264--269.
- N.N. Nefedov, K.R. Schneider, Forced canards, in: Mathematical Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics, 1, 2002, pp. 139--151.
- S. Bauer, O. Brox, J. Sieber, M. Wolfrum, Novel concept for a tunable optical microwave source, in: Proc. Opt. Fiber Comm. Conf. (OFC'2002), 2002, pp. Th115.I158.
- J. Sprekels, D. Tiba, Control variational methods for differential equations, in: Optimal Control of Complex Structures, K.-H. Hoffmann, I. Lasiecka, G. Leugering, J.a.T.F. Sprekels, eds., 139 of International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel Boston Berlin, 2002, pp. 245-257.
- K. Wilmanski, E. Radkevich, O global'noj ustojchivosti v zadache dlya poristo-uprugikh cred c yravneniem balanca poristosti, in: Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo obshchestva, O.A. Oblejnik, Y.C. Volevich, E.S. Coboleva, eds., 63 of Sbornik, Izdatelsvo Editorial URSS, Moskow, 2002, pp. 7--44.
- K. Wilmanski, Mass exchange, diffusion and large deformations of poroelastic materials, in: Modeling and Mechanics of Granular and Porous Materials, G. Capriz, V.N. Ghionna, P. Giovine, eds., Model. Simul. Sci. Engrg. Technol., Birkhäuser, Boston, 2002, pp. 211--242.
- K. Wilmanski, Propagation of sound and surface waves in porous materials, in: Structured Media. In memory of Professor Ekkehart Kröner, B.T. Maruszewski, ed., Publishing House of Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, 2002, pp. 312--326.
- O. Reiss, U. Wystup, Efficient computation of option price. Sensitivities using homogeneity and other tricks, in: Foreign Exchange Risk: Models, Instruments and Strategies, J. Hakala, U. Wystup, eds., Risk Books, London, 2002, pp. 127-142.