DFG Priority Programs (Archive)

SPP 1506: Transport Processes at Fluidic InterfacesSPP 1506: Transport Processes at Fluidic Interfaces
 Mathematical analysis, numerical simulation of thin liquid bilayers and validation experiments (SPP 1506) (>> more)
Project Head: D. Peschka, B. Wagner, R. Seemann (Saarland University)
October 1, 2010 - March 31, 2017
 Fully adaptive and integrated numerical methods for the simulation and control of variable density multiphase flows governed by diff use interface models (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze (Uni Hamburg)
December 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017
SPP 1748: Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics. Development of Non-standard Discretisation Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical AnalysisSPP 1748: Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics. Development of Non-standard Discretisation Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis
 Finite element approximation of functions of bounded variation and application to models of damage, fracture, and plasticity (>> more)
Project Head: M. Thomas, S. Bartels (Uni Freiburg)
October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2017
 Reliability of efficient approximation schemes for material discontinuities described by functions of bounded variation (>> more)
Project Head: M. Thomas, S. Bartels (Uni Freiburg)
December 1, 2017 - October 31, 2021
SPP 1886: Polymorphic uncertainty modelling for the numerical design of structuresSPP 1886: Polymorphic uncertainty modelling for the numerical design of structures
 Multi-scale failure analysis with polymorphic uncertainties for optimal design of rotor blades (>> more)
Project Head: M. Eigel, D. Hömberg, Y. Petryna (TU Berlin)
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2022
SPP 1962: Non-smooth and Complementarity-based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical OptimizationSPP 1962: Non-smooth and Complementarity-based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization
 A non-smooth phase-field approach to shape optimization with instationary fluid flow (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze (Uni Hamburg)
January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024
 Constrained mean field games: Analysis and algorithms (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller, T. Surowiec (U Marburg)
October 26, 2020 - October 25, 2023
 Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems with Partial Differential Operators: Theory, Algorithms, and Risk Aversion (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller, T. Surowiec (HU Berlin)
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2019
 A unified approach to optimal uncertainty quantification and risk-averse optimization with quasi-variational inequality constraints (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller
April 1, 2020 - December 31, 2023
 Optimal Control of Elliptic and Parabolic Quasi-Variational Inequalities (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller
September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2019
 Coordination Funds (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller
September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2019
 Simulation and Control of a Nonsmooth Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes System with Variable Fluid Densities (>> more)
Project Head: M. Hintermüller, M. Hinze (Uni Hamburg)
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2019
SPP 2256:  Variational Methods for Predicting Complex Phenomena in Engineering Structures and MaterialsSPP 2256: Variational Methods for Predicting Complex Phenomena in Engineering Structures and Materials
 Fractal and stochastic homogenization using variational techniques (>> more)
Project Head: M. Heida
January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2023
 Nonlinear Fracture Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis, Approximation, and Applications (>> more)
Project Head: M. Thomas, K. Weinberg (U Siegen), C. Wieners (KIT Karlsruhe)
June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2023
 Analysis for thermo-mechanical models with internal variables (>> more)
Project Head: M. Liero, A. Mielke
October 1, 2020 - August 31, 2024
SPP 2265: Random Geometric SystemsSPP 2265: Random Geometric Systems
 The statistical mechanics of the interlacement point process (>> more)
Project Head: B. Jahnel, W. König, A. Drewitz
October 1, 2020 - June 30, 2024
SPP 2298: Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning
 Adaptive Neural Tensor Networks for parametric PDEs
Project Head: M. Eigel, L. Grasedyck (RWTH Aachen)
October 11, 2021 - October 10, 2024
SPP 1180: Prediction and manipulation of interaction between structure and process
 Development of a prognosis tool for the prediction of stable milling processes (>> more)
Project Head: D. Hömberg, E. Uhlmann
May 1, 2005 - April 30, 2011
SPP 1164: Nano- & Microfluidics: Bridging the Gap between Molecular Motion and Contiunuum FlowSPP 1164: Nano- & Microfluidics: Bridging the Gap between Molecular Motion and Contiunuum Flow
 Mathematical modeling, analysis, numerical simulation of thin films and droplets on rigid and viscoelastic substrates, emphsizing the role of slippage (>> more)
Project Head: B. Wagner
June 16, 2006 - June 15, 2010
SPP 1204: Algorithms for fast, material specific process-chain design and -analysis in metal formingSPP 1204: Algorithms for fast, material specific process-chain design and -analysis in metal forming
 Simulation and control of phase transitions and mechanical properties during hot-rolling of multiphase steel (>> more)
Project Head: D. Hömberg, W. Bleck
October 23, 2006 - July 1, 2014
SPP 1276: Skalenübergreifende Modellierung in der Strömungsmechanik und Meteorologie
 Referenzexperminte im mehrphasigen Windkanal, numerische Simulationen und Validierung (>> more)
Project Head: V. John
October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2013
SPP 1679: Dynamic simulation of networked solid processesSPP 1679: Dynamic simulation of networked solid processes
 Numerische Lösungsverfahren für gekoppelte Populationsbilanzsysteme zur dynamischen Simulation multivariater Feststoffprozesse am Beispiel der formselektiven Kristallisation (>> more)
Project Head: V. John, W. Hackbusch (MPI Leipzig), S. Le Borne (TU Hamburg-Harburg), K. Sundmacher (OvGU Magdeburg)
October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2020