Simulation and control of phase transitions and mechanical properties during hot-rolling of multiphase steel


DFG-SPP 1204 "Algorithms for fast, material specific process-chain design and -analysis in metal forming"


October 2006 - October 2012

Project leaders:

D. Hömberg (WIAS)

W. Bleck (Institut für Eisenhüttenkunde RWTH Aachen, Intzestrasse 1, 52072 Aachen)


N. Togobytska (WIAS)


Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH


The hot rolling is an efficient and economical process route for the production of multi-phase steel sheets. In order to achieve homogeneous mechanical characteristics of a hot-rolled strip, the rolling and cooling parameters as well as the controlled coiling temperatures have to be deliberately combinated. Fluctuation in these process parameters and the difference in chemical compositions are of particular importance for the homogeneity of the final microstructure and, fast, efficient and metallurgical-based cooling control laws are simultaneously required.

This project aims at a model for the fast cooling control of a hot strip mill. It comprises of the modelling and efficient simulation of the structural transformation as well as the prediction of the mechanical properties of the finish product.

Goals of the project:

Recent Publications:

    1. Suwanpinij, Piyada; Togobytska, Nataliya; Keul, Christoph; Weiss, Wolf; Prahl, Ulrich; Hömberg, Dietmar; Bleck, Wolfgang, Phase transformation modeling and parameter identification from dilatometric investigations. WIAS Preprint No.1306 (2008), Steel Research International 79 (2008) No.10 pp.793-799.
    2. D.Hömberg, N.Togobytska, M. Yamamoto, On the evaluation of dilatometer experiments. WIAS Preprint No. 1298 (2008), Appl. Anal., 88 (2009) pp. 669-681.
    3. Suwanpinij, Piyada; Togobytska, Nataliya; Prahl, Ulrich; Weiss, Wolf; Hömberg, Dietmar; Bleck, Wolfgang, Numerical cooling strategy design for hot rolled dual phase steel, to appear in Steel Research International.
    4. Project Poster 1 (in German)
    5. Project Poster 2 (in English)