We mourn the loss of

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Dreyer

* 10.11.1950   † 12.05.2024,

K. Groeger
former head of the Research Group “Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions” at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics and Honorary Professor at the Technische Universität Berlin, Faculty V, Transport and Machine Systems (retired).

In his many years of research activity, he played a decisive role in shaping the interdisciplinary orientation of the Weierstrass Institute and delivered important results on a large number of scientific problems in applied mathematics. Wolfgang Dreyer was an exceptionally creative scientist in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics in general and in the thermodynamics of continuous media in particular. His research has contributed to the clarification of fundamental physical-technical phenomena: Landau's bifluid theory of superfluid helium in the framework of rational mixture theory; interpretation of the fields of continuum physics by micro-macro transition; extended thermodynamics, entropy principle and its evaluation, to name but a few of his stages.

Recently, he has made significant international contributions to the model-based understanding of the functioning of electrochemical systems. These include a fundamentally new model for the intercalation of lithium in the nanoparticles of the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries and the thermodynamically consistent formulation of the Nernst-Planck-Poisson system for ion transport in electrolytes including pressure.

He was also heavily involved in the training of young scientists, whereby the border areas and bridges between the various individual sciences were particularly important to him. His students look back with great gratitude on the many fruitful and often extremely passionate discussions about the mathematical modeling of the real world.

From 2007 to 2015, Wolfgang Dreyer was also involved in teaching continuum physics at the Institute of Mechanics of Faculty V as an Honorary Professor in the field of continuum mechanics and materials theory. He taught students of mechanical engineering, transportation and civil engineering as well as physical engineering. The latter course was particularly important to him, as he always knew how to arouse understanding and interest in engineering students with great didactic skill. His stimulating lectures and talks are legendary.

But he also always devoted his free time to science. Wolfgang Dreyer lived in the darkest place in Germany, in Gülpe. It was therefore only natural for him to become involved in astronomy, not only in theory, but also in practice with a telescope. He reported on his sightings and interesting additional information in lectures to the stargazers in the “Sternenpark (park of stars) Westhavelland.”

We are losing a very popular, reliable and dedicated colleague who was highly regarded and respected both nationally and internationally. We will always remember his work with great gratitude, and our deepest sympathy goes out to his family and loved ones.

A funeral service is planned for July 2024 in Gülpe. We will inform about this in due course.