Direct and Inverse Problems for PDEs
with Random Coefficients
November 9 – 13, 2015
Scope of the Workshop
Validated predictive computations in a wide range of scientific and engineering applications require some form of uncertainty quantification. This workshop focuses on different applications, the analysis and numerical treatment of PDEs with stochastic data. This includes but is not limited to
- efficient numerical methods for the direct (forward) problem, in particular spectral and sampling approaches
- control problems with uncertainties
- sparse and low-rank tensor representations
- inverse problems with random data, in particular methods based on Bayesian inference.
Here you find our ANNOUNCEMENT as a pdf
and here you find our
final schedule> and the
Scientific Committee
- Martin Eigel (WIAS Berlin)
- Dietmar Hömberg (WIAS Berlin)
- Volker John (WIAS Berlin)
- Reinhold Schneider (TU Berlin)
The following invited speakers have already confirmed their participation:
- Mario Annunziato, Università degli Studi di Salerno
- Markus Bachmayr, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris
- Oliver Ernst, TU Chemnitz
- Mike Espig, RWTH Aachen University
- Hanno Gottschalk, University of Wuppertal
- Lars Grasedyck, RWTH Aachen University
- Max Gunzburger, Florida State University
- Helmut Harbrecht, University of Basel
- Matthias Heinkenschloss, Rice University, Houston
- Angela Kunoth, University of Cologne
- Olivier Le Maitre, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay
- Shuai Lu, Fudan University, Shanghai
- Hermann G. Matthies, TU Braunschweig
- Anthony Nouy, Ecole Centrale Nantes
- Tobias Preusser, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen
- Robert Scheichl, University of Bath
- Claudia Schillings, University of Warwick
- Christoph Schwab, ETH Zurich
- Pierre Sochala, BRGM, Orleans
- Raul Tempone, KAUST, Thuwal
- Stefan Ulbrich, TU Darmstadt
The registration is CLOSED.
Research Center MATHEON
Weierstrass Institute