Workshop on Drift Diffusion Systems and Related Problems: Analysis, Algorithms and Computations
March 25, 2010
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Berlin
Drift diffusion systems and related problems constitute a significant problem class with high relevance in applications like semiconductor devices, porous media flow and electrochemistry. Their appropriate numerical treatment especially in three space dimensions still is related to challenges in many fields of numerical analysis. These include the development and analysis of the mathematical models, appropriate discretizations which conserve important qualitative properties, efficient and accurate solvers and the construction of appropriate discretization meshes.
It is no coincidence that this workshop takes place shortly after the 60th birthday of Dr. Klaus Gärtner, member of WIAS since 1998. During his career he was able to provide important contributions to the fields described above. At this workshop, his coworkers provide insight into their past and present activities, providing new challenges for the future.
Confirmed speakers
H.-J. Diersch (Berlin)H. Gajewski (Berlin)
A. Glitzky (Berlin)
R. Richter (München)
O. Schenk (Basel)
H. Si (Berlin)