The dynamics of coupled oscillators plays an important role in a variety
of systems in nature and technology. Their ability to display
complex self-organized dynamical phenomena makes them an important tool
to explain fundamental mechanism of emergent dynamics in coupled
systems. Beyond the classical synchronization paradigm, the workshop
will cover pattern formation, signal propagation, complex network
structures, stochastic phenomena, and extensive chaos in oscillator
systems. The workshop is intended to discuss recent theoretical
approaches from dynamical systems theory, statistical physics, and
stochastics, as well as applications in various fields of science.
- I. Belykh (Atlanta)
- I. Franović (Belgrade)
- V. Klinshov (Nizhny Novgorod)
- K. Krischer (Munich)
- S. Olmi (Sophia Antipolis)
- O. Omel'chenko (Berlin
- D. Pazó (Santander)
- T. Pereira (Sao Paulo)
- A. Pikovsky (Potsdam)
- O. Popovych (Jülich)
M. Wolfrum (WIAS Berlin)
S. Yanchuk (TU Berlin)
Lectures are scheduled from Monday morning until
Wednesday afternoon. Apart from the invited talks, there will be a limited
number of contributed talks and a poster session on Monday evening.
Workshop dinner
The Workshop dinner will take place on
Tuesday November 20, 2018.
Supported by


IRTG 1740
Organized by
Weierstrass Institute (WIAS)