NDSL 2021:
Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers
June 16 – 18, 2021
General information
The workshop with take place online on the web-based video-calling platforms Gathertown and Zoom.
The program will include invited and contributed talks (on Zoom) as well as a virtual poster session (on Gathertown).
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required (see below).
Download Gathertown Instructions
The program is available here.
- Theoretical and experimental aspects of optoelectronic and photonic device dynamics
- Modeling of the dynamics in semiconductor laser devices
- Model reduction using dynamical systems theory
- Bifurcation theory, analytical and numerical methods in optoelectronics
- Numerical methods for simulation of edge-emitting broad area lasers and VCSELs
- Coupled laser systems
- Frequency-swept lasers
- High-beta lasers
- High-power tapered and broad-area lasers and amplifiers
- Hybrid SOA-fiber lasers
- Lasers with delayed feedback
- Mode-locking in lasers
- Narrow-linewidth lasers
- Polarization dynamics in VCSELs
- Quantum dot lasers
- Ring and edge-emitting multisection lasers
- Single-photon sources and quantum light emitting diodes
- Spatial and temporal localized structures of light
- Synchronization of laser arrays
- Thorsten Ackemann (University of Strathclyde)
- Eugene Avrutin (University of York)
- Kurt Busch (Humboldt University of Berlin)
- Marcel Clerc (Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile)
- Weng W. Chow (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque)
- Lorenzo Columbo (Politecnico di Torino)
- Gadi Eisenstein (Technion Haifa)
- Massimo Giudici (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)
- Frédéric Grillot (Télécom Paris)
- Svetlana Gurevich (University of Münster)
- Guillaume Huyet (University of Côte d'Azur)
- Frank Jahnke (University of Bremen)
- Bryan Kelleher (University College Cork)
- Deb Kane (Macquarie University Sydney)
- Andreas Knorr (Technical University of Berlin)
- Anatole Lupu (Université Paris-Saclay)
- Julien Javaloyes (University of the Balearic Islands)
- Kathy Lüdge (Technical University of Berlin)
- Cristina Masoller (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Jesper Mørk (Technical University of Denmark)
- Volker Raab (Raab-Photonik GmbH)
- Stephan Reitzenstein (Technical University of Berlin)
- Stefan Rotter (Technical University of Vienna)
- Nikolay N. Rosanov (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg)
- Dmitry Skryabin (University of Bath)
- Svetlana Slepneva (Cork Institute of Technology, Tyndall National Institute)
- Kestutis Staliunas (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Abdelmajid Taki (Universitè de Lille )
- Mustapha Tlidi (Universitè libre de Bruxelles)
- Vasile Tronciu (Technical University of Moldova)
- Ute Troppenz (Heinrich Hertz Institute Berlin)
- Guy Verschaffelt (Free University of Brussels-VUB)
- Evgeny A. Viktorov (ITMO St. Petersburg)
- Andreas Wicht (FBH Berlin)
- Serhiy Yanchuk (Technical University of Berlin)
- Alexey Yulin (ITMO St. Petersburg)
- Anissa Zeghuzi (FBH Berlin)
Call for Abstracts
We welcome contributed talks and posters for the workshop.
Please submit your abstract (max. 300 words) for a contributed presentation on any of the topics listed
above using the registration form.
Deadline for abstract submission: | May 14, 2021 |
Notification of acceptance: | May 28, 2021 |
The registration is already closed.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Secretariat: Laura Wartenberg, Veronica Bove
Mohrenstraße 39
D-10117 Berlin
e-mail: ndsl2021@wias-berlin.de
phone: +49-(0)30 20372 539
fax: +49-(0)30 20372 318
We gratefully acknowledge support by the Weierstrass Insitute Berlin (WIAS) and the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+.