New Directions in Stochastic Analysis: Rough Paths, SPDEs and Related Topics
On the occasion of Professor Terry Lyons' 65th Birthday
18 - 22 March, 2019

- Shigeki Aida
- Ismaël Bailleul
- Martin Barlow
- Christian Bayer
- Horatio Boedhardjio
- Ajay Chandra
- Ilya Chevyrev
- Dan Crisan
- Francois Delarue
- Alison Etheridge
- Tadahisa Funaki
- Paul Gassiat
- Benjamin Gess
- Massimiliano Gubinelli
- István Gyöngy
- Martin Hairer
- Ben Hambly
- Martina Hofmanova
- Jean-Francois Le Gall
- Yves Le Jan
- Xue-Mei Li
- Hao Ni
- Harald Oberhauser
- Felix Otto
- Anastasia Papavasiliou
- Etienne Pardoux
- Sylvie Paycha
- Nicolas Perkowski
- Zhongmin Qian
- Jeremy Reizenstein
- Michael Röckner
- Bernd Sturmfels
- Dario Trevisan
- Hendrik Weber
- Lorenzo Zambotti
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Takustraße 7
14195 Berlin
google-maps link
Conference Schedule/Book of Abstracts
Please find here the Conference Schedule and our Book of Abstracts.Organization
Scientific board: D. Crisan, M. Gubinelli, M. Hairer, B. Hambly, S. Paycha
Organization: C. Bayer, P. K. Friz, M. Hofmanova, N. Perkowski, W. Stannat