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Purpose and Topics

This seminar aims at covering topics between analysis and stochastics that are of interest to many members of various research groups of the institute. It is structured into small minicourses that consist of 3 to 6 meetings. The topics can be more on the analysis or more on the stochastic side.
The courses should be of an introductory nature and it is intended that they can be understood by anybody. Discussion is highly desired!

If you are interested in giving a minicourse yourself, you are welcome to contact us!

(preliminary) Topics WiSe 2016/17

In WiSe 2016/17 we want to cover the topic of homogenization with its different approaches and techniques.
We start with deterministic, periodic homogenization and investigate the techniques used in the two-scale convergence approach or in the Γ-convergence approach.
Then, we step over to stochastic homogenization and the two-scale convergence approach used there.

Previous Semesters (archive)


Stochastic two-scale convergence

Martin Heida


19.01.16, 11:00 AM, Room 406
15.12.16, 11:00 AM, Room 406
08.12.16, 11:00 AM, Room 406

Γ-convergence for periodic homogenization

Thomas Frenzel/Markus Mittnenzweig


01.12.16, 11:00 AM, ESH
24.11.16, 11:00 AM, Room 406

Two-scale convergence and homogenization

Sina Reichelt


17.11.16, 11:00 AM, Room 406
10.11.16, 11:00 AM, Room 406