Research Group "Stochastic Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics"

Seminar "Modern Methods in Applied Stochastics and Nonparametric Statistics" Winter Semester 2015/2016

Place: Weierstrass-Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Room 406 (4th floor), Mohrenstraße 39, 10117 Berlin
Time: Tuesdays, 3.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.
13.10.15 No Seminar
Room: HVP11/4.13
20.10.15 No Seminar
27.10.15 Mayya Zhilova (WIAS Berlin)
Bootstrap confidence sets under model misspecification
03.11.15 No Seminar
10.11.15 Dr. Christian Bayer (WIAS Berlin)
Room: HVP11/4.13 Pricing under rough volatility
17.11.15 Dr. Roland Hildebrand (WIAS Berlin)
On the probability of covering a sphere with spherical caps
24.11.15 Dr. Karsten Tabelow (WIAS Berlin)
Data acquisition and challenges in functional connectivity dynamics
01.12.15 Andzhey Kozyuk (WIAS Berlin)
Estimation in regression problems with instrumental variables
05.01.16 Alexandra Suvorikova (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Wasserstein barycenters: theory and application
12.01.16 Vladimir Ulyanov (Moscow State University)
Generalized Cornish-Fisher expansions: Achievements, problems, applications
19.01.16 Andzhey Kozyuk (WIAS)
Bootstrap log-likelihood ratio test for hypothesis testing in regression problem with instrumental variables
26.01.16 Andre Wagner (Technische Universität Berlin)
Algebraic multiview geometry and two rigid points
02.02.16 Egor Klochkov (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Sieve maximum likelihood estimation in semi-parametric regression with errors in variables
01.03.16 Valeriy Avanesov (WIAS Berlin)
Consistency results and confidence intervals for adaptive l1-penalized estimators of the high-dimensional sparse precision matrix
15.03.16 Dr. Christian Bayer (WIAS Berlin)
Rough paths and rough partial differential equations (Part I)
18.03.16 Dr. Christian Bayer (WIAS Berlin)
Rough paths and rough partial differential equations (Part II)

last reviewed: March 9, 2016, Christine Schneider