Generative Artificial Intelligence at WIAS


The use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is evolving rapidly and holds great potential for research and education. At WIAS, our goal is to promote the responsible use of this technology in scientific contexts, thereby strengthening public trust in scientific methods. The information provided on this page aims to guide the use of GenAI at WIAS and will be continuously updated to reflect new developments.

Principles for the Use of Generative AI

  • Good Scientific Practice: The scientific use of GenAI adheres to the fundamental principles of Good Scientific Practice, as defined by the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) in their guidelines.
  • Data Protection and Ethics: Compliance with existing data protection regulations and ethical standards is essential.
  • Responsible Use: Users are accountable for the proper application and documentation of GenAI and for carefully assessing its outcomes.

The following section provides external resources and guidelines for the use of GenAI in research and education. For publications, the specific requirements of the respective journals must be reviewed, and its use discussed with all co-authors. In all cases, applicable data protection laws, especially the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), must be observed.

If you have questions on this topic, please contact the WIAS Ombudspersons.

Further Information

  • EU Guidelines on AI Usage: Living guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research by the European Commission (Link to guidelines), (Link to fact sheet)

  • Guidelines of Berlin Universities: AI use at Berlin universities: Humboldt University of Berlin (Link), Free University of Berlin (Link), Technical University of Berlin (Link1), (Link2).

  • Good Scientific Practice: Guidelines at the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (Link) and the DFG (Link)

  • European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): GDPR at WIAS (Link) and the legal text (Link)