WIAS Preprint List
- 78: Milstein, Grigori N.; Nussbaum, Michael
Autoregression approximation of a nonparametric diffusion model
Appeared In: Prob. Th. rel. Fields vol. 112 (1998) no. 4 pp. 535-543 under new title: Diffusion approximation for nonparametric autoregression. - 77: Bothe, Hans-Guenter
Attractors of non invertible maps. - 76: Dahmen, Wolfgang; Kleemann, Bernd; Prößdorf, Siegfried; Schneider, Reinhold
A multiscale method for the double layer potential equation on a polyhedron.
Appeared In: Advances in Computational Mathematics (H.P. Dikshit and C.A. Micchelli, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, pp. 15--57, 1994 - 75: Glitzky, Annegret; Gröger, Konrad; Hünlich, Rolf
Rothe's method for equations modelling transport of dopants in semiconductors.
Appeared In: Nonlinear Anal., 28 (1997), pp. 463--487. - 74: Tribe, Roger
The long term behavior of a Stochastic PDE. - 73: Tribe, Roger
A travelling wave solution to the Kolmogorov equation with noise. - 72: Schurz, Henri
Mean square stability for discrete linear stochastic systems. - 71: Grund, Friedrich
Numerical solution of hierarchically structured systems of algebraic-differential equations.
Appeared In: R. Bank, R. Burlisch, H. Gajewski and K. Merten, editors: Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Circuits and Semiconductor Devices, volume 111 of International Series of Numerical Mathematics, pages 17-31. Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel, 1994. - 70: Gajewski, Herbert; Jäger, Willi; Koshelev, Alexander
About loss of regularity and "blow up" of solutions for quasilinear parabolic systems. - 69: Barrett, John W.; Knabner, Peter
Finite element approximation of transport of reactive solutes in porous media. Part 2: Error estimates for equilibrium adsorption processes. - 68: Homburg, Ale Jan
On the computation of hyperbolic sets and their invariant manifolds. - 67: Schmeling, Jörg; Winkler, Reinhard
Typical dimension of the graph of certain functions.
Appeared In: Monatsh. Math., 119 (1995), pp. 303--320 - 66: Kaiser, Hans-Christoph; Rehberg, Joachim; Albinus, Günther
On Stationary Schrödinger-Poisson Equations
Appeared In: Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 20 (1997), pp. 1283-1312 - 65: Borchardt, Jürgen; Bremer, Ingo
Zur Analyse großer strukturierter chemischer Reaktionssysteme mit Waveform-Iterationsverfahren. - 64: Juhl, Andreas
On the functional equations of dynamical theta functions I. - 63: Förste, Joachim
Zur mathematischen Modellierung eines Halbleiterinjektionslasers mit Hilfe der Maxwellschen Gleichungen bei gegebener Stromverteilung. - 62: Knabner, Peter; van Duijn, Cornelius J.
Travelling wave behaviour of crystal dissolution in porous media flow. - 61: Neumann, Michael H.
Automatic bandwidth choice and confidence intervals in nonparametric regression.
Appeared In: Ann. Statist., 23 (1996), pp. 1937--1959 - 60: Bovier, Anton; Gayrard, Véronique
Rigorous results on the Hopfield model of neural networks.
Appeared In: Resenhas do IME-USP, 1 (1994), pp. 161--172 - 59: Ivanova, I. P.; Kamenskij, G. A.
On the smoothness of the solution to a boundary value problem for a differential-difference equation. - 58: Bothe, Hans Guenter
The Hausdorff dimension of certain attractors.
Appeared In: Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 15 (1995), no. 3, pp. 449--474. - 57: Hofmann, N.; Platen, Eckhard
Stability of weak numerical schemes for stochastic differential equations. - 56: Dawson, Donald A.; Fleischmann, Klaus; Li, Yi; Müller, Carl
Singularity of super-Brownian local time at a point catalyst.
Appeared In: The Annals of Probability 23(1)(1995), pp. 37-55 - 55: Schlundt, Rainer
Iterative Verfahren für lineare Gleichungssysterne auf Distributed Memory Systemen - 54: Elschner, Johannes; Graham, I. G.
An optimal order collocation method for first kind boundary integral equations on polygons.
Appeared In: Numer. Math., 70 (1995), pp. 1--31 - 53: Koshelev, A.
Regularity of solutions for some problems of mathematical physics.
Appeared In: Math. Nachr., 162 (1993) pp. 59--88. - 52: Dawson, Donald A.; Fleischmann, Klaus
Super-Brownian motions in higher dimensions with absolutely continuous measure states.
Appeared In: J. Theoret. Probab., 8 (1995), pp. 179--206 - 51: Schmeling, Jörg
Self normal numbers. - 50: Schmeling, Jörg
Most β shifts have bad ergodic properties. - 49: Pulvirenti, M.; Wagner, Wolfgang; Zavelani Rossi, M.B.
Convergence of particle schemes for the Boltzmann equation.
Appeared In: Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids, 13 (1994), pp. 339--351 - 48: Barrett, John W.; Knabner, Peter
Finite element approximation of transport of reactive solutes in porous media. Part I: Error estimates for non-equilibrium adsorption processes. - 47: Schurz, Henri
Asymptotical mean stability of numerical solutions with multiplicative noise. - 46: Bruckner, Gottfried
On the regularization of the ill-posed logarithmic kernel integral equation of the first kind.
Appeared In: Inverse Problems, 11 (1995), pp. 65--77 - 45: Bovier, Anton; Külske, Christof
A rigorous renormalization group method for interfaces in random media.
Appeared In: Rev. Math. Phys., 6 (1994), pp. 413--496 - 44: Brehmer, L.; Liemant , Alfred; Müller, I.
Ladungstransport und Oberflächenpotentialkinetik in ungeordneten dünnen Schichten. - 43: Kloeden, Peter E.; Platen, Eckhard
Numerical methods for stochastic differential equations. - 42: Platen, Eckhard; Rebolledo, Rolando
Pricing via anticipative stochastic calculus. - 41: Platen, Eckhard
An approach to bond pricing. - 40: Platen, Eckhard; Rebolledo, R.
On bond price dynamics. - 39: Hofmann, N.
Stability of numerical schemes for stochastic differential equations with multiplicative noise. - 38: Hofmann, N.; Platen, Eckhard; Schweizer, M.
Option pricing under incompleteness and stochastic volatility. - 37: Dahmen, W.; Prössdorf, Siegfried; Schneider, R.
Wavelet approximation methods for pseudodifferential equations II: matrix compression and fast solution - 36: Kleemann, Bernd; Rathsfeld, Andreas
Nyström's method and iterative solvers for the solution of the double layer potential equation over polyhedral boundaries.
Appeared In: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 32 (1995), pp. 924--951