WIAS Preprint List: Wolfrum, Matthias
- 3186: Thomè, Nicolas; Wolfrum, Matthias; Krischer, Katharina
Hierarchical clustering in mean-field coupled Stuart--Landau oscillators
- 3133: Burylko, Oleksandr; Wolfrum, Matthias; Yanchuk, Serhiy
Reversible saddle-node separatrix-loop bifurcation
Appeared in: Analytical and Approximate Methods for Complex Dynamical Systems, A. Timokha, ed., Understanding Complex Systems (UCS), Springer Nature Link, 2025, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-77378-5_7 . - 3043: Stöhr, Mina; Koch, Elias R.; Javaloyes, Julien; Gurevich, Svetlana V.; Wolfrum, Matthias
Square waves and Bykov T-points in a delay algebraic model for the Kerr--Gires--Tournois interferometer
Appeared in: Chaos, 33 (2023), pp. 113105/1--113105/11, DOI 10.1063/5.0173320 . - 3042: Burylko, Oleksandr; Wolfrum, Matthias; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Kurths, Jürgen
Time-reversible dynamics in a system of two coupled active rotators
Appeared in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 479 (2023), pp. 20230401/1--20230401/23, DOI 10.1098/rspa.2023.0401 . - 2970: Stöhr, Mina; Wolfrum, Matthias
Temporal dissipative solitons in the Morris--Lecar model with time-delayed feedback
Appeared in: Chaos, 33 (2023), pp. 023117/1--023117/9, DOI 10.1063/5.0134815 . - 2960: Schülen, Leonhard; Gerdes, Alexander; Wolfrum, Matthias; Zakharova, Anna
Solitary routes to chimera states
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 106 (2022), pp. L042203/1--L042203/5, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.L042203 . - 2890: Wolfrum, Matthias; Yanchuk, Serhiy; D'Huys, Otti
Multiple self-locking in the Kuramoto--Sakaguchi system with delay
Appeared in: SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 21 (2022), pp. 1709--1725, DOI 10.1137/21M1458971 . - 2886: Franović, Igor; Omel'chenko, Oleh E.; Wolfrum, Matthias
Bumps, chimera states, and Turing patterns in systems of coupled active rotators
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 104 (2021), pp. L052201/1--L052201/5, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.104.L052201 . - 2854: Hajizadeh, Aida; Matysiak, Artur; Wolfrum, Matthias; May, Patrick J. C.; König, Reinhard
Auditory cortex modelled as a dynamical network of oscillators: Understanding event-related fields and their adaptation
Appeared in: Biol. Cybern., 116 (2022), pp. 475--499, DOI 10.1007/s00422-022-00936-7 . - 2853: Klinshov, Vladimir V.; Kirillov, Sergey Yu.; Nekorkin, Vladimir I.; Wolfrum, Matthias
Noise-induced dynamical regimes in a system of globally coupled excitable units
Appeared in: Chaos, 31 (2021), pp. 083103-1--083103-11, DOI 10.1063/5.0056504 . - 2824: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Wolfrum, Matthias; Pereira, Tiago; Turaev, Dmitry
Absolute stability and absolute hyperbolicity in systems with discrete time-delays
Appeared in: J. Differential Equations, 318 (2022), pp. 323--343, DOI 10.1016/j.jde.2022.02.026 . - 2678: Franović, Igor; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Eydam, Sebastian; Bačić, Iva; Wolfrum, Matthias
Dynamics of a stochastic excitable system with slowly adapting feedback
Appeared in: Chaos, 30 (2020), pp. 083109/1--083109/11, DOI 10.1063/1.5145176 . - 2596: Eydam, Sebastian; Wolfrum, Matthias
The link between coherence echoes and mode locking
Appeared in: Chaos, 29 (2019), published online on 08.10.2019, DOI 10.1063/1.5114699 . - 2570: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Ruschel, Stefan; Sieber, Jan; Wolfrum, Matthias
Temporal dissipative solitons in time-delay feedback systems
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. Lett., 123 (2019), pp. 053901/1--053901/6, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.053901 . - 2517: Bačić, Iva; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Wolfrum, Matthias; Franović, Igor
Noise-induced switching in two adaptively coupled excitable systems
Appeared in: Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 227 (2018), pp. 1077--1090, DOI 10.1140/epjst/e2018-800084-6 . - 2514: Eydam, Sebastian; Franović, Igor; Wolfrum, Matthias
Leap-frog patterns in systems of two coupled FitzHugh--Nagumo units
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 99 (2019), pp. 042207/1--042207/9, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.042207 . - 2465: Franović, Igor; Omel'chenko, Oleh E.; Wolfrum, Matthias
Phase sensitive excitability of a limit cycle
Appeared in: Chaos, 28 (2018), pp. 071105/1--071105/6, DOI 10.1063/1.5045179 . - 2447: Burylko, Oleksandr; Mielke, Alexander; Wolfrum, Matthias; Yanchuk, Serhiy
Coexistence of Hamiltonian-like and dissipative dynamics in chains of coupled phase oscillators with skew-symmetric coupling
Appeared in: SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 17 (2018), pp. 2076--2105, DOI 10.1137/17M1155685 . - 2429: Klinshov, Vladimir; Shchapin, Dmitry; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Wolfrum, Matthias; D'Huys, Otti; Nekorkin, Vladimir
Embedding the dynamics of a single delay system into a feed-forward ring
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 96 (2017) pp. 042217/1--042217/9. - 2418: Eydam, Sebastian; Wolfrum, Matthias
Mode-locking in systems of globally coupled phase oscillators
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 96 (2017), pp. 052205/1--052205/8, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.052205 . - 2417: Omel'chenko, Oleh E.; Wolfrum, Matthias; Knobloch, Edgar
Stability of spiral chimera states on a torus
Appeared in: SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 17 (2018), pp. 97--127, DOI 10.1137/17M1141151 . - 2389: Willis, Ashley P.; Duguet, Yohann; Omel'chenko, Oleh E.; Wolfrum, Matthias
Surfing the edge: Finding nonlinear solutions using feedback control
Appeared in: J. Fluid Mech., 831 (2017) pp. 579--591, DOI 10.20347/WIAS.PREPRINT.2389 . - 2234: Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias
Is there an impact of small phase lags in the Kuramoto model?
Appeared in: Chaos, 26 (2016) pp. 094806/1--094806/6. - 2194: Omelchenko, Iryna; Omel'chenko, Oleh; Zakharova, Anna; Wolfrum, Matthias; Schöll, Eckehard
A tweezer for chimeras in small networks
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. Lett., 116 (2016) pp. 114101/1--114101/5. - 2135: Wolfrum, Matthias; Gurevich, Svetlana; Omel'chenko, Oleh
Turbulence in the Ott--Antonsen equation for arrays of coupled phase oscillators
Appeared in: Nonlinearity, 29 (2016) pp. 257--270. - 2070: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Perlikowski, Przemysław; Wolfrum, Matthias; Stefański, Andrzej; Kapitaniak, Tomasz
Amplitude equations for collective spatio-temporal dynamics in arrays of coupled systems
Appeared in: Chaos, 25 (2015) pp. 033113/1--033113/8. - 2069: Wolfrum, Matthias; Omel'chenko, Oleh; Sieber, Jan
Regular and irregular patterns of self-localized excitation in arrays of coupled phase oscillators
Appeared in: Chaos, 25 (2015) pp. 053113/1--053113/7. - 1908: Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias; Laing, Carlo
Partially coherent twisted states in arrays of coupled phase oscillators
Appeared in: Chaos, 24 (2014) pp. 023102/1--023102/9. - 1859: Sieber, Jan; Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias
Controlling unstable chaos: Stabilizing chimera states by feedback
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 (2014) pp. 054102/1--054102/5. - 1826: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Lücken, Leonhard; Wolfrum, Matthias; Mielke, Alexander
Spectrum and amplitude equations for scalar delay-differential equations with large delay
Appeared in: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35 (2015) pp. 537--553. - 1791: Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias
Bifurcations in the Sakaguchi--Kuramoto model
Appeared in: Phys. D, 263 (2013) pp. 74--85. - 1715: Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias
Nonuniversal transitions to synchrony in the Sakaguchi--Kuramoto model
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. Lett., 109 (2012) pp. 164101/1--164101/4. - 1682: Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Maistrenko, Yuri; Sudakov, Oleksandr
Stationary patterns of coherence and incoherence in two-dimensional arrays of non-locally coupled phase oscillators
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E (3), 85 (2012) pp. 036210/1--036210/5. - 1675: Wolfrum, Matthias
The Turing bifurcation in network systems: Collective patterns and single differentiated nodes
Appeared in: Phys. D, 241 (2012) pp. 1351--1357. - 1618: Wolfrum, Matthias; Omel'chenko, Oleh
Chimera states are chaotic transients
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 84 (2011) pp. 015201(R)/1--015201(R)/4. - 1586: Sieber, Jan; Wolfrum, Matthias; Lichtner, Mark; Yanchuk, Serhiy
On the stability of periodic orbits in delay equations with large delay
Appeared in: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 33 (2013) pp. 3109--3134. - 1577: Wolfrum, Matthias; Omel'chenko, Oleh; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Maistrenko, Yuri
Spectral properties of chimera states
Appeared in: Chaos, 21 (2011) pp. 013112 (8 pages). - 1573: Fiedler, Bernold; Rocha, Carlos; Wolfrum, Matthias
A permutation characterization of Sturm attractors of Hamiltonian type
Appeared in: J. Differential Equations, 252 (2012) pp. 588-623. - 1436: Lichtner, Mark; Wolfrum, Matthias; Yanchuk, Serhiy
The spectrum of delay differential equations with large delay
Appeared in: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 43 (2011) pp. 788-802. - 1233: Wolfrum, Matthias; Ehrt, Julia
Slow motion of quasi-stationary multi-pulse solutions by semistrong interaction in reaction-diffusion systems
- 1213: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Wolfrum, Matthias
Destabilization patterns in large regular networks
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 77 (2008) pp. 026212/1-026212/7. - 1149: Radziunas, Mindaugas; Glitzky, Annegret; Bandelow, Uwe; Wolfrum, Matthias; Troppenz, Ute; Kreissl, Jochen; Rehbein, Wolfgang
Improving the modulation bandwidth in semiconductor lasers by passive feedback
Appeared in: IEEE JSTQE 13(1), pp 136-142, 2007. - 1122: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Wolfrum, Matthias; Hövel, Philipp; Schöll, Eckehard
Control of unstable steady states by strongly delayed feedback
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E, 74 (2006) pp. 026201/1--026201/7. - 1111: Radziunas, Mindaugas; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Krauskopf, Bernd; Wolfrum, Matthias
External cavity modes in Lang--Kobayashi and traveling wave models
Appeared in: SPIE Proceedings Series, vol. 6184, art. no. 61840X, 2006. - 1101: Wolfrum, Matthias; Yanchuk, Serhiy
Oscillatory instability in systems with delay
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. Lett., 96 (2006) pp. 220201/1--220201/4. - 1060: Nizette, Michel; Rachinskii, Dmitrii I.; Vladimirov, Andrei G.; Wolfrum, Matthias
Pulse interaction via gain and loss dynamics in passive mode-locking
Appeared in: Phys. D, 218 (2006) pp. 95--104. - 1051: Tronciu, Vasile Z.; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Wolfrum, Matthias
Semiconductor laser under resonant feedback from a Fabry--Perot: Stability of continuous wave operation
Appeared in: Phys. Rev. E 73, art. no. 046205, 2006. - 962: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Wolfrum, Matthias
Instabilities of stationary states in lasers with long-delay optical feedback
Appeared in: SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. Vol. 9, No. 2 (2010), 519-535. - 849: Brox, Olaf; Bauer, Stefan; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Wolfrum, Matthias; Sieber, Jan; Kreissl, Jochen; Sartorius, Bernd; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen
High-frequency pulsations in DFB-lasers with amplified feedback
Appeared in: IEEE J. Select Topics Quantum Electron., 39 (2003), pp. 1381-1387 - 832: Fiedler, Bernold; Rocha, Carlos; Wolfrum, Matthias
Heteroclinic orbits between rotating waves of semilinear parabolic equation on the circle
Appeared in: J. Differential Equations, 201 (2004), pp. 99-138 - 750: Krauskopf, Bernd; Schneider, Klaus R.; Sieber, Jan; Wieczorek, Sebastian; Wolfrum, Matthias
Excitability and self-pulsations near homoclinic bifurcations in semiconductor laser systems
Appeared in: Optics Communications, 215 (2003), pp 367-379 - 746: Härterich, Jörg; Wolfrum, Matthias
Describing a class of global attractors via symbol sequences
Appeared in: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 12, (2005) pp. 531-554 - 714: Wolfrum, Matthias; Turaev, Dmitry
Instabilities of lasers with moderately delayed optical feedback
Appeared in: Optics Communications, 213, (2002) pp. 127-138 - 599: Wolfrum, Matthias
A sequence of order relations, encoding heteroclinic connections in scalar parabolic PDE
Appeared in: J. Differential Equations, 183, (2002) pp. 56-78 - 597: Bandelow, Uwe; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Sieber, Jan; Wolfrum, Matthias
Impact of gain dispersion on the spatio-temporal dynamics of multisection lasers
Appeared in: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, (2001), Vol.37, no.2, pp. 183-188 - 459: Bandelow, Uwe; Sieber, Jan; Wenzel, Hans; Wolfrum, Matthias; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen
Travelling Wave Equations for Semiconductor Lasers with Gain Dispersion
WIAS Report List: Wolfrum, Matthias
- 15: Wolfrum, Matthias
Geometry of heteroclinic cascades in scalar parabolic differential equations
Appeared in: PDE, J. of Differential. Equations 183(2002), pp. 56-78.