WIAS Preprint List: L�chtrath, Lukas
- 3170: Jahnel, Benedikt; Lüchtrath, Lukas; Mönch, Christian
Phase transitions for contact processes on one-dimensional networks
- 3164: Jahnel, Benedikt; Lüchtrath, Lukas; Vu, Anh Duc
First contact percolation
- 3154: Lüchtrath, Lukas
All spatial graphs with weak long-range effects have chemical distance comparable to Euclidean distance
- 3148: Jacob, Emmanuel; Jahnel, Benedikt; Lüchtrath, Lukas
Subcritical annulus crossing in spatial random graphs
- 3120: Lüchtrath, Lukas; Mönch, Christian
A very short proof of Sidorenko's inequality for counts of homomorphism between graphs
- 3111: Gösgens, Martijn; Lüchtrath, Lukas; Magnanini, Elena; Noy, Marc; de Panafieu, Élie
The Erdős--Rényi random graph conditioned on every component being a clique
- 3106: Jahnel, Benedikt; Lüchtrath, Lukas; Ortgiese, Marcel
Cluster sizes in subcritical soft Boolean models
- 3090: Lüchtrath, Lukas; Mönch, Christian
The directed age-dependent random connection model with arc reciprocity
Appeared in: Modelling and Mining Networks, M. Dewar, B. Kamiński, D. Kaszyński, Ł. Kraiński, P. Prałat, F. Théberge, M. Wrzosek, eds., vol. 14671 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2024, pp. 97--114, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-59205-8_7 . - 3011: Gracar, Peter; Lüchtrath, Lukas; Mönch, Christian
The emergence of a giant component in one-dimensional inhomogeneous networks with long-range effects
Appeared in: M. Dewar, P. Prałat, P. Szufel, F. Théberge, M. Wrzosek, eds., vol. 13894 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 19--35, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-32296-9_2 . - 2993: Jahnel, Bendikt; Lüchtrath, Lukas
Existence of subcritical percolation phases for generalised weight-dependent random connection models