WIAS Preprint List: Bayer, Christian
- 3172: Bayer, Christian; Pelizzari, Luca; Zhu, Jia-Jie
Pricing American options under rough volatility using deep-signatures and signature-kernels
- 3168: Bayer, Christian; Djehiche, Boualem; Rezvanova, Eliza; Tempone, Raúl
Continuous time stochastic optimal control under discrete time partial observations
- 3163: Bayer, Christian; Redmann, Martin
Dimension reduction for path signatures
- 3162: Abi Jaber, Eduardo; Bayer, Christian; Breneis, Simon
State spaces of multifactor approximations of nonnegative Volterra processes
- 3113: Bank, Peter; Bayer, Christian; Hager, Paul P.; Riedel, Sebastian; Nauen, Tobias
Stochastic control with signatures
- 3068: Bayer, Christian; Pelizzari, Luca; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Primal and dual optimal stopping with signatures
- 3045: Bayer, Christian; Breneis, Simon
Efficient option pricing in the rough Heston model using weak simulation schemes
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, published online on 02.09.2024, DOI 10.1080/14697688.2024.2391523 . - 3044: Bayer, Christian; Breneis, Simon
Weak Markovian approximations of rough Heston
- 3034: Bank, Peter; Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Pelizzari, Luca
Rough PDEs for local stochastic volatility models
Appeared in: Math. Finance, published online on 26.01.2025, DOI 10.1111/mafi.12458 . - 3013: Bayer, Christian; Breneis, Simon; Lyons, Terry
An adaptive algorithm for rough differential equations
- 2968: Bayer, Christian; Ben Hammouda, Chiheb; Papapantoleon, Antonis; Samet, Michael; Tempone, Raúl
Optimal damping with hierarchical adaptive quadrature for efficient Fourier pricing of multi-asset options in Lévy models
Appeared in: J. Comput. Finance, 27 (2023), pp. 43--86, DOI 10.21314/JCF.2023.012 . - 2921: Bayer, Christian; Belomestny, Denis; Butkovsky, Oleg; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
RKHS regularization of singular local stochastic volatility McKean--Vlasov models
Appeared in: Finance Stoch., published online on 07.08.2024, DOI 10.1007/s00780-024-00541-5 . - 2917: Bayer, Christian; Ben Hammouda, Chiheb; Tempone, Raúl F.
Numerical smoothing with hierarchical adaptive sparse grids and quasi-Monte Carlo methods for efficient option pricing
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, 23 (2023), pp. 209--227, DOI 10.1080/14697688.2022.2135455 . - 2916: Bayer, Christian; Hall, Eric; Tempone, Raúl F.
Weak error rates for option pricing under linear rough volatility
Appeared in: Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance, 25 (2022), pp. 2250029/1--2250029/47, DOI 10.1142/S0219024922500297 . - 2868: Bayer, Christian; Breneis, Simon
Markovian approximations of stochastic Volterra equations with the fractional kernel
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, 23 (2023), pp. 53--70 (published online on 24.11.2022), DOI 10.1080/14697688.2022.2139193 . - 2821: Bayer, Christian; Eigel, Martin; Sallandt, Leon; Trunschke, Philipp
Pricing high-dimensional Bermudan options with hierarchical tensor formats
Appeared in: SIAM J. Financial Math., 14 (2023), pp. 383--406, DOI 10.1137/21M1402170 . - 2792: Bayer, Christian; Belomestny, Denis; Hager, Paul; Pigato, Paolo; Schoenmakers, John G. M.; Spokoiny, Vladimir
Reinforced optimal control
Appeared in: Comm. Math. Sci., 20 (2022), pp. 1951--1978, DOI 10.4310/CMS.2022.v20.n7.a7 . - 2790: Bayer, Christian; Hager, Paul; Riedel, Sebastian; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Optimal stopping with signatures
Appeared in: Ann. Appl. Probab., 33 (2023), pp. 238--273, DOI 10.1214/22-AAP1814 . - 2752: Bayer, Christian; Harang, Fabian; Pigato, Paolo
Log-modulated rough stochastic volatility models
Appeared in: SIAM J. Financial Math., 12 (2021), pp. 1257--1284, DOI 10.1137/20M135902X . - 2745: Bayer, Christian; Qiu, Jinniao; Yao, Yao
Pricing options under rough volatility with backward SPDEs
Appeared in: SIAM J. Financial Math., 13 (2022), pp. 179--212, DOI 10.1137/20M1357639 . - 2732: Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Tapia, Nikolas
Stability of deep neural networks via discrete rough paths
Appeared in: SIAM J. Math. Data Sci., 5 (2023), pp. 50--76, DOI 10.1137/22M1472358 . - 2706: Redmann, Martin; Bayer, Christian; Goyal, Pawan
Low-dimensional approximations of high-dimensional asset price models
Appeared in: SIAM J. Financial Math., 12 (2021), pp. 1--28, DOI 10.1137/20M1325666 . - 2697: Bayer, Christian; Belomestny, Denis; Hager, Paul; Pigato, Paolo; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Randomized optimal stopping algorithms and their convergence analysis
Appeared in: SIAM J. Financial Math., 12 (2021), pp. 1201--1225, DOI 10.1137/20M1373876 . - 2652: Bayer, Christian; Hammouda, Chiheb Ben; Tempone, Raúl F.
Hierarchical adaptive sparse grids and quasi Monte Carlo for option pricing under the rough Bergomi model
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, published online on 20.04.2020, DOI 10.1080/14697688.2020.1744700 . - 2651: Bayer, Christian; Tempone , Raúl F.; Wolfers, Sören
Pricing American options by exercise rate optimization
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, (2020), Published online on 07.07.2020, DOI 10.1080/14697688.2020.1750678 . - 2547: Bayer, Christian; Stemper, Benjamin
Deep calibration of rough stochastic volatility models
- 2532: Bayer, Christian; Redmann, Martin; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Dynamic programming for optimal stopping via pseudo-regression
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, (2020), published online 01.09.2020, DOI 10.1080/14697688.2020.1780299 . - 2506: Bayer, Christian; Belomestny, Denis; Redmann, Martin; Riedel, Sebastian; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Solving linear parabolic rough partial differential equations
Appeared in: J. Math. Anal. Appl., 490 (2020), published online on 15.05.2020, DOI 10.1016/j.jmaa.2020.124236 . - 2406: Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Gulisashvili, Archil; Horvath, Blanka; Stemper, Benjamin
Short-time near-the-money skew in rough fractional volatility models
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, 19 (2019), pp. 779--798 (published online on 13.11.2018), DOI 10.1080/14697688.2018.1529420 . - 2280: Bayer, Christian; Siebenmorgen, Markus; Tempone, Raul
Smoothing the payoff for efficient computation of basket option prices
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, (2017), appeared online, DOI 10.1080/14697688.2017.1308003 . - 2200: Anker, Felix; Bayer, Christian; Eigel, Martin; Neumann, Johannes; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Adaptive SDE based interpolation for random PDEs
Appeared in: Int. J. Uncertain. Quantif., 7 (2017), pp. 189--205; changed title: A fully adaptive interpolated stochastic sampling method for linear random PDEs - 2192: Anker, Felix; Bayer, Christian; Eigel, Martin; Ladkau, Marcel; Neumann, Johannes; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
SDE based regression for random PDEs
Appeared in: SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39 (2017) pp. A1168--A1200. - 2191: Bayer, Christian; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Option pricing in affine generalized Merton models
Appeared in: J.G.M. Schoenmakers, Ch. Bayer, Option pricing in affine generalized Merton models, J. Kallsen, A. Papapantoleon , eds., Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer International Publishing , Switzerland, 2016, pp. 219--239 - 2072: Bayer, Christian; Oberhauser, Harald
Splitting methods for SPDEs: From robustness to financial engineering, optimal control and nonlinear filtering
Appeared in: Splitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering, R. Glowinski, S.J. Osher, W. Yin, eds., Scientific Computation, Springer International P ublishing Switzerland, 2017, pp. 499--539. - 2071: Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Gatheral, Jim
Pricing under rough volatility
Appeared in: Quant. Finance, 16 (2016) pp. 887--904. - 1954: Bayer, Christian; Horst, Ulrich; Qiu, Jinniao
A functional limit theorem for limit order books
Appeared in: Ann. Appl. Probab., 27 (2017) pp. 2753-2806. - 1907: Bayer, Christian; Mai, Hilmar; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Forward-reverse EM algorithm for Markov chains
Appeared in: Adv. Appl. Probab., 2 (2018), pp. 621--644 , under the new title: Forward-reverse expectation-maximization algorithm for Markov chains: Convergence and numerical analysis, DOI 10.1017/apr.2018.27 . - 1855: Bayer, Christian; Laurence, Peter
Asymptotics for at the money local vol basket options
- 1796: Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Laurence, Peter
On the probability density function of baskets
- 1787: Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Riedel, Sebastian; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
From rough path estimates to multilevel Monte Carlo
Appeared in: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 54 (2016) pp. 1449--1483. - 1774: Bayer, Christian; Hoel, Håkon; von Schwerin, Erik; Tempone, Raúl
On non-asymptotic optimal stopping criteria in Monte Carlo simulations
- 1764: Bayer, Christian; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Simulation of conditional diffusions via forward-reverse stochastic representations
Appeared in: Ann. Appl. Probab., 24 (2014) pp. 1994--2032