WIAS Preprint No. 2759, (2020)
On the convexity of optimal control problems involving non-linear PDEs or VIs and applications to Nash games (changed title: Vector-valued convexity of solution operators with application to optimal control problems)
- Hintermüller, Michael
ORCID: 0000-0001-9471-2479 - Stengl, Steven-Marian
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 06B99 49K21 47H04 49J40
- PDE-constrained optimization, K-Convexity, set-valued analysis, subdifferential, semilinear elliptic, PDEs, variational inequality
Generalized Nash equilibrium problems in function spaces involving PDEs are considered. One of the central issues arising in this context is the question of existence, which requires the topological characterization of the set of minimizers for each player of the associated Nash game. In this paper, we propose conditions on the operator and the functional that guarantee the reduced formulation to be a convex minimization problem. Subsequently, we generalize results of convex analysis to derive optimality systems also for non-smooth operators. Our theoretical findings are illustrated by examples.
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