Contributions to Collected Editions 2013
- U. Bandelow, Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner, A. Wilms, A. Mielke, Comprehensive mathematical modeling and simulation of semiconductor lasers, in: Proceedings of the 2013 International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW2013), Cargèse, France, August 18--30, 2013, pp. A7--A8.
- S. Amiranashvili, U. Bandelow, N. Akhmediev, Ultrashort optical solitons in nonlinear media with arbitrary dispersion, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD 2013, 19--22 August 2013, J. Piprek, L. Chrostowski, eds., IEEE Conference Publications Management Group, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2013, pp. 117--118.
- U. Bandelow, N. Akhmediv, Solitons on a background, rogue waves, and classical soliton solutions of the Sasa--Satsuma equation, in: Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics, 2013 Sixth ``Rio De La Plata'' Workshop on, C. Masoller, I. Brener, eds., IEEE, 2013, pp. 1--2.
- TH. Dickhaus, J. Gierl, Simultaneous test procedures in terms of p-value copulae, in: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry & Statistics (CMCGS 2013), K. Chen, C. Raju, eds., Global Science and Technology Forum, Singapore, 2013, pp. 75--80.
- W. Dreyer, Kinetic relations for moving phase boundaries, in: Hyperbolic Techniques for Phase Dynamics, Workshop, June 9--15, 2013, 29 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013, pp. 1699--1702.
- J. Fuhrmann, M. Hülsebrock, U. Krewer, Energy storage based on electrochemical conversion of ammonia, D. Stolten, V. Scherer, eds., Transition to Renewable Energy Systems: Energy Process Engineering, Wiley, 2013, pp. 691--706.
- A. Glitzky, K. Gärtner, J. Fuhrmann, Th. Koprucki, A. Fischer, B. Lüssem, K. Leo, R. Scholz, Electro-thermal modeling of organic semiconductors describing negative differential resistance induced by self-heating, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD 2013, 19--22 August 2013, J. Piprek, L. Chrostowski, eds., IEEE Conference Publications Management Group, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2013, pp. 77--78.
- TH. Koprucki, K. Gärtner, Generalization of the Scharfetter--Gummel scheme, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD 2013, 19--22 August 2013, J. Piprek, L. Chrostowski, eds., IEEE Conference Publications Management Group, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2013, pp. 85--86.
- CH. Landry, M. Gerdts, R. Henrion, D. Hömberg, Path-planning with collision avoidance in automotive industry, in: System Modeling and Optimization, D. Hömberg, F. Tröltzsch, eds., 391 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer, Heidelberg et al., 2013, pp. 102--111.
- R. Henrion, A critical note on empirical (sample average, Monte Carlo) approximation of solutions to chance constrained programs, in: System Modeling and Optimization, D. Hömberg, F. Tröltzsch, eds., 391 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer, Heidelberg et al., 2013, pp. 25--37.
- CH. Landry, W. Welz, R. Henrion, D. Hömberg, M. Skutella, Task assignment, sequencing and path-planning in robotic welding cells, Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2013 -- 18th International Conference on, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, August 26 - 29, 2013, IEEE, 2013, pp. 252--257.
- K. Chełminski, D. Hömberg, O. Rott, Coupling of process, machine, and work-piece in production processes: A challenge for industrial mathematics, Warsaw Seminar in Industrial Mathematics (WSIM'10), March 18 - 19, 2010, P. Grzegorzewski, T. Rzeżuchowski, eds., Issues in Industrial Mathematics, Politechnika Warszawa, 2013, pp. 57--75.
- D. Hömberg, D. Kern, PDE-constrained control problems related to the heat treatment of steel, Warsaw Seminar in Industrial Mathematics (WSIM'10), March 18 - 19, 2010, P. Grzegorzewski, T. Rzeżuchowski, eds., Issues in Industrial Mathematics, Politechnika Warszawa, 2013, pp. 35--46.
- D. Hömberg, E. Uhlmann, O. Rott, P. Rasper, Development of a stability prediction tool for the identification of stable milling processes, in: Process Machine Interactions. Prediction and Manipulation of Interactions between Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tool Structures, B. Denkena, F. Hollmann, eds., Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, Springer, Berlin et al., 2013, pp. 203--224.
- G.R. Barrenechea, V. John, P. Knobloch, A nonlinear local projection stabilization for convection-diffusion-reaction equations, in: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011, the 9th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011, A. Cangiani, R.L. Davidchack, E. Georgoulis, A.N. Gorban, J. Levesley, M.V. Tretyakov, eds., Springer, Berlin et al., 2013, pp. 237--247.
- V. John, P. Knobloch, Adaptive computation of parameters in stabilized methods for convection-diffusion problems, in: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011, the 9th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011, A. Cangiani, R.L. Davidchack, E. Georgoulis, A.N. Gorban, J. Levesley, M.V. Tretyakov, eds., Springer, Berlin et al., 2013, pp. 275--285.
- CH. Kraus, Sharp interface limit of a diffuse interface model of Navier--Stokes--Allen--Cahn type for mixtures, in: Hyperbolic Techniques for Phase Dynamics, Workshop, June 9--15, 2013, 29 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013, pp. 1719--1722.
- A. Mielke, Gradient structures and dissipation distances for reaction-diffusion systems, in: Material Theory, Workshop, Dezember 16--20, 2013, A. Desimone, S. Luckhaus, L. Truskinovsky, eds., 10 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013, pp. 3455--3458.
- H.-J. Mucha, J. Dolata, H.-G. Bartel, Classification of Roman tiles with stamp PARDALIVS, in: Algorithms from & for Nature and Life, B. Lausen, D. VAN DEN Poel, A. Ultsch, eds., Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 309--317.
- H.-J. Mucha, H.-G. Bartel, C. Morales-Merino, Visualisation of cluster analysis results, in: Classification and Data Mining, A. Giusti, G. Ritter, M. Vichi, eds., Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, Berlin, 2013, pp. 261--270.
- B. Maldonado, C. Morales-Merino, H.-J. Mucha, Ancient technology, modern science: Archaeometallurgy in northern Chile, in: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2013, A. Hauptmann, O. Mecking, M. Prange, eds., Metalla, Sonderheft 6, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 2013, pp. 70--74.
- H.-J. Mucha, R. Naumann, G. Schneider, H.-G. Bartel, M. Daszkiewicz, Diskriminanzanalytische Überprüfung einer Klassifikation von Keramikfunden aus Uruk, in: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2013, A. Hauptmann, O. Mecking, M. Prange, eds., Metalla, Sonderheft 6, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 2013, pp. 159--163.
- C. Carstensen, C. Merdon, J. Neumann, Aspects of guaranteed error control in CPDE, in: Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Algorithms, and Their Applications, O.P. Iliev, S.D. Margenov, P.D. Minev, P.S. Vassilevski, L.T. Zikatanov, eds., 45 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer, New York, 2013, pp. 103--119.
- H. Si, J.R. Shewchuk, Incrementally constructing and updating constrained Delaunay tetrahedralizations with finite precision coordinates, in: Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable, X. Jiao, J.-Ch. Weill, eds., Springer, Heidelberg et al., 2013, pp. 173--190.
- R.M. Arkhipov, M. Radziunas, A.G. Vladimirov, Numerical simulation of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers under dual mode optical injection regime, in: Proceedings of the Conference ICONO/LAT 2013 (Technical Digest on CD ROM), Section LAT-01: Solid-State Lasers, Materials and Applications, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2013, pp. 111--112.
- R.M. Arkhipov, M. Radziunas, A.G. Vladimirov, Numerical simulations of the influence of injection of biharmonic radiation on the regime of passive mode-locking in semiconductor laser, in: Proceedings of the XIVth All-Russian Scientific School-Seminar ``Physics and Microwave Application'' (Waves-2013), Moscow, May 20--26, 2013, Section 5: Nonlinear Dynamics and Information Systems (electronic, in Russian), 2013, pp. 9--12.
- R.M. Arkhipov, A. Pimenov, M. Radziunas, A.G. Vladimirov, Theoretical analysis of hybrid and dual mode injected semiconductor mode-locked lasers, in: Proceedings of the 2013 International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW2013), Cargèse, France, August 18--30, 2013, pp. B3--B4.
- B. Slepneva, B. O'Shaughnessy, S. Kelleher, A. Hegarty, A.G. Vladimirov, G. Huyet, Dynamics of Fourier domain mode locked lasers, in: Proceedings of CLEO: Applications and Technology, San Jose, California, United States, June 9--14, 2013, paper JW2A.87, Optical Society of America, 2013.
- P. Perlikowski, S. Yanchuk, M. Wolfrum, A. Stefanski, T. Kapitaniak, Dynamics of a large ring of unidirectionally coupled duffing oscillators, in: IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Advanced Technologies and Engineering Design, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Advanced Technologies and Engineering Design, held Aberdeen, UK, 27--30 July 2010, M. Wiercigroch, G. Rega, eds., 32 of IUTAM Bookseries, Springer, Dordrecht et al., 2013, pp. 63--72.
- S. Amiranashvili, A. Demircan, C. Brée, G. Steinmeyer, F. Mitschke, Manipulating light by light in optical fibers, in: 3rd Bonn Humboldt Award Winners' Forum ``Frontiers in Quantum Optics: Taming the World of Atoms and Photons -- 100 Years after Niels Bohr'', Bonn, October 9--12, 2013, Networking Guide, pp. 58--59.
- M.V. Arkhipov, R.M. Arkhipov, S.N. Bagaev, V.S. Egorov, I.A. Chekhonin, M.A. Chekhonin, Ultrafast laser beam scanning by resonant light-induced spacial periodic structures, in: Proceedings of the XIVth All-Russian Scientific School-Seminar ``Physics and Microwave Application'' (Waves-2013), Moscow, May 20--26, 2013, Section 6: Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (electronic, in Russian), 2013, pp. 6--9.
- R.M. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, M.V. Arkhipov , Y.A. Tolmachev, Spectral and temporal characteristics of radiation from a periodic resonant medium excited at the superluminal velocity, in: Proceedings of the Conference ICONO/LAT 2013 (Technical Digest on CD ROM), Section LAT-04: Diffractive Optics and Nanophotonics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2013, pp. 14--15.
- J. Giesselmann, A. Miroshnikov, A.E. Tzavaras, The problem of dynamic cavitation in nonlinear elasticity, in: Séminaire Laurent Schwartz -- EDP et applications (2012--2013), Center for Diffusion of Mathematical Journals,, 2013, pp. 14/1--14/17.
- J. Giesselmann, Energy consistent DG schemes for compressible two-phase flows, in: Hyperbolic Techniques for Phase Dynamics, Workshop, June 9--15, 2013, 29 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013, pp. 1705--1707.
- K. Götze, Free fall of a rigid body in a viscoelastic fluid, in: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Workshop, February 18--22, 2013, 10 of Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2013, pp. 554--556.
- R. Hildebrand, M. Gevers, Central extensions in closed-loop optimal experiment design (in electronic form), in: Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52th Annual Conference on, IEEE Conference Publications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, pp. 5822-5827.
- L. Gijben, P.J.C. Dickinson, M. Duer, R. Hildebrand, Scaling relationships between the copositive cone and the cone of sums of squares polynomials, in: International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT2013), Book of Abstracts, Lisbon, 2013, pp. 66.
- R. Hildebrand, L.V. Lokutsievskiy, M.I. Zelikin, Generic fractal structure of the optimal synthesis in problems with affine multidimensional control (in electronic form), in: Control Conference (ECC), 2013 European, IEEE Conference Publications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 3197--3202.
- R. Hildebrand, Convex projective programming, in: International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT2013), Book of Abstracts, Lisbon, 2013, pp. 80.
- R. Herrero, M. Botey, M. Radziunas, K. Staliunas, Beam shaping in spatially modulated broad area semiconductor amplifiers, in: CLEO/Europe -- IQEC 2013 Conference Digest, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper IG-2.4 WED, 2013, pp. 1--1.
- M. Radziunas, R. Herrero, M. Botey, K. Staliunas, Theoretical study of beam quality improvement in spatially modulated broad area edge-emitting devices, in: CLEO/Europe -- IQEC 2013 Conference Digest, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper CB-P.38 MON, 2013, pp. 1--1.
- M. Radziunas, Traveling wave modelling and mode analysis of semiconductor ring lasers, in: CLEO/Europe -- IQEC 2013 Conference Digest, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper CB-P.37 MON, 2013, pp. 1--1.