27.10. | Kolloquium des Sfb 951 16:00 Uhr Institut für Physik, Newtonstr. 15, Raum 1‘201 (Gerthsen-Hörsaal) |
K. Busch: Nano-Plasmonics: Material Models and Computational Methods | |
V. May: Theory of Molecule Metal Nanoparticle Interactions: Introduction and Some First Applications | |
03.11. | Shalva Amiranashvili (WIAS) |
Optical Rogue Waves | |
17.11. | Tatiana Habruseva (Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland) |
Mode-locked lasers with optical injection | |
21.11. | HONORARY COLLOQUIUM on the occasion of 60th birthday of LUTZ RECKE ( Monday! ) |
| |
01.12. | Mindaugas Radziunas (WIAS) |
Spatial “rocking” in broad emission area semiconductor lasers
| |
08.12. | Kestutis Staliunas, (Uni Politecnica de Catalunya, & ICREA, Barcelona, Spain) |
Faraday patterns in nonlinear fiber-resonators | |
15.12. | Festkolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Fritz Henneberger |
| |
05.01. | Sonia Fliss (ENSTA ParisTech) |
Numerical and mathematical analysis of harmonic wave propagation in
locally perturbed periodic infinite media
| |
12.01. | Alexander Wilms (WIAS) |
Influenece of the carrier reservoir dimensionality on Coulomb scattering in
quantum dot materials | |
19.01. | Ihar Babushkin (WIAS) |
Perturbative approach to analysis of
the ionization-induced nonlinearity | |
16.02. | Alexander Pimenov (WIAS) |
A Hermite-Galerkin method for numerical solution of a model of an
inhomogeneously broadened semiconductor laser |
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