Organizing committee:
F. Henneberger,
J. Kurths,
A. Pikovsky,
L. Recke,
L. Schimansky-Geier,
E. Schöll, M. Wolfrum, H.-J. Wünsche,
S. Yanchuk
The 3-day workshop will
gather physicists and mathematicians working in the field of complex
dynamics and coupled systems of different nature: optoelectronics,
neuroscience, etc.
The main goal of the workshop is to discuss new interdisciplinary
approaches, which arise in this field. A particular attention will be
paid to the effects of delay in the coupling or feedback.
The main topics include:
- coupled systems in optoelectronics and neuroscience
- delay induced dynamical effects
- synchronization and chaos in coupled systems
- delayed feedback control
- noise in dynamics with delay
- A. Amann (Cork)
- P. Colet (Palma)
- T. Erneux (Brussels)
- I. Fischer (Brussels)
- J. Garcia-Ojalvo (Terrassa)
- G. Giacomelli (Firenze)
- W. Just (London)
- H. Kantz (Dresden)
- W. Kinzel (Würzburg)
- L. Larger (Besançon)
- D. Lenstra (Amsterdam)
- B. Lindner (Dresden)
- Yu. Maistrenko (Jülich)
- M. Nizette (Brussels)
- A. Politi (Firenze)
- K. Pyragas (Vilnius)
- R. Roy (Maryland)
- H.-G. Schuster (Kiel)
- P. Tass (Jülich)
For the further information, please contact Ina Hohn or
Serhiy Yanchuk
The workshop takes place at Humboldt
University, main building, room 2097
den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin-Mitte). Infomation on accommodation
possibilities is available here.
Apart from the plenary talks, there will be a limited number of
contributed talks and a poster session.
For contributed talks or posters, please register
and submit your abstract before July 1.