International Workshop:
Extreme Nonlinear Optics & Solitons
October 28 -– 30, 2013
WIAS Berlin
The workshops brings together researchers working in the following topics:
- non-pertubative aspects of nonlinear optics
- femtosecond filaments
- self-compression, filaments & light "bullets"
- optical rogue waves
- modeling of extreme pulses
- cavity solitons, fiber solitons
- dissipative solitons in optics and other fields
- optical turbulence in fibers
- polariton solitons
- few-cycle pulses and optical gravity
- solitons in metamaterials
Invited Speakers
Lectures are scheduled from Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon. Apart from the invited talks, there will be a limited number of contributed talks and possibly a poster session.Organizers
Conference Fee
The conference fee of 70,00 € covers break refreshments, a conference dinner, and a booklet of abstracts.Weierstrass Institute |
Gabriele Sels(ße 39, D-10117 Berlin,
Phone: +49-(0)30 20372 539, Fax: +49-(0)30 20372 318