Winter semester 2024/2025
Organiser: Uwe Bandelow

Research seminar "Mathematical Models of Photonics"

Enrollment to the seminar: Students who want to attend this seminar for the modules P27, P28 and P35.3 should write an email to Please write as subject MathPho, your name, enrollment number, course of study.
I will save the email address and use it to send information regarding the seminar if this is not explicitly objected. You can cancel your enrollment to the seminar via email as well.


Proposed seminars

Thursday 21.11.2024, 14:00  (WIAS R405-406)

Yusuke Kato. University of Tokyo

Introduction of two studies: (1) analysis of oscillation quenching by periodic perturbation and (2) parameter estimation of Kuramoto model
I will talk about the two different projects that I am working on in Japan. (1) In the first part, I will present the oscillation quenching (annihilation of oscillation) in a bistable oscillator model [1]. We find that multiplicative periodic forces combined with feedback induce quenching and perform the bifurcation analysis using an averaging approximation. (2) The second part would be about the parameter estimation of the Kuramoto model, which is a mathematical model that describes synchronization phenomena. We use the time series of the order parameter (a macroscopic quantity that characterizes how the whole population is synchronized) as given data and estimate the model parameters. The estimation is performed by the Bayesian approach, using the exchange Monte Carlo method for computation.
[1] Y. Kato and H. Kori. Periodic forces combined with feedback induce quenching in a bistable oscillator. Chaos 34, 103125 (2024).

Thursday 21.11.2024, 15:00  (WIAS R405-406)

Hidemasa Ishii . University of Tokyo

Employing dynamical modeling to understand complex phenomena: from interacting bistable systems to football ball possession
In this seminar, I would like to introduce two projects I have worked on. The first is a study on diffusively coupled stochastic bistable elements [1], where we analysed the influence of coupling strength over the mean escape time. Direct numerical simulations suggested, while strong coupling impedes escape, weak coupling facilitates escape on average. We argue, although diffusive coupling both facilitates and impedes escape, the facilitating effect is dominant under weak coupling. The second topic concerns dynamical modelling for three-versus-one ball possession in football. In our model, motion of the players and ball is governed by a system of ODEs during a single pass. The model is nevertheless stochastic, because the initial condition and parameters of the ODEs depend probabilistically on the final state of the previous pass. We aim to utilize this approach to quantify the difference between high- and lower-level football teams.
[1] H. Ishii and H. Kori, Diffusive coupling facilitates and impedes noise-induced escape in interacting bistable elements, Sci Rep 14, 11019 (2024).

Thursday 28.11.2024, 16:00 

Thursday 05.12.2024, 16:00 

Thursday 12.12.2024, 16:00 

Thursday 19.12.2024, 16:00 

Thursday 02.01.2025, 16:00 

Thursday 09.01.2025, 16:00 

Thursday 16.01.2025, 16:00 

Thursday 23.01.2025, 16:00 

Thursday 30.01.2025, 16:00 

Thursday 06.02.2025, 16:00 

Thursday 13.02.2025, 16:00