The Finite Volume functionality

HighVoronois most important feature to the user is the automatic generation of a linear system

\[\mathbb A\,\mathbf u = \mathbf b\]

from the PDE-Problem

\[-\nabla\cdot\left(\kappa\nabla u + \kappa u\nabla V\right) = f\,.\]

More abstract, the class VoronoiFVProblem discretizes the problem

\[\nabla\cdot J(u) = f\,,\tag{Flux-Form}\]

in the bulk (in the domain) where $J(u)$ is a linear differential operator in $u$ and $f$ is a given right hand side. Furthermore, the method can account for periodic, Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, also all at once (on different parts of the boundary).

The function linearVoronoiFVProblem then adds particular boundary conditions to the abstract discretization in VoronoiFVProblem and returns a linear equation to be solved.

The VoronoiFVProblem dataset


The VoronoiFVProblem is conceptually a black box into which the user throws a list of nodes and a boundary (or a ready-to-use VoronoiGeometry) as well as a description of $J$ and $f$. Internally, the black box computes the discrete coefficients of $J$ and $f$ and stores them in a way that allows efficient computation of the matrix and right-hand side for given boundary conditions.

We advise the user to first jump to the examples for calculations of fluxes below and afterwards study the following abstract description of VoronoiFVProblem.

VoronoiFVProblem(Geo::VoronoiGeometry; parent = nothing)  # first variant
VoronoiFVProblem(points, boundary; integrator = VI_POLYGON, kwargs...)      # second variant

Generates Finite Volume data for fluxes and right hand sides given either a VoronoiGeometry object or a set of points and a boundary, which will serve to internally create a VoronoiGeometry. Allows for the following parameters:

  • kwargs... : arguments that are not listed explicitly below will be passed to the VoronoiGeometry. integrand will be overwritten.

  • parent: If parent is generated from Geo_p and Geo is a refined version of Geo_p this parameter will initiate the calculation of an $L^{1}$ projection operator between the spaces of piecewise constant functions on the respective Voronoi Tessellations.

  • discretefunctions=nothing : A named tuple of form (alpha=x->norm(x),f=x->-x,). Will be evaluated pointwise.

  • integralfunctions=nothing : A named tuple of form (alpha=x->norm(x),f=x->-x,). It will make the algoritm calculate the integrals over the given functions or it will associate values to the list of functions based on integrated data present in Geo

  • fluxes=nothing : this is assumed to be named tuple, e.g. like the following:

      fluxes = (alpha = f1, beta = f2, eta = f3, zeta = f4, )

    and every of the given fluxes alpha, beta, eta, zeta, has the following structure: It is one single flux-function accessing the following named data (see also here in the Documentation):

      x_i, x_j, para_i, para_j, para_ij, mass_i, mass_j, mass_ij, normal

    and returning two values. Functions f1, f2 ... should hence be defined similar to the following:

      function f1(;x_i,x_j,para_ij, kwargs...)
          # some code
          return something_i, something_j

    Refer to the examples in the documentation.

standard settings

if the array of Neumann-planes is not provided, the standard list given in boundary resp. the boundary in Geo will be used.

  • rhs_functions=nothing: same as for fluxes. However, functions can only access the variables

      x_i, mass_i, para_i,
struct VoronoiFVProblem{...}

after initialization the struct contains the following information:

  • Geometry : a VoronoiGeometry containing mesh and integrated information
  • Coefficients : Not advised to be accessed by user
  • Parent : Not advised to be accessed by user
  • projection_down : Not advised to be accessed by user
  • projection_up : Not advised to be accessed by user
  • parameters : Not advised to be accessed by user

Examples for the VoronoiFVProblem


  1. Creating a VoronoiFVProblem
  2. Calculating fluxes and rigthand side
  3. Creating a VoronoiFVProblem from a VoronoiGeometry
  4. Internal storage of data (For very deep coding only)

Creating a VoronoiFVProblem and calculating some integrals...

We create a first instance of VoronoiFVProblem. The following code calculates a VoronoiGeometry for the given data of random points. It furthermore calculates the integral of integralfunctions and pointwise evaluations of discretefunctions. The latter are not stored but will be internally used for calculations of fluxes or right hand sides (in a later example). To get familiar with the data structure try out the following:

using LinearAlgebra

function myrhs(;para_i,mass_i,kwargs...)
    return para_i[:alpha]*mass_i

function test_FV(dim,nop)
    data = rand(dim,nop)
    xs = VoronoiNodes(data)
    cube = cuboid(dim,periodic=[1])
    VoronoiFVProblem(xs,cube, discretefunctions = (alpha=x->sum(abs,x),), 
                              rhs_functions = (F=myrhs,) )

vfvp = test_FV(2,4)

The algorithm internally calculutes for each of the four random cells the quantity $\alpha(x_i)*m_i$, where $m_i$ is the mass of cell $i$. The output hence looks like the following:

(F = [0.8899968951003052, 1.6176576528551534, 1.2484331005796414, 0.9868594550457225],)
  • At a later stage, we will of course not directly work with vfvp.Coefficients.functions...
  • myrhs could addionally work with x_i, the coordinates of $x_i$

Calculating fluxes and rigthand side

We write $i\sim j$ if the Voronoi cells of the nodes $x_i$ and $x_j$ are neighbored. Then the discrete version of

\[\nabla\cdot J(u) = f\,,\tag{Flux-Form}\]

in the node $x_i$ is

\[\sum_{j\sim i} J_{i,j}(u) = F_i\,.\tag{Flux-Form-discrete}\]

Indeces $i$ and $j$

In the text and in the code hereafter $i$ is the current cell and $j$ is either a neighbor or an index of a part of the boundary.

More precisely, let $f$ and $\kappa$ be scalar functions. If $m_i$ is the mass of cell $i$ and $m_{ij}$ is the mass of the interface between cells $i$ and $j$ and $f_i=f(x_i)$ or $f_i=m_i^{-1}\int_{cell_i}f$ and similarly for $\kappa$ we find the following possible discretization of Fick's law:

\[J(u)=-\kappa \nabla u \qquad\leftrightarrow\qquad J_{ij}(u)\,=\,-\frac{m_{ij}}{h_{ij}}\sqrt{\kappa_i\kappa_j}(u_j-u_i)\,=\,+\frac{m_{ij}}{h_{ij}}\sqrt{\kappa_i\kappa_j}(u_i-u_j)\,,\]

with the right hand side

\[F_i=m_i f_i\,.\]

We can rewrite $J_{ij}(u)$ in the following form:

\[J_{ij}(u)=\frac{m_{ij}}{h_{ij}}\sqrt{\kappa_i\kappa_j}u_i-\frac{m_{ij}}{h_{ij}}\sqrt{\kappa_i\kappa_j}u_j=p_{ij,i}u_i - p_{ij,j}u_j\]

purpose of `VoronoiFVProblem`

The purpose of VoronoiFVProblem is to calculate $p_{ij,i}$ and $p_{ij,j}$ using fluxes=... as well as $F_i$ using rhs_functions.

We implement the above discretization in myflux_1 and an alternative replacing $\sqrt{\kappa_i\kappa_j}$ by an average over the joint interface of cells $i,j$ in myflux_2. Here, $\alpha$ is evaluated pointwise in the middle of each cell / interface, while $\kappa$ is averaged over cells and interfaces.

using LinearAlgebra
using SpecialFunctions

function myflux_1(;para_i,para_j,mass_ij,normal,kwargs...) 
    # kwargs... collects all additional parameters which are not used in the current function.
    weight = norm(normal)^(-1) * mass_ij * sqrt(para_i[:kappa]*para_j[:kappa])
    return weight, weight

function myflux_2(;para_ij,mass_ij,normal,kwargs...)
    # kwargs... collects all additional parameters which are not used in the current function.
    weight = norm(normal)^(-1) * mass_ij * para_ij[:kappa]
    return weight, weight

myRHS(;para_i,mass_i,kwargs...) = mass_i * para_i[:f] 

function test_FV(dim,nop)
    data = rand(dim,nop)
    xs = VoronoiNodes(data)
    cube = cuboid(dim,periodic=[],neumann=[1,-1]) # cube with preset Neumann BC in dimension 1 and Dirichlet BC all other dimensions
    VoronoiFVProblem(xs,cube, discretefunctions = (f=x->sin(2*pi*x[1]),), # evaluate f pointwise
                              integralfunctions = (kappa=x->1.0+norm(x)^2,), # calculate averages of kappa over cells and interfaces
                              fluxes = ( j1 = myflux_1, j2 = myflux_2, ),
                              rhs_functions = (F = myRHS,) )


Creating a VoronoiFVProblem from a VoronoiGeometry

It is also possible to write the following less compact code for test_FV(dim,nop). Though it may seem weird to do the extra effort, remember that mesh generation in high dimensions is very time consuming. Hence this approach could be usefull to set up a high dimensional problem from a formerly calculated grid.

function test_FV(dim,nop)
    data = rand(dim,nop)
    xs = VoronoiNodes(data)
    cube = cuboid(dim,periodic=[],neumann=[1,-1]) 
    vg = VoronoiGeometry(xs, cube, integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON, 
    vfvp = VoronoiFVProblem(vg, discretefunctions = (f=x->sin(2*pi*x[1]),), 
                              integralfunctions = (kappa=x->0.0,), 
                              fluxes = ( j1 = myflux_1, j2 = myflux_2, ),
                              rhs_functions = (F = myRHS,) )

The instatiation of vg calculates all integrals of x->1.0+norm(x)^2. The instatiation of vfvp cimply uses the values stored in vg and "rebrands" them as :kappa.

Compatibility of dimension

The dimension of integrand in the instatiation of vg can be greater or equal than the summed up dimension of all integralfunctions, but not less!! The definition of :kappa in VoronoiFVProblem(...) in the above example does not matter as all values have been calculated before. We strongly advise to have a look at the "intentions of use" section.

Internal storage of data

In the second example, try out the following code:

vfvp = test_FV(2,4)

The fields rows and cols of vfvp store the row and coloumn coordinates of potentially non-zero entries of a sparse flux matrix. The arrays stored in fluxes correspondingly store the non-zero values. It is thus possible to directly create SparseMatrix instances from this data. However, this would not yet properly account for boundary conditions.

Full list of LOCAL PARAMETER names

Functions like myflux_1 and myflux_2 in this example here are evaluated on interfaces between neighboring cells or on the boundary and can take the following arguments

  • x_i: coordinates of the current node $i$
  • x_j: coordinates of the current neighbor $j$ (in case this is an actually existing cell) or the coordinates of a point on the boundary (if this is part of the boundary, see onboundary)
  • para_i and para_j: a named tuple container of all pointwise evaluated (discretefunctions) or averaged (integralfunctions) functions for either cell $i$ and $j$ respectively.
  • para_ij: same for the interface
  • mass_i and mass_j: if of cell $i$ and $j$
  • mass_ij: the mass of the interface
  • normal: Something like $x_j-x_i$. However, in case of periodic nodes with cells "crossing the periodic boundary", it typically holds $x_i+\mathrm{normal}\not=x_j$ but $(x_i+\mathrm{normal})$ is a periodic shift of $x_j$. In any case, it is the correct outer normal vector with length of the "periodized distance".
  • onboundary: is true if and only if x_j is a point on the boudary.

Righthand side functions (bulk functions) like myRHS are evaluated on nodes have only access to

  • x_i
  • para_i
  • mass_i
  • If a function f is not provided to either discretefunctions or integralfunctions the call para_i[:f] and alike will cause an error message.
  • Every name can be used only ONCE. Particularly, a name f CANNOT be used both inside discretefunctions AND integralfunctions.

Extracting the full FV linear equations including BOUNDARY CONDITIONS

  1. Theoretical background
  2. linearVoronoiFVProblem
  3. No Dirichlet condition: Ambiguity
  4. Examples


To understand how boundary conditions are implemented in the HighVoronoi package, multiply equation (Flux-Form) with some function $\varphi$ and use integration by parts to obtain

\[-\int_{domain}J\cdot\nabla\varphi=\int_{domain}f\,\varphi-\int_{boundary}\varphi\,J\cdot \nu\]

where $\nu$ is the outer normal vector.

Furthermore, assume we want to prescribe $u=u_0$ on some part of the boundary. We can write $u=\tilde u +u_0$ where $\tilde u$ has boundary value $0$. Then (Flux-Form-discrete) reads

\[\sum_{j\sim i} J_{i,j}(\tilde u + u_0) = F_i\,.\]

However, since we work in a discrete setting, we can make the following assumptions:

Assumptions on boundary data
  • The function $u_0$ is a discrete function taking value $0$ on every node inside the domain, but might be non-zero on the boundary. $\tilde u$ is a discrete function which is zero on all Dirichlet-parts of the boundary.
  • The function J_0 is a discrete function on the boundary which mimics $J_0=J\cdot\nu$. In particular, we think of J_0(i,j)=m_ij*J_0(x_ij).



Takes a VoronoiFVProblem and a flux::Symbol and creates a linear problem. flux has to refer to a flux created in vd.

Optional arguments

  • rhs: a Symbol referring to one of the rhs_functions or a vector of Float64 of the same length as the number of nodes. If not provided, the system assumes rhs=zeros(Float64,number_of_nodes).
  • Neumann: Can be provided in the forms
    • (Int,Function,Int[.],Function,(Int[.],Function),...). Every Function depends on (;kwargs...)
    and represents $J*ν$ on a single boundary plane Int or multiple planes Int[.].
    • Function then it takes the Neumann boundaries given by the definition of the boundary of the domain, unless nothing is reinterpreted as Dirichlet boundary.
  • Dirichlet: Can be provided in the form (Int,Function,Int[.],Function,(Int[.],Function),...). Every Function depends on (;kwargs...) and represents $u_0$ on a single boundary plane Int or multiple planes Int[.].

Use FVevaluate_boundary(f) if you simply want f to be evaluated pointwise at the boundary nodes.

Standard boundary conditions and consistency

The algorithm will take zero Neumann resp. zero Dirichlet as standard in case no other information is provided by the user. However, it is the users responsibility to make sure there are no double specifications given in Neumann and Dirichlet.

Return values

rows, cols, vals, rhs = linearVoronoiFVProblem(vd::VoronoiFVProblem;flux,kwargs...)
  • rows, cols, vals are the row and coloumn indeces of values. Create e.g. A=sparse(rows,cols,vals) and sovle $A*u=rhs$

No Dirichlet condition: Ambiguity

In case the boundary conditions consist only of periodic and/or Neumann conditions, the solution is unique only up to a constant. This is taken into account by providing linearVoronoiFVProblem with the parameter

  • enforcement_node=1: This picks out a node where the solution is forced to be $0$. If the user wants another condition, such as average value $0$, this can be achieved after solving the linear problem, as the library provides enough tools to calculate the respective integrals in the aftermath.


Let us look at the following example:

    using SparseArrays

    myrhs(;para_i,mass_i,kwargs...) = mass_i*para_i[:alpha]

    function myflux_2(;para_ij,mass_ij,normal,kwargs...)
        weight = norm(normal)^(-1) * mass_ij * para_ij[:alpha]
        return weight, weight

    xs = VoronoiNodes(rand(2,6))
    cube = cuboid(2,periodic=[1])
    vfvp = VoronoiFVProblem(xs, cube, discretefunctions = (alpha=x->sum(abs,x),), 
                                      fluxes=(j1=myflux_2,) )
    har = FVevaluate_boundary(x->0.0) # turn a function into the format HighVoronoi needs
    one = FVevaluate_boundary(x->1.0)
    r,c,v,f = linearVoronoiFVProblem(vfvp, flux = :j1, Neumann = (3,har), Dirichlet = (4,one))
    A = sparse(r,c,v) # a sparse matrix with rows `r`, coloumns `c` and values `v`
    # solution_u = somelinearsolver(A,f)

As we see, the output of the algorithm is a matrix A and a right hand side f which can be plugged into a linear solver method from some suitable package.