First Young Researchers Workshop on Smart Materials


Workshop on Smart Systems

Berlin, 10-12 October 2005



    Format of the Meeting:

    This is the First of a series of completely informal small workshops throughout Europe with equal initial conditions for each speaker. The aim is to provide a platform for high-level discussions on the current research on the topics of the European Network HPRN-CT-2002-00284: New Materials, Adaptive Systems and Their Nonlinearities. Modelling, Control and Numerical Simulation. Participants are encouraged to present *one* issue or idea rather than review a full research project. In this spirit, the communication of recent and new results, even actually under research and not yet published, is very welcome. A few, but strict, rules apply to the meeting in order to distinguish it from previous workshops and minisymposia in the field.

    1. Each participant is invited to talk, provided that he or she is present throughout the meeting. If you plan to attend, please follow the instructions here.

    2. Based on the number of participants the time available will be divided into slots for the talks, grouped according to the different research areas. Some time of the workshop will be reserved for group discussions. The order of the topics (and the speakers within each topic) will be determined through random choice.

    3. Each participant should introduce himself or herself, the topic, and is expected to leave sufficient time, within the allocated time-slot, for discussion. The talks will be conducted in an informal way; in particular, questions and answers are allowed and encouraged also during the talk itself.

    Time Frame:
    Monday 9:30am till Wensday 6pm.

    There is a big blackboard in the lecture room and two overhead projectors. In case you would like to use a projector, make sure that you will bring an additional copy of your talk as ps- or pdf-file on CD or USB-stick. That will make life/technical support much more relaxed and easier during the meeting.

    Lecture Hall: Room Weierstrass Horsaal 406
    Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
    Mohrenstraße 39,
    10117 Berlin (Germany)
    Location of WIAS is Downtown Berlin

    How to get here:
    Please check this link.

    Please look here for a list of recommended hotels near the city center.

    If you plan to attend, please register here.

    Financial Support:
    The workshop is supported by the European Commission's 5th Framework Programme. Its identifier number is HPRN-CT-2002-00284., August 2005