Below is an overview of all file formats of TetGen.
.node | input/output | a list of nodes |
.poly | input | a piecewise linear complex |
.smesh | input/output | a simple piecewise linear complex |
.ele | input/output | a list of tetrahedra |
.face | input/output | a list of triangular faces |
.edge | output | a list of boundary edges |
.vol | input | a list of maximum volumes |
.var | input | a list of variant constraints for facets/segments |
.neigh | output | a list of neighbors |
Click on each link to see the description of that file format. Here are some examples files which are very simple but good for illustration.
In addition, TetGen supports (reads and writes) the following public polyhedral file formats.
.off | input/output | Geomview's polyhedral file format |
.ply | input | Polyhedral file format |
.stl | input | Stereolithography format |
.mesh | input/output | Medit's surface mesh file format |
A graphic program, TetView, created specificially for viewing the input and output files of TetGen is also available. It has many features for viewing and analysing piecewise linear complexes and meshes. Furthermore, it outputs high quality frame dump of the screen images in encapsulated postscript format (.eps). The executable version is available for free.