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B  List of Error Codes and Messages

The list of error codes and messages can also be found in the function terminatetetgen() defined in the file tetgen.h.

messageError: Out of memory

messagePlease report this bug to Include
 the message above, your input data set, and the exact
 command line you used to run this program, thank you
descriptionThis failure was caused by a known bug of TetGen.

messageA self-intersection was detected. Program stopped.
 Hint: use -d option to detect all self-intersections.
descriptionThis failure was caused by an input error.

messageA very small input feature size was detected. Program stopped.
 Hint: use -T option to set a smaller tolerance.
descriptionThis failure was caused by a possible input error.
 For example, there are two segments nearly intersecting each.
 other. If you want to ignore this possible error, set a smaller
 tolerance by the -T switch, default is 10−8.

messageTwo very close input facets were detected. Program stopped.
 Hint: use -Y option to avoid adding Steiner points on boundary.
descriptionThis failure was caused by a possible input error.
 For example, there are two facets nearly overlapping each
 other. Once Steiner points are added to one of the facets,
 it will cause a self-intersection.

messageAn input error was detected. Program stopped.
descriptionThis failure was caused by an input error.

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