[Contents] | [Index] |
Collaborator: K.R. Schneider, E.V. Shchetinina, D. Turaev (until 10/03)
Cooperation with: A.L. Shilnikov (Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA), L.P. Shilnikov (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
One of the basic questions of dynamics concerns the structure of the regions of stability of periodic orbits. The last known stability boundary was discovered only in 1995, [1]. It corresponds to the so-called blue-sky catastrophe, a special case of a saddle-node bifurcation where a saddle periodic orbit collides with a stable one, then both disappear, and a single stable periodic orbit with very large length and period is created (the length and period tend to infinity when the bifurcational moment is approached). The global structure of the unstable set of the saddle-node for the blue-sky catastrophe appears to be rather complex. Nevertheless, it was shown in [2] that this particular configuration of the unstable set is, in fact, quite typical for singularly perturbed systems with at least two fast variables.
A singularly perturbed system, a paradigm for dynamical processes with two distinct time scales, is a system of the form
![]() | = | g(x, y,![]() |
![]() ![]() | = | h(x, y,![]() |
In this project we show ([3]) that the blue-sky catastrophe almost inevitably accompanies the saddle-node bifurcation in the slow-fast systems, where there are jumps between invariant manifolds corresponding to fast periodic orbits and those corresponding to fast equilibria. We present and analyze three distinct specific scenarios which lead to the blue-sky catastrophe in the singularly perturbed systems. These scenarios correspond to three different types of jumps, caused either by a saddle-node bifurcation in the fast system, or by an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation, or by a homoclinic loop.
![]() |
We remark that the suggested mechanisms of the blue-sky catastrophe
in singularly perturbed systems have indeed been reported in models
of neuronal activity, for example, describing the dynamics of the leach heart
interneurons ([4]). The transition (illustrated in Fig.
from one type of self-sustained oscillations (a round stable periodic
orbit L+) to the regime where the attractor is the ``long'' stable
orbit L can be interpreted as a transition from periodic
tonic spikes to periodic bursting oscillations of the neuron.
Note as well that even before the transition to the bursting oscillations the spiking mode is in an excitable state here: a perturbation which drives the initial point outside the saddle limit cycle L- results in a long calm phase before the sustained spiking restores.
Cooperation with: V.F. Butuzov, A.B. Vasil'eva, N.N. Nefedov (Moscow State University, Russia)
Supported by: DFG: Cooperation Project ``Singulär gestörte Systeme und Stabilitätswechsel'' (Singularly perturbed systems and exchange of stability) of German and Russian scientists in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between DFG and RFFI
Consider a dynamical system of the type
dx/dt = f (x,) and
assume that the parameter
slowly changes in time. Setting
we obtain after rescaling t the
singularly perturbed non-autonomous differential equation
The case (i) is called an immediate exchange of stabilities, the case (ii) is referred to as delayed exchange of stabilities or as delayed loss of stability. These cases cannot be treated by applying the standard theory of singularly perturbed systems. In [1], [2], [3], we have developed a theory based on the method of asymptotic upper and lower solutions to characterize and to distinguish immediate and delayed exchange of stabilities. In the project under consideration we study equation (1) under the assumption that the curves k1 and k2 intersect in at least two different points. By means of the method of asymptotic upper and lower solutions we derive conditions on f guaranteeing that the solution of the initial value problem exhibits the phenomena of immediate as well as of delayed exchange of stabilities. It is important to emphasize that it is not possible to prove this result by only verifying the assumptions for immediate and delayed exchange of stabilities. In fact, we have to look for an appropriate modification of the method of asymptotic upper and lower solutions. We also study the case that f is periodic in t. In order to be able to prove the existence of a harmonic solution which represents a periodic forced canard we have to construct asymptotic upper and lower solutions which are discontinuous and contain boundary layer functions.
Cooperation with: V.A. Sobolev, E.A. Shchepakina (Samara State University, Russia)
We consider slow-fast systems that can be transformed into the form
where y Rn, z
is a small positive parameter,
a is a two-dimensional vector function,
and B(t) is the matrix
The aim of this project is to investigate the integral manifolds
loosing their attractivity and, especially, to study
their relations with the phenomenon
of delayed loss of stability.
In the hyperbolic case the existence of
the integral manifolds
of the form
z = h(t, y,) has been known for a long time (see, e.g.,
It is proved that under some general assumptions on the functions
Y and Z, there exists a control function
such that system (1) has an integral manifold
z = h(t, y,
), where h is uniformly bounded.
We note that this manifold is attractive for t < 0 and repulsive for t > 0.
We call these manifolds loosing as manifolds their attractivity.
The question of the smoothness of the integral manifold and of the control
is investigated. By the induction method it is shown that if
the functions
Y(t, y, z,),
Z(t, y, z, a,
have continuous and uniformly bounded partial derivatives with respect to
the variables
y, z, a,
up to the order k,
then the integral manifold
h(t, y,
and the control function
) have continuous and
uniformly bounded partial derivatives with respect to y up to the order
k - 1.
Cooperation with: E.A. Shchepakina (Samara State University, Russia)
We consider the problem of thermal explosion of a gas mixture in case of an autocatalytic combustion reaction in a homogeneous medium. As a mathematical model we use the differential system
Here, denotes the temperature,
is the depth of
conversion of the gas mixture,
describes the
volumetric heat loss, and
is a positive parameter which
is small in case of a highly exothermic reaction. There exists an
exponentially small
: = (
)) containing
), where
[Contents] | [Index] |