The -A switch assigns an additional attribute to each tetrahedron that
identifies what facet-bounded region each tetrahedron belongs to.
Attributes are assigned to regions by the
.poly file or
.smesh file.
If a region is not explicitly marked by the .poly file or .smesh file,
tetrahedra in that region are assigned an attribute of zero. The -A
switch has an effect only when the
-p switch is used and the
-r switch
is not.
Examples of Using the '-A' Switch
The geometry of this example is a rectangular bar shown below. In
additional, it has two boundary markers (-1 and -2) and two regions
(-10 and -20) defined as shown in the below picture. The source file
is bar2.poly
The command line:
tetgen -pAa0.1 bar2generates a tetrahedral mesh (shown below) in files "bar2.1.node", "bar2.1.ele", and file "bar2.1.face" contains the boundary faces. Each tetrahedron in file "bar2.1.ele" contains a region number. In the following picture, tetrahedra belong to two different regions are shown in different colors.