A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh
Generator and a 3D Delaunay Triangulator
Hang Si
Research Group: Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)
Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany hang.si@wias-berlin.de
TetGen is a program to generate tetrahedral meshes of any 3D
polyhedral domains. TetGen generates exact constrained Delaunay
tetrahedralizations, boundary conforming Delaunay meshes, and Voronoi
partitions. The following pictures respectively illustrate a 3D
polyhedral domain (left), a boundary conforming Delaunay tetrahedral
mesh (middle), and its dual - a Voronoi partition (right).
TetGen provides various features to generate good quality and adaptive
tetrahedral meshes suitable for numerical methods, such as finite
element or finite volume methods. For more information of TetGen,
please take a look at a list of features.
TetGen is written in C++. It can be compiled into either a standalone
program invoked from command-line or a library for linking with other
programs. All major operating systems, e.g. Unix/Linux, MacOS,
Windows, etc, are supported.
TetGen (version 1.5.0, released on November 4, 2013) is available as a .zip file
or as a .tar.gz file (266k).
The downloaded package includes the C++ source code of TetGen, a
README file, a LINCESE file, a makefile for compling, and an example
file for testing.