TetGen - Download Area

TetGen v.1.5 is distributed as Free Software under the GNU Affero Public License v. 3.0.

Before downloading, please inform yourself about the terms and conditions of this license. Please be aware of the obligation to convey source code of software or web services which arise from creating a combined work with TetGen to the public.

If you feel that these licensing conditions do not fit your intended software or web service distribution model, you may instead contact (tetgen@wias-berlin.de) or the author (hang.si@wias-berlin.de) in order to obtain a different license for a fee from WIAS.

In order to support the continuation of the project, we collect information about world wide users. This information includes standard information provided by the html protocol, as well as some further information we kindly ask you to provide. WIAS keeps all received information strictly confidental and will not give it to any third party.

Remarks on intended usage:
Home page:
Email*: * Please fill in at least these two fields.
Providing these information is voluntarily. The WIAS keeps all received information strictly confidental. The WIAS won't exploit any of this information or give it to any third party.

Hereby I acknowledge that I download TetGen licensed under the GNU Affero public license. For any use of the code not covered by this distribution model I will request a commercial license.