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6  Calling TetGen from Another Program

One can use TetGen as a library so that it can be called directly from another program. This section gives the necessary instructions for using the TetGen  library. Users are supposed to be able to use TetGen, i.e., know its command line switches and the input and output file formats. We refer to Section 3 for the instructions of how to compile TetGen into a library.

6.1  The Header File

Programs calling TetGen must include the header file tetgen.h.

    #include "tetgen.h"

It includes all data types and function declarations of the TetGen  library. It defines the function tetrahedralize() and the data type tetgenio, which are provided for users to call TetGen with all its functionality. They are described in Section 6.2 and Section 6.3, respectively.

6.2  The Calling Convention

The function tetrahedralize() is declared as follows:

void tetrahedralize(char *switches, tetgenio *in, tetgenio *out,
                    tetgenio *addin = NULL, tetgenio *bgmin = NULL);

The parameter switches is a string containing the command line switches for this call. In this string, no initial dash ’-’ is required. The Q (quiet) switch is recommended in the final code. Some file output switches, like I and g are ignored.

The parameters in and out, which are two pointers pointing to objects of tetgenio, describing the input and the output. in and out must not be NULL.

Two additional parameters addin and bgmin may be supplied. When the switch -i is used, addin contains a list of additional vertices to be inserted. When the switch -m is used, bgmin contains a background mesh which is used to provide a mesh sizing function.

6.3  The tetgenio Data Type

The tetgenio structure is used to pass data into and out of the tetrahedralize() procedure. It replaces the input and output files of TetGen  by a collection of arrays, which are used to store points, tetrahedra, boundary markers, and so forth. It is a C++ class including data fields and functions. The data fields of tetgenio:

    int firstnumber; // 0 or 1, default 0.
    int mesh_dim;    // must be 3.

    REAL *pointlist;
    REAL *pointattributelist;
    REAL *pointmtrlist;
    int *pointmarkerlist;
    int numberofpoints;
    int numberofpointattributes;
    int numberofpointmtrs;
    int *tetrahedronlist;
    REAL *tetrahedronattributelist;
    REAL *tetrahedronvolumelist;
    int *neighborlist;
    int numberoftetrahedra;
    int numberofcorners;
    int numberoftetrahedronattributes;

    facet *facetlist;
    int *facetmarkerlist;
    int numberoffacets;

    REAL *holelist;
    int numberofholes;

    REAL *regionlist;
    int numberofregions;

    REAL *facetconstraintlist;
    int numberoffacetconstraints;

    REAL *segmentconstraintlist;
    int numberofsegmentconstraints;

    int *trifacelist;
    int *trifacemarkerlist;
    int numberoftrifaces;

    int *edgelist;
    int *edgemarkerlist;
    int numberofedges;

6.4  Description of Arrays

In all cases, the first item in any array is stored starting at index [0]. However, that item is item number firstnumber (0 or 1) unless the z switch is used, in which case it is item number ‘0’. Now the description of arrays follows.


An array of point coordinates. The first point’s x coordinate is at index [0], its y coordinate at index [1], and its z coordinate at index [2], followed by the coordinates of the remaining points. Each point occupies three REALs.


An array of point attributes. Each point’s attributes occupy numberofpointattributes REALs.


An array of point markers; one int per point.


An array of metric tensors at points. Each point’s tensor occupies numberofpointmtrs REALs.


An array of tetrahedron corners. The first tetrahedron’s first corner is at index [0], followed by its other three corners, followed by any other nodes if the ’-o2’ switch is used. Each tetrahedron occupies numberofcorners (4 or 10) ints.


An array of tetrahedron attributes. Each tetrahedron’s attributes occupy numberoftetrahedronattributes REALs.


An array of tetrahedron volume constraints; one REAL per tetrahedron. Input only.


An array of tetrahedron neighbors; four ints per tetrahedron. Output only.


An array of PLC facets. Each facet is an object of type facet (see Section 6.4.2).


An array of facet markers; one int per facet.


An array of holes. The first hole’s x, y and z coordinates are at indices [0], [1] and [2], followed by the remaining holes. Three REALs per hole.


An array of regional attributes and volume constraints. The first constraints’ x, y and z coordinates are at indices [0], [1] and [2], followed by the regional attribute at index [3], followed by the maximum volume at index [4], followed by the remaining volume constraints. Five REALs per volume constraint. Each regional attribute is used only if the A switch is used, and each volume constraint is used only if the a switch (with no number following) is used, but omitting one of these switches does not change the memory layout.


An array of facet maximum area constraints. Two REALs per constraint. The first one is the facet marker (cast the type to integer), the second is its maximum area bound. Note the ’facetconstraintlist’ is used only for the ’q’ switch.


An array of segment length constraints. Two REALs per constraint. The first one is the index (pointing into pointlist) of the node, the second is its maximum length bound. Note the ’segmentconstraintlist’ is used only for the ’q’ switch.


An array of triangular faces. The first face’s corners are at indices [0], [1] and [2], followed by the remaining faces. Three ints per face.


An array of face markers; one int per face.


An array of segment endpoints. The first segment’s endpoints are at indices [0] and [1], followed by the remaining segments. Two ints per segment.


An array of segment markers; one int per segment.

6.4.1  Memory Management

Two routines defined in tetgenio are used for memory initialization and cleaning. They are:

    void initialize();
    void deinitialize();

initialize() initializes all fields, that is, all pointers to arrays are initialized to NULL, and other variables are initialized to zero except the variable ’numberofcorners’, which is 4 (a tetrahedron has 4 nodes). Initialization is implicitly called by the constructor of tetgenio. For an example, the following line creates an object of tetgenio named io, all fields of io are initialized:

    tetgenio io;

The next step is to allocate memory for each array which will be used. In C++ the memory allocation and deletion can be done by the new and delete operators. Another pair of functions (preferred by C programmers) are malloc() and free(). Whatever you use, you must stick with one of these two pairs, e.g., ’new’/’delete’ and ’malloc’/’free’ cannot be mixed. For example, the following line allocates memory for io.pointlist:

    io.pointlist = new REAL[io.numberofpoints * 3];

deinitialize() frees the memory allocated in objects of tetgenio by using ’delete’. It is automatically called on deletion of the tetgenio objects. If the memory was allocated by using the function malloc(), the user is responsible to free it. After having freed all memory, one call of initialize() disables the automatic memory deletion.

To reuse an object is possible: first call deinitialize(), then call initialize() before the next use.

6.4.2  The facet Data Structure

The facet data structure defined in tetgenio can be used to represent any facet of a PLC. The structure of facet shown below consists of a list of polygons and a list of hole points.

    typedef struct {
      polygon *polygonlist;
      int numberofpolygons;
      REAL *holelist;
      int numberofholes;
    } facet;

A polygon is again an object of type polygon. It consists of a list of corner points (vertexlist). The structure is shown below.

    typedef struct {
      int *vertexlist;
      int numberofvertices;
    } polygon;

The structure of a facet corresponds to the facet description in a .poly file format, described in Section 5.2.2. The front facet of Figure 23 serves an example for setting a PLC facet into an object of facet. It has two polygons, one has six vertices, and the other is a segment, no holes, the ASCII data is:

    6  4 12 8 5 9 1 # front side
    2  12 9

The following C++ code does the translation. Assume the object of tetgenio is io and has already be created.

    tetgenio::facet *f;   // Define a pointer of facet.
    tetgenio::polygon *p; // Define a pointer of polygon.

    // All indices start from 1.
    io.firstnumber = 1;


    // Use 'f' to point to a facet of 'facetlist'.
    f = &io.facetlist[i];
    // Initialize the fields of this facet.
    //   There are two polygons, no holes.
    f->numberofpolygons = 2;
    // Allocate memory for polygons.
    f->polygonlist = new tetgenio::polygon[2];
    f->numberofholes = 0;
    f->holelist = NULL;
    // Set the data of the first polygon into facet.
    p = &f->polygonlist[0];
    p->numberofvertices = 6;
    // Allocate memory for vertices.
    p->vertexlist = new int[6]; 
    p->vertexlist[0] = 4;
    p->vertexlist[1] = 12;
    p->vertexlist[2] = 8;
    p->vertexlist[3] = 5;
    p->vertexlist[4] = 9;
    p->vertexlist[5] = 1;

    // Set the data of the second polygon into facet.
    p = &f->polygonlist[1];
    p->numberofvertices = 2;
    p->vertexlist = new int[2]; // Alloc. memory for vertices.
    p->vertexlist[0] = 12;
    p->vertexlist[1] = 9;

6.5  A Complete Example

This section gives an example of how to call TetGen from another program by using the tetgenio data structure and the function tetrahedralize(). The input PLC in Section 5.4.1 (Figure 22) is used again.

The complete C++ source code is given below. It is also available on TetGen’s website: The code illustrates the following basic steps:

In addition, it outputs the PLC in the object in into two files (barin.node and barin.poly), and outputs the mesh in the object out into three files (barout.node, barout.ele, and barout.face).

This example can be compiled into an executable program.

The complete source codes are given below:

#include "tetgen.h" // Defined tetgenio, tetrahedralize().

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  tetgenio in, out;
  tetgenio::facet *f;
  tetgenio::polygon *p;
  int i;

  // All indices start from 1.
  in.firstnumber = 1;

  in.numberofpoints = 8;
  in.pointlist = new REAL[in.numberofpoints * 3];
  in.pointlist[0]  = 0;  // node 1.
  in.pointlist[1]  = 0;
  in.pointlist[2]  = 0;
  in.pointlist[3]  = 2;  // node 2.
  in.pointlist[4]  = 0;
  in.pointlist[5]  = 0;
  in.pointlist[6]  = 2;  // node 3.
  in.pointlist[7]  = 2;
  in.pointlist[8]  = 0;
  in.pointlist[9]  = 0;  // node 4.
  in.pointlist[10] = 2;
  in.pointlist[11] = 0;
  // Set node 5, 6, 7, 8.
  for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
    in.pointlist[i * 3]     = in.pointlist[(i - 4) * 3];
    in.pointlist[i * 3 + 1] = in.pointlist[(i - 4) * 3 + 1];
    in.pointlist[i * 3 + 2] = 12;

  in.numberoffacets = 6;
  in.facetlist = new tetgenio::facet[in.numberoffacets];
  in.facetmarkerlist = new int[in.numberoffacets];

  // Facet 1. The leftmost facet.
  f = &in.facetlist[0];
  f->numberofpolygons = 1;
  f->polygonlist = new tetgenio::polygon[f->numberofpolygons];
  f->numberofholes = 0;
  f->holelist = NULL;
  p = &f->polygonlist[0];
  p->numberofvertices = 4;
  p->vertexlist = new int[p->numberofvertices];
  p->vertexlist[0] = 1;
  p->vertexlist[1] = 2;
  p->vertexlist[2] = 3;
  p->vertexlist[3] = 4;
  // Facet 2. The rightmost facet.
  f = &in.facetlist[1];
  f->numberofpolygons = 1;
  f->polygonlist = new tetgenio::polygon[f->numberofpolygons];
  f->numberofholes = 0;
  f->holelist = NULL;
  p = &f->polygonlist[0];
  p->numberofvertices = 4;
  p->vertexlist = new int[p->numberofvertices];
  p->vertexlist[0] = 5;
  p->vertexlist[1] = 6;
  p->vertexlist[2] = 7;
  p->vertexlist[3] = 8;

  // Facet 3. The bottom facet.
  f = &in.facetlist[2];
  f->numberofpolygons = 1;
  f->polygonlist = new tetgenio::polygon[f->numberofpolygons];
  f->numberofholes = 0;
  f->holelist = NULL;
  p = &f->polygonlist[0];
  p->numberofvertices = 4;
  p->vertexlist = new int[p->numberofvertices];
  p->vertexlist[0] = 1;
  p->vertexlist[1] = 5;
  p->vertexlist[2] = 6;
  p->vertexlist[3] = 2;

  // Facet 4. The back facet.
  f = &in.facetlist[3];
  f->numberofpolygons = 1;
  f->polygonlist = new tetgenio::polygon[f->numberofpolygons];
  f->numberofholes = 0;
  f->holelist = NULL;
  p = &f->polygonlist[0];
  p->numberofvertices = 4;
  p->vertexlist = new int[p->numberofvertices];
  p->vertexlist[0] = 2;
  p->vertexlist[1] = 6;
  p->vertexlist[2] = 7;
  p->vertexlist[3] = 3;

  // Facet 5. The top facet.
  f = &in.facetlist[4];
  f->numberofpolygons = 1;
  f->polygonlist = new tetgenio::polygon[f->numberofpolygons];
  f->numberofholes = 0;
  f->holelist = NULL;
  p = &f->polygonlist[0];
  p->numberofvertices = 4;
  p->vertexlist = new int[p->numberofvertices];
  p->vertexlist[0] = 3;
  p->vertexlist[1] = 7;
  p->vertexlist[2] = 8;
  p->vertexlist[3] = 4;

  // Facet 6. The front facet.
  f = &in.facetlist[5];
  f->numberofpolygons = 1;
  f->polygonlist = new tetgenio::polygon[f->numberofpolygons];
  f->numberofholes = 0;
  f->holelist = NULL;
  p = &f->polygonlist[0];
  p->numberofvertices = 4;
  p->vertexlist = new int[p->numberofvertices];
  p->vertexlist[0] = 4;
  p->vertexlist[1] = 8;
  p->vertexlist[2] = 5;
  p->vertexlist[3] = 1;

  // Set 'in.facetmarkerlist'

  in.facetmarkerlist[0] = -1;
  in.facetmarkerlist[1] = -2;
  in.facetmarkerlist[2] = 0;
  in.facetmarkerlist[3] = 0;
  in.facetmarkerlist[4] = 0;
  in.facetmarkerlist[5] = 0;

  // Output the PLC to files 'barin.node' and 'barin.poly'.

  // Tetrahedralize the PLC. Switches are chosen to read a PLC (p),
  //   do quality mesh generation (q) with a specified quality bound
  //   (1.414), and apply a maximum volume constraint (a0.1).

  tetrahedralize("pq1.414a0.1", &in, &out);

  // Output mesh to files 'barout.node', 'barout.ele' and 'barout.face'.

  return 0;

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