Due to travelling, I am unable to record updated videos. I updated the notebooks to the current Julia version 1.11 but linked the videos from last year.
Pluto notebook: pluto/julia, html, pdf,
Julia package Triangulate.jl using Triangle by J.R.Shewchuk (UC Berkeley), Pluto notebook
Some other open source mesh generation packages
CGAL: The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
ND: qhull mostly for pointsets. MiniQhull.jl Julia wrapper.
2D: DelaunayTriangulation.jl by Daniel VandenHeuvel
3D: TetGen by H. Si (WIAS Berlin)
3D: NetGen by J. Schöberl and coworkers
2D/3D: gmsh By Ch. Geuzaine and J.F. Remacle, (Gmsh.jl)[https://github.com/JuliaFEM/Gmsh.jl] Julia wrapper.
Pluto notebook: pluto/julia, html, pdf,
We will use these tools later on during the course