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Collaborator: M. Baro, H.-Chr. Kaiser, H. Neidhardt, J. Rehberg
Cooperation with: N. Ben Abdallah and P. Degond (both Université Paul Sabatier, Laboratoire de Mathématiques pour l'Industrie et la Physique, Toulouse, France), P. Exner (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague), A. Jüngel (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz), V.A. Zagrebnov (Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille, France)
Supported by: DFG Research Center MATHEON (project D4); DFG: ``Spektralparameterabhängige Randwertprobleme und Hybridmodelle der Halbleitersimulation'' (Boundary value problems depending on the spectral parameter and hybrid models in semiconductor simulation); DAAD (PROCOPE): ``Numerics of hybrid models for quantum semiconductors''
Nowadays, quantum effects play an important role in semiconductor devices. The ongoing progress of industrial semiconductor device technologies permits to fabricate devices which inherently employ quantum phenomena in their operation, e.g., resonant tunneling diodes, quantum well laser, etc. The widely used drift-diffusion equation introduced by van Roosbroeck in 1950 is not capable of properly taking these quantum effects into account. A finer level of modeling has to be used which is achieved by Schrödinger's or equivalently Wigner's equation. However, the numerical treatment of these models is very expensive compared to the drift-diffusion model. In many semiconductor devices, quantum effects take place in a localized region, e.g., around the double barrier in a resonant tunneling diode, whereas the rest of the device is well described by classical models like the drift-diffusion model. Thus, it makes sense to follow a hybrid strategy: Use a quantum model in regions where quantum effects are strong and couple this model by proper interface conditions to a classical model in the rest of the device domain.
In this project we focus on hybrid models, more precisely, coupled
Schrödinger drift-diffusion models, which describe the transport within
a nanoscaled semiconductor device in a stationary and one-dimensional
framework. The semiconductor domain
= (0, L) is divided into
a zone where quantum effects are dominant, called quantum zone
= (xl, xr), and a zone where they can be neglected, the
so-called classical zone
On we consider a stationary drift-diffusion model, i.e.
the current density J and particle density N are determined
by the following system of equations
where denotes the mobility of particles,
electrochemical potential, e > 0 is the elementary charge,
V the electrostatic potential, Vh the heterostructure potential
describing the band-edge offset, and F is the Boltzmann distribution
In the quantum zone the particle density n and
current density j are given by means of a statistic f and the solutions
of Schrödinger's equation, i.e. we regard the following system of
where m = m(x) denotes the effective mass and the reduced Planck
, k > 0, denote the right-going and
, k < 0, the left-going scattering states, respectively.
E(k) is the dispersion relation given by
The drift-diffusion (1) and Schrödinger model (2) are coupled by the following conditions:
The coupled system is completed by imposing charge neutrality as boundary conditions for (1)
In [2], we show that the coupled system--with dissipative boundary conditions for the Schrödinger equation--is well posed and admits a solution. Moreover, we show that similar results hold for the bipolar system, where electrons and holes have to be considered.
The validity of the model is illustrated in [1], where
the model is used to calculate current-voltage characteristics of
resonant tunneling diodes.
Resonant tunneling diodes are typical examples of devices whose
functionality depends on quantum effects and thus cannot be described
by the usual drift-diffusion model.
We show that the hybrid model presented above is capable to describe
the transport of electrons in a resonant tunneling diode and investigate
the influence of the position of the quantum zone
. If the quantum zone is chosen properly, good results are
obtained, see Figure 1.
Additionally, collisions in the quantum zone have been taken into account
by means of a Pauli master equation.
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[Contents] | [Index] |