[Contents] | [Index] |
Cooperation with: O. Schenk (Universität Basel, IFI, Switzerland), B. Greer (Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA)
Description: After passing the evaluation process at Intel Hillsboro, the incorporation of the solver into the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) was stated as project goal. The interplay of PARDISO [1, 2, 3] with the Intel compilers and other Math Kernel Library routines (especially BLAS3 routines) was further improved. Intel took care of the questions arising from the programming interface conditions of the MKL and the problems related to redistributing the libraries for different processors and operating systems.
A MKL user interface introducing an additional abstraction layer is provided and, for experienced users, the original one is maintained, too. Because PARDISO involves large sets of matrices with very different sizes, it will be used as one of the performance measurement tools at Intel. Future MKL development will particularly pay attention to the behavior in a parallel environment and will assure that especially the DGEMM implementation works as well as possible for small and large matrices.
Just now in January 2004 Intel announced the release of PARDISO within
(see http://www.intel.com/software/products/mkl/beta/features.htm).
The distribution via the vendor library will benefit internal simulation needs and provide users outside academia with a stable code basis.
[Contents] | [Index] |