[Contents] | [Index] |
Cooperation with: J. Divisek, H. Dohle (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IWV-3)
Supported by: IWV-3 Jülich
Description: During the third year of this project (see Annual Research Report 2001 ) we focused on:
The essential problem is the precision, some of the model parameters are known. On the other hand one has a very limited amount of experimental data. The experimental setups aim on the normal working conditions of a fuel cell. Parameter verification would be supported much better by an enlarged range of parameter variations that clearly addresses different limiting conditions and special nonlinear effects.
The computations show a significant influence of the fuel cell geometry on the cathodic reaction rates, especially due to temperature feedback effects. This points to carefully designed experiments which could be verified by two-dimensional computations, and a possible need for further model improvements regarding the heat conduction model (boundary conditions, temperature coefficients of the oxygen kinetics), and the concurrency for free catalytic sites at the cathode (oxygen/H+ versus the parasitic methanol oxidation).
Another topic of interest is to estimate
the influence of contact plate designs on the fuel cell performance.
Mechanical and production constraints limit the area exposed to oxygen and fuel
while the contact plate material has to collect the electrons on the other
hand. Due to the typical geometric situation (the height of the contact plate
(z direction) is approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than the other
dimensions ())
the following simplified (height-integrated) model was solved numerically:
[Contents] | [Index] |