[Contents] | [Index] |
Cooperation with: S. Athreya (Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi), D.A. Dawson (Carleton University Ottawa, Canada), A.M. Etheridge (University of Oxford, UK), A. Klenke (Universität Erlangen), P. Mörters (University of Bath, UK), C. Mueller (University of Rochester, USA), L. Mytnik (Technion, Haifa, Israel), E.A. Perkins (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada), A. Stevens (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig), J. Swart (Universität Erlangen), V.A. Vatutin (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia), A. Wakolbinger (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), J. Xiong (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA)
Supported by: DFG Priority Program ``Interagierende Stochastische Systeme von hoher Komplexität'' (Interacting stochastic systems of high complexity)
Mutually catalytic
branching processes describe the evolution of two materials,
which randomly move, split,
and possibly disappear in space. The system is
interactive in that the branching rate of each material is
proportional to the
local density of the other one. This interaction destroys
the usual basic
independence assumption in branching theory. In particular,
the connection to
reaction-diffusion equations is lost. The model
was created by Dawson, Perkins,
and Mytnik in [1], [2]
in the
one-dimensional Euclidean space and in the lattice
. After some time of controversial
discussions, the non-degenerate existence of a two-dimensional continuum
model of mutually catalytic branching processes was verified in the last
year, and is now comprehensively presented in the trilogy
Here, the second part complements the first one by extending it to infinite
measure states. In the third part, uniqueness in the martingale
problem is resolved. One of the remarkable properties of this model is that at
almost all times the states are absolutely continuous with disjoint densities.
At the same time, these densities are unbounded at the interface of both
types. This explains how interaction works in the model despite the
segregation of densities. The long-term behavior of this process is
well-understood: Only one of the types may survive in the long run.
In the case of the simpler
catalytic branching processes,
with only a one-sided influence of a catalyst on a
reactant, further aspects have been studied. In
[6] open problems from
[7] are answered. It is shown that for the
continuous super-Brownian reactant in with
stable point catalysts under a mass-time-space scaling, asymptotic
clusters appear that are macroscopically isolated as in the constant medium
case. They continuously change in a non-Markovian way and are distributed in
the domain of attraction of a stable law of index smaller than two. These
results contrast the constant medium case. For the proof of this functional
limit theorem, a Brownian snake approach in
this catalytic setting is established, which is
meanwhile slightly generalized in [8].
For the
super-Brownian reactant
in with
super-Brownian catalyst, a universal mass-time-space scaling limit is
derived ([9]): If both substances are started
in uniform states, the limit reactant exists and is uniform, for all scaling
indices. This is done in a setting of convergence of finite-dimensional
distributions, and for certain scaling indices also in terms of a functional
limit theorem.
Related models, where the branching rate of the material is affected by a
correlated random
environment, have also been studied. Ground work on
such models has been done in [10]. In [11], existence
and uniqueness have been established for a model with a similar branching
mechanism which, as in the mutually catalytic branching process case, allows
for the absolute continuity of states in higher dimensions,
in this case on
. This is of particular interest since the densities solve
stochastic partial differential equations
and thus extend the connections of such solutions to
super-Brownian motions.
[Contents] | [Index] |