The description of .off file format can be easily found elsewhere in the internet. Below is a simple discription of this file format.
numVertices numFaces numEdges
x y z
x y z
... numVertices like above
NVertices v1 v2 v3 ... vN
MVertices v1 v2 v3 ... vM
... numFaces like above
Note that vertices are numbered starting at 0 (not starting at 1), and that numEdges will always be zero.
A simple example for a cube:
8 6 0
-0.500000 -0.500000 0.500000
0.500000 -0.500000 0.500000
-0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
-0.500000 0.500000 -0.500000
0.500000 0.500000 -0.500000
-0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000
0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000
4 0 1 3 2
4 2 3 5 4
4 4 5 7 6
4 6 7 1 0
4 1 7 5 3
4 6 0 2 4
Here is an example of using TetGen to read (-p) a polyhedron described in .off file format (, compute its constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization and output (-O) the CDT in .off file format (
tetgen -pO socket.offThe picture of the socket.
A big repository of free 3D models in OFF file format are available at The Princeton Shape Benchmark. Please note, these models may not be piecewise linear complexes. You can check them with the -d switch of TetGen.