Prof. Dr. Marita Thomas
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Since August 2022 | Professor (W2) for Applied Analysis at Freie Universität Berlin. |
Since April 2017 | Head of the Weierstrass group Bulk-Interface Processes at the Weierstrass Institute. |
Winter term 19/20 | Substitute professorship for Analysis at the University of Kassel. |
Jan. 2010-March 2017 | Member of the research group Partial Differential Equations at the Weierstrass Institute. |
Since March 2016 | representative of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) at Weierstrass Institute. |
Jan. 13-Dec. 15 | Member of the GAMM Juniors; elected speaker of the GAMM Juniors in 2015. |
Sept. 11-Sept. 12 | Fellowship in the program Leibniz-Mentoring of the Leibniz Association. |
Jan. 07-Dec. 09 | PhD student in the RTG 1128 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke. |
Apr. 06-Dec. 06 | Research fellow at the
of Applied Analysis and Numerical
Simulation, University of Stuttgart. Project C5 Stress singularites in heterogeneous materials, SFB 404 Multifield Problems in Continuum Mechanics. Advisor: Prof. Dr. A.-M. Sändig. |
Oct. 01-Apr. 06 | Study of Mathematics (Diplom, application: chemistry) at the
University of Stuttgart. Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. A.-M. Sändig. |
Scientific interests
- Material modeling
- Damage and fracture mechanics
- Coupling of optoelectronics with thermomechanics,
- Variational methods, Gamma-convergence, functions of bounded variation
Current Projects
- Materials with discontinuities on many scales (07/22-06/26): project B09 in cooperation with M. Heida (WIAS) within CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
- Interface dynamics: Bridging stochastic and hydrodynamic descriptions (07/22-06/26): project C02 in cooperation with R. Netz (Physics, FU Berlin) and R. Patterson (WIAS) within CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
- Dynamics of rock dehydration on multiple scales (07/22-06/26): project C09 in cooperation with T. John (Petrology, FU Berlin) within CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
- Variational methods for viscoelastic flows and gelation (01/2021-12/2022): project AA2-9 in cooperation with D. Peschka, B. Wagner (both WIAS), M. Rosenau (GFZ Potsdam) within the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+.
- Nonlinear Fracture Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis, Approximation, and Applications (07/2020-06/2023): project in cooperation with C. Wieners (KIT) and K. Weinberg (U Siegen) within the DFG Priority Programme SPP 2256 "Variational Methods for Predicting Complex Phenomena in Engineering Structures and Materials."
Former Projects
- Modeling and analysis of suspension flows (01/2019-12/2020): project AA2-4 in cooperation with D. Peschka, B. Wagner (both WIAS), V. Mehrmann (TU Berlin), M. Rosenau (GFZ Potsdam) within the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+.
- Dynamics of rock dehydration on multiple scales (07/18-06/22): project C09 in cooperation with T. John (Petrology, FU Berlin) within CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
- Reliability of efficient approximation schemes for material discontinuities described by functions of bounded variation (07/2018-11/2021): project in cooperation with S. Bartels (U Freiburg) within the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1748 "Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics. Development of Non-standard Discretisation Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis."
- Modeling, analysis, and optimization of optoelectronic semiconductor devices driven by experimental data (06/2017-12/2018): MATHEON project OT8 funded by ECMath - Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin.
- Finite element approximation of functions of bounded variation and application to models of damage, fracture, and plasticity (10/2014-06/2018): project in cooperation with S. Bartels (U Freiburg) within the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1748 "Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics. Development of Non-standard Discretisation Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis."
- Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Strained Germanium-Microbridges (06/2014-05/2017): MATHEON project OT1 funded by ECMath - Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin, in cooperation with M. Hintermüller (HU Berlin), Th. Surowiec (HU Berlin) and A. Mielke.
Organization of Schools, Workshops & Minisymposia
- Analysis I and BMS-Seminar on Variational Methods and Gamma-Convergence, WiSe22/23, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Analysis 1: Mathematik für Physiker*innen I, SoSe22, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Course on Functional Analysis and course on Nonlinear Functional Analysis, WiSe19/20, University of Kassel.
- Coupling of rate-independent and rate-dependent systems , Summer School on Multi-Rate Processes, Slow-Fast Systems and Hysteresis, Politecnico di Torino.
- BMS-course Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations WiSe17/18, HU-Berlin.
- BMS-course Partial Differential Equations SoSe17, HU-Berlin.
- Seminar Evolutionary Gamma-Convergence in Continuum Mechanics, WiSe16/17, HU-Berlin.
- Winter school on Gamma-convergence and homogenization in continuum mechanics, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2016, VIASM Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics , Hanoi, Vietnam; course on Gamma-convergence methods for statics and evolution
- BMS-course Evolution Problems in Continuum Mechanics SoSe16, HU-Berlin.
- Vorlesung Höhere Analysis II -- Partielle Differentialgleichungen SoSe12, HU-Berlin.
- COMMAS Summer School, Oct. 8-12, 2012: Mathematical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Solids, University of Stuttgart.
Last modified: 2022-11-28 by Marita Thomas