Workshop on Smart SystemsBerlin, 10-12 October 2005
Organisers: Format of the Meeting: This is the First of a series of completely informal small
workshops throughout Europe with equal initial conditions for each speaker. The aim is to
provide a platform for high-level discussions on the current research on the topics of the European Network HPRN-CT-2002-00284: New Materials, Adaptive Systems and Their Nonlinearities. Modelling, Control and Numerical Simulation. Participants are encouraged to present *one* issue or idea rather than review a full research project. In this spirit, the communication of recent
and new results, even actually under research and not yet published, is very welcome. A few, but strict, rules apply to the meeting in order to distinguish it from previous workshops and minisymposia in the field.
Time Frame:
Presentations: There is a big blackboard in the lecture room and two overhead projectors. In case you would like to use a projector, make sure that you will bring an additional copy of your talk as ps- or pdf-file on CD or USB-stick. That will make life/technical support much more relaxed and easier during the meeting. Location: How to get here: Accommodation: Registration: Financial Support: |