graphic International Workshop on Phase Separation, Damage and Fracture

scope Phase separation processes, damage phenomena and crack propagation occur in many materials and devices. The knowledge and modeling of the mechanisms inducing these phenomena is of great importance for technological applications. Damage phenomena are caused by different physical processes and take place on different length scales. The description of these processes leads to highly nonlinear, non-smooth, coupled evolutionary systems. There are various challenges concerning the modeling, the analysis and the numerical simulation of such systems. The workshop focuses on the following topics:
Modeling and analysis of phase separation and damage processes
Modeling of micro structure evolution (e.g. micro-cracks or micro-voids) and coupling with further physical processes
Sharp interface and crack propagation models
Numerical challenges in this field
organizers Dorothee KneesChristiane Kraus
local organizing committee
Jens André GriepentrogHauke HankeChristian HeinemannIna HohnRüdiger Müller
contact Ina Hohn • Phone: +49 (0)30 20372 591 •
support DFG Research Center Matheon, Berlin Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin

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